The University of Los Angeles is extremely lively today!

Especially near Tingtao Tower, it is even more lively!

Even many interview cars have parked here in advance!

In Tingtao Building, the grand stage has been set up!

All kinds of broadcasting equipment are arranged in a row!

Nothing else, just because today is the "King of Chinese Singer" in Los Angeles, the night of the decisive battle!

Choose three from eight!

And these three players who are about to come to the fore are bound to create a musical whirlwind in the entire Chinese music scene in the future!

Even, they, or one of them, might really become a character like the king of singers!

Jiang Fan came all the way to Tingtao Tower, and immediately found Qiu Mingyue standing at the entrance of Tingtao Tower!

And beside her, there was also an elegant man in his thirties!

This man is handsome, with a short beard on his mouth, full of uncle charm!

At this moment, he was smiling, talking to Qiu Mingyue!

Qiu Mingyue responded politely!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Qiu Mingyue looked happy!

"Jiang Fan!"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly and walked up the stairs!

The man was a little surprised, and immediately frowned and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! Let me introduce to you, this is the producer of Huaxia King of Songs, Jin Zhu!"

It turned out to be him!

Last time I ate with Zhang Jinzhu and others, Zhang Jinzhu mentioned this name!

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan smiled politely and stretched out his hand!


Jin Zhu looked at Jiang Fan with a smile, but his eyes were full of contempt!

"Mingyue, I don't think you even know the takeaway!"

Jin Zhu ignored Jiang Fan at all, instead, looked at Qiu Mingyue with a smile!

Jiang Fan frowned and wanted to withdraw his hand!

But Qiu Mingyue's face suddenly sank!

The Jin Family in Shencheng is indeed very powerful!

However, even the wealthiest in the capital cannot insult Jiang Fan in front of her!

As soon as Qiu Mingyue grasped Jiang Fan's hand, she didn't even look at the golden bamboo!

"Let's go Jiang Fan, I will show you inside!"

As the two said, they went straight into the Tingtao Building!

Jin Zhu was stunned!

I don't understand at all, why did Qiu Mingyue, who laughed at Yan Yan just now, suddenly seemed to have changed her person!

Especially, Qiu Mingyue actually took the initiative to hold the hand of this takeaway!

A **** inferior person, unexpectedly, dare to touch the woman whom Jin Zhu is fond of!

That's right!

Jin Zhu was amazed at the first sight of Qiu Mingyue!

Compared with Qiu Mingyue, those celebrities are all vulgar fans!

More importantly, the Qiu family is now the first family in Los Angeles!

If he can get Qiu Mingyue, he will definitely have the strength to compete for the next generation Patriarch of the Jin Family!

"Huh! Rubbish!"

Jin Zhu smiled disdainfully, just a takeaway, not even an opponent!

Besides, what is Qiu Mingyue's identity? How is it possible to have something to do with a takeaway?

The two may just know each other!

It happened to be met, so Qiu Mingyue took him in, and had a long experience!

However, I must remind Qiu Mingyue in the future that this kind of inferior person is not clean!

It is better to have less contact!

Jin Zhu smiled proudly!

After tidying up his clothes, he strode into Tingtao Building!

However, as soon as he came in, he was immediately stunned!

I saw that Jiang Fan, counting Qiu Mingyue, actually surrounded five beauties!

Moreover, looking at the appearance of a few women, it turned out that they were all rushing towards Jiang Fan!

Jin Zhu was shocked!

What is this special, what is the situation?

In the blink of an eye, this takeaway was surrounded by so many beauties!



It must be this takeaway, who is here to deliver the food!

It must be so!

Haha, I am really, a false alarm!

But Jiang Fan's head is about to explode at this moment!

Just now, the two have just entered inside!

"Jiang Fan!"

A girl's voice suddenly sounded!

Surprisingly, Lu Meng with a look of excitement!

"Jiang Fan, I have a place here!"

As Lu Meng said, he was ready to pull Jiang Fan over!

However, when she saw Qiu Mingyue holding Jiang Fan's hand, her expression suddenly sank!

However, she hasn't waited for her to ask!

"Jiang Fan!"

Another woman's voice sounded!

Xue Ningyu!

Jiang Fan's forehead began to sweat!

And a group of melon-eating people who were waiting for the start of the show have gradually become excited!

"Fuck! It's the master!"

"Oh my God! Idol!"

"I didn't expect to see this picture again!"

"But who is the woman holding his hand?"

The people eating melons were all enthusiastic and looked at Jiang Fan!

However, this is not over yet!

"Jiang Fan! I thought you were not coming!"

Bai Xiaoyu, who was originally trying wheat on the stage, saw Jiang Fan appear, his eyes brightened!

Come up too!

"Jiang Fan! This is, what's going on!"

Qiu Mingyue's face was already sinking, almost dripping out of water!

Jiang Fan only feels dry mouth!

It's full of cold sweat!

It happened at this moment!

"Teacher! Why did you come here!"

Fang Ting didn't know where she came from, and hugged Jiang Fan's arm!



Jiang Fan swallowed and spit, and barely pulled out a smile!

"Ahem, hello everyone!"

"Fuck! You deserve to be a master!"

"Although it's a simple sentence, hello, everyone, but it's affectionate and full of fraternity!"

"It's not in vain that I pit my teammates. If you don't see this kind of picture, what fun is there in life!"

"Master is mighty! Your harem is growing again!"

The people who eat melons look admiring and envy!

I grow your grandma!

Jiang Fan is already dumbfounded at this moment!

But several women looked at each other, but their expressions were different!

"Isn't this the eldest lady of the Xue family? So you know Jiang Fan too?"

Qiu Mingyue took the initiative to speak!

"Hehe, Sister Mingyue, I can't talk about acquaintance, just some personal grievances!"

Xue Ningyue smiled slightly, and then looked at Lu Meng!

"It's this classmate Lu Meng who has been pestering Jiang Fan. I don't know, what do you mean?"

"You Xue Ningyu and Master Jiang Fan, I am afraid it is not a simple personal grievance, is it that simple?"

Lu Meng disdainfully smiled!

"Use your underwear to make a fuss, I think you are ill-intentioned!"


Qiu Mingyue's eyes twitch!

"Two classmates, please go out for a quarrel! Jiang Fan, I have reserved a place for you, come with me!"

Bai Xiaoyu stays quiet and is about to catch Jiang Fan!


"Teacher! These aunts are so weird to talk! Isn't it the one you taught us, so many ugly people make trouble?"

Fang Ting blocked Bai Xiaoyu's hand with an innocent look, and looked at Jiang Fan!

Damn it!

The women were all stunned!


I can't tell, this little girl is so young, she is so fierce!

However, Jiang Fan was not surprised at all!

Class three, what kind of stuff was that group in the past?

I am young, but the bad water is almost flowing to my bones!

And a group of melon-eating people, already excited, danced!

"War is escalating! Last time it was four women fighting for husband! This time five women!"

"Pretty! Unexpectedly, the smallest one is actually the most ruthless!"

"Fight back! Pretty sisters!"

"Don't persuade her! Teach her to be a man!"

"Little sister, good job! Keep going!"

The people who eat melons wave their flags and shout!

And Jiang Fan, almost collapsed!

Feeling the eyes of a few women, Jiang Fan sweats more and faster!

Who can save me!

Now, he would rather have a fight with the ring spirit on horseback than stay here!

But Jin Zhu, who had originally looked arrogant, was at a loss at this moment! shocked!


This kid, isn't he here to deliver the food?

How do you listen, it doesn't seem right!

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