Accompanied by Jiang Fan's low drink, a white light sprinkled out of thin air!

The next moment, a burly man with a stalwart figure, a wind **** like jade, white helmet and white armor, holding a dreadful and murderous weapon in his hand, suddenly appeared!

That's exactly it, Lu Bu!

As soon as he appeared, Lu Bu knelt on one knee to Jiang Fan!

"Foster father!"

"Get up! Do you know the cause and effect?"

"Yes! Fengxian already knows it!"

After Lu Bu stood up, he replied respectfully!

At the moment when Jiang Fan was taken out of the world, the system had already filled Lu Bu's mind with all the information in the same way as it had treated Li Shishi!

"Very good! Reach out!"


Lu Bu hesitated, and immediately handed his right hand to Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan buckled Lü Bu's vein and lost a real qi directly!

"this is--"

Lu Bu's complexion changed in an instant!

Infuriated into the body, he only felt that the strength of his body had skyrocketed!

It's a pity that this feeling disappeared as the true energy disappeared!

"This is true qi. Next, carefully remember every word I have said!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he immediately began to recite the "Nine Suns True Scripture"!

"The anger sinks in the abyss, and the roots are condensed..."

"When you are lucky, you have to get the qi but also your own luck, regardless of where the external force comes from..."

"The emptiness and the reality must be distinguished clearly. One place has the illusion and the reality, and there is always the illusion and reality everywhere! The qi must be bulging, the spirit should be introverted, there are no defects, no bumps, no discontinuities..."

"Do not use your intentions! Move with people, stretch when you bend, wherever you are, wherever your heart needs to be used..."

Lu Bu was dumbfounded!

The whole body trembled, like a lightning strike!

for a long time!

Along with Jiang Fan's last mantra fall!

Lu Bu suddenly closed his eyes!

"Slowly understand this technique, and after you learn it, you will be able to—"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, his eyes widened!

Lu Bu suddenly burst into an extremely powerful wave of true energy!

At the same time, the system prompt also sounded directly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu comprehended the "Nine Suns True Scripture"! The current state, the first level!"

Damn it!

This Lu Bu is so amazing!

Just after listening to me recite the formula, I actually learned it!

However, Jiang Fan's shock was not over yet, and Lu Bu's innocence suddenly rose to a higher level!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully broke through! The current state, the second level of the Nine Suns Scriptures!"

Nani? !

However, this is not over yet!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully broke through! The current state, the third level of the Nine Suns Scriptures!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully broke through! The current state, the fourth floor of the Nine Suns Scriptures!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully broke through! The current state, the fifth floor of the Nine Suns Scriptures!"

Seeing Lu Bu's breakthrough, Jiang Fan's face turned blue!


Is this kid really a monster?

How could it be so tough?

This kind of comprehension is simply powerful against the sky!

Jiang Fan looked at Lu Bu's message again, and he was startled!

Extraordinary talent: Lu Busheng is extraordinary, talented and intelligent, especially with martial arts, his savvy is against the sky!


This is really against the sky!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully broke through! The current state, the seventh floor of the Nine Suns Scriptures!"

"Ding! Because Lu Bu's current level is seven, he can't continue to break through! Please upgrade him as soon as possible!"

Your uncle!

How many causal points did Lao Tzu burn in order to reach the seventh level of the Nine Suns Scriptures!

What are you special? After listening to it, it's actually there!

The point is that what makes you stop is not that you have insufficient comprehension, but the level limit!

What a special thing!

Is there any reason?

Jiang Fan was simply frustrated, and for the first time in his heart, he gave birth to jealousy!

He knows what it means to be an open life!

And Lu Bu finally opened his eyes!

Then, facing the alley, suddenly punched out!



Just a punch!

The entire alley, a section of 20 meters long, was blasted to pieces!

This power is even stronger than when Jiang Fan reached the seventh level!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Lu Bu was also stunned!

"Foster father!"

Lu Bu suddenly faced Jiang Fan and bowed his head down!

The whole person was even more excited, trembling all over!

"Foster father not only saved Fengxian's order, but now he is teaching Fengxian such a magical skill. Fengxian, Fengxian is ashamed!"

"Foster father's great grace, Fengxian has no teeth to remember! Fengxian swears here that in this life, only the righteous father will look forward to it!"

"If you break this oath, you must first, and the soul will be destroyed!"

Lu Bu was so grateful to Jiang Fan at this moment!

The foster father is so great!

Actually taught himself, such a magical skill!

I just listened to it, and I can achieve such an achievement. This technique must be a magical skill!

The foster father is not afraid of betraying himself?

This feeling of trust is simply unprecedented!

Ding Yuan, Wang Yun, Dong Zhuo, these people approach themselves, all have their own purpose!

Only a foster father, not only martial arts conquering the world, but also to himself, so trust and care!

I must never fail my foster father!

"Ding! Lu Bu's gratitude to you has exceeded the limit! Current loyalty-100%!"

Damn it!

made money!

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to get Lu Bu's loyalty!

However, Lu Bu has always been capricious and has to strike while the iron is hot!

"There is no need to make such a poisonous oath! The world you will experience in the future is full of dangers. If you have more ability to defend yourself, the foster father can rest assured!"

Jiang Fanyu has a long heart!

"Yes! Thank you, foster father!"

Lu Bu was moved, his voice choked!

The foster father is so good!

"Get up! Remember! As long as you follow me, you have unlimited possibilities! You can even live forever!"


Lu Bu was shocked again!

Foster father is really a **** and man!

"Okay, get out of here first!"

The movement of Lu Bu's punch just now was too big!

Moreover, he is too ostentatious!

But at this moment!

"Takeaway Star?"

A man's voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that at the entrance of the alley, a big white man with a stout figure was looking at himself coldly!


"Come with me!"

"No time!"

Jiang Fan said, leaving with Lu Bu!

"Are you free, but it's not your turn to say!"

The big man sneered and grabbed Jiang Fan's neck directly!



Jiang Fan slapped his backhand like a fly!

The big man let out a miserable cry, and suddenly flew upside down!

Hit the wall of the alley!


The wall is almost like an explosion, directly blowing up a cloud of smoke and dust!

And the big man, already convulsed, fell on top of a pile of broken bricks!

Lu Bu was shocked!

This person's strength was definitely a fierce general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

However, Jiang Fan gave him a second with a wave of his hand!

Worthy of being a foster father!


"Small scene, your current strength is different from before, you have to broaden your horizons!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

"Yes! Bong first remember!"

Lu Bu nodded repeatedly!

So handsome!

According to the adoptive father, it is really not, generally high!

As the number one warrior in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, I must study hard and practice hard!

Soon, the two have returned to the hotel!

However, as soon as he arrived in the corridor, Jiang Fan saw Yu Rui, embracing his arms, standing at his door!

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