God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 644: We are decent people

Fifty years of life!

If you can take photos of the fifty-year birthday in one go, then...

Although this kind of thing is impossible, but even if it is one more year, it is enough to make people's hearts excited!

Everyone was excited and trembling!


Jiang Fan suddenly stretched his voice!

"But what?"

Someone hurriedly asked!

"Haha...Everyone knows that this kind of thing, it's good to be filmed, but if someone doesn't make it and becomes jealous, then the person who is filming will probably be a lot of trouble!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's complexion suddenly changed!

That's right!

If some people take too much shots and make people jealous, I am afraid that they will have to be killed before they are exhausted!

"Then, what should I do?"

The crowd panicked!

"Easy! Secret shot!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Tomorrow night, Emile Manor, you send things in advance, let me identify!"

"The winning bidder, I will notify you all to come over!"

"If you miss it, I will not only return the original things, but also give me a pair of decoctions to cultivate vitality!"

Everyone's eyes lit up!

Even if it fails, this decoction is probably a good thing!

"But Mr. Shui, you just said that you don't need money. What kind of auction is this?"

Suddenly someone asked!

"Antique treasures, historical relics, exotic flowers and plants... As long as it is special, anything is fine!"

That's what Jiang Fan was waiting for!


"Using these things?"

"This, this value, how is it calculated?"

"Mr. Water! Are there any restrictions on how much you can take?"

Wang Yi hid in the crowd and asked deliberately!

"That's what I want to say!"

"No limit! The more the better!"

"The more you take, the greater your chance of winning the bid, and the more life you can get!"

"So, you have to hurry up!"

As soon as Jiang Fan said, a group of people were silent!


"Mr. Emil, my wife is about to give birth, I'll be one step ahead!"

"Emil, I'm anxious to go back and pay the electricity bill, goodbye!"

"My sister-in-law's birthday, let's go!"

"I... fuck! Come, go to the market to search and buy Mr. Water for me and tell me those things!"

"Check out all of Gaolu's auctions tonight, and if there are suitable ones, they will all be photographed, and they will be sent to Bali overnight!"

At first, a group of people found a reason for dignity. Later, they just started to roar as they walked!

one day!

Only one day!

Now, take out one more thing, it is equivalent to, a little more life!

In less than three minutes, the originally lively banquet ended up cleanly!

At this time, Curtis also came over!

"Master, those little bugs outside are getting more and more!"

From the moment he arrived in Gaul, Jiang Fan noticed that there were a lot of underground spies around him!

After going to save the old Emil today, they had already been thrown away, but after the fan meeting ended, these guys actually followed up again!

"Alright, time is almost there, it's time to act!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Soon, a car drove out of the Emile Manor!

Everyone can clearly see through the open window that Jiang Fan is sitting in the back seat!

A group of spies wandering around the Emile Manor were suddenly excited!

"Boss! The takeaway star is out!"

"Boss, the takeaway star is out of Emile Manor!"

"Boss, that kid is out! Looking at the direction, I am going to the first district!"

A group of spies contacted their boss one after another!

The group of bosses who got the news even brightened their eyes!

The Emir family is so powerful that they can't afford to provoke it!

However, as long as Jiang Fan leaves the Amir Manor, it will be the fat on the chopping board!

"Come here! The takeaway star has appeared, stop him!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Bring him directly to me!"

"First grab him to get the hard drive, and then slaughter this kid to get the bonus!"

"Hey hey! Sixty million! With this huge sum of money, Lao Tzu's power must be even greater!"

The entire underground forces and black merchants, as well as a few big companies with bad intentions, all started to take action!

Bali tonight is destined to be very lively!



The car galloped all the way, and soon arrived near the large museum in the first district!

But at this moment, several Chevrolet Volando suddenly caught up from behind and directly forced Jiang Fan and others to stop!

Afterwards, seven or eight strong men with guns got out of the car and looked at Jiang Fan and the others with a sneer!

"Takeaway Star! If you don't want to die, come with us!"

Jiang Fan and the others were not afraid, but with unspeakable surprises!

"I didn't expect it to open so soon! I would like to praise you for your speed!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Boo! Go!"


Lu Bu got out of the car immediately!

"So there are bodyguards!"

"But so what? We have guns!"

"Stupid big guy! Get out if you don't want to die!"

"Hand over the takeaway star, uncle, don't embarrass you!"

A few brawny men are extremely arrogant!

"is it?"

Lu Bu grinned grinningly!

In the car, Jiang Fan had already ordered Wang Yi!

"Is the camera ready? There must be evidence of the claim!"

"Ask which power these idiots belong to, and look at their financial resources in the archive!"

"We are decent people, and the claim must be within the scope of the other party's ability!"

"and also……"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, Lu Bu had already walked back!

"Foster father! Get it done!"

"So fast? Wang Yi, go!"


"Mr. Water, the other party is from Cesar!"

"Remember! There will be another wave later, Curtis, you go!"



With several explosions, Jiang Fan and others left the scene quickly!


In a small two-story building!

Countless strong men fell to the ground at random!

A man with a full eighth level, his face turned blue when Lu Bu pinched his neck, he was about to die!

Opposite them, a fat man was covered in cold sweat, his legs shaking like epilepsy!

Here, it is the lair of underground power Cesar!

"Mr. Water! Please, please let me go! I, I won't dare anymore!"

Cesar's scared heart is about to jump out!

The strongest master under his hand, without even a single move, was pinched by this sturdy man!

This takeaway star is simply not something he can provoke!

"Don't be afraid of Mr. Cesar, as long as the compensation is reasonable, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Compensation? You, how much do you want?"


Jiang Fan snapped his fingers!

Wang Yi leaned in immediately!

"César, the boss of Bell Street in District 1, two nightclubs under his umbrella, one bar..."

With Wang Yi's narrative, Cesar only felt that his pants had become transparent!

"I give it! I give it! I give it as much as I want!"

"Don't worry, it's not that exaggerated! Where is your treasure room?"


Coming out of the treasure room, Jiang Fan immediately frowned and looked at Wang Yi!

"Didn't I say that antique jewelry is almost enough? Why do you take so much?"

"This one……"

Wang Yi looked embarrassed!


Jiang Fan hates iron and shook his head!

"Director Wang! Take a long-term view!"

"Don't try to fish for nothing!"

"After all, no one can say whether we will come back again!"

"You have robbed him all now. He doesn't have the money to recruit troops? How to make it bigger?"

"Then let's grab it next time, cough! How can we make a claim!"

Also, there is a second time?

Cesar on one side held his heart, rolled his eyes, and drew directly!

"Mr. Water taught it!"

Wang Yi's face is convincing!

Mr. Shui is a person with a long-term vision who really does great things!

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