Zhao Wenlei was completely shocked!

Almost silly!

When did Jiang Fan become such a tough guy?


Before him, he was obviously an ordinary person!


Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Fuck you Ma Dan!"

Jiang Fan directly kicked again!


There was another sound of broken ribs!

Zhao Wenlei wailed again!

"Young Master Jiang! Young Master Jiang! I was wrong! Please, please stop!"

Zhao Wenlei screamed desperately!


"Stop? Why didn't you want to stop just now?"


Jiang Fan is kicking again!

Zhao Wenlei didn't even have the strength to howl this time!

Painful tears and nasal mucus, directly muddled his face!

The image of a tough guy disappeared completely!

"Damn, looking like Dashi Johnson, it turned out to be a weak chicken for a long time!"

"This is how the king turns bronze!"

"Trash! I don't want to use it!"

"This little brother is too strong! Not to mention him, even if it is King Kong, it is estimated that it will have to be discounted!"

The crowd sighed!

If it wasn't for the pain, Zhao Wenlei couldn't even speak, he would have roared now!

It's not that he is too weak, but the opponent is too strong!

It's so strong that it bursts!

He never dreamed that Jiang Fan's strength would reach this level!

Own, but the eighth level!

In the entire Zhao family, there are also extremely fierce existences!

But Jiang Fan, with only a slap in the face, gave himself a second!

Level nine!

Jiang Fan's current strength is definitely ninth level!

"Jiang Shao! Jiang Shao! Please! Please see Wu Zhen's face, let me go!"

Zhao Wenlei groaned desperately!

"Wu Zhen?"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

Then, suddenly kicked out!


Zhao Wenlei was kicked by Jiang Fan and flew out more than ten meters!

Hit the outer wall of the cafe!

In an instant, the entire cafe flickered!

"Zhao Wenlei, remember! Your life is left by Wu Zhen's face in my eyes!"

"Don't have another time!"

Jiang Fan's tone is gloomy!

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Shao Jiang! Thank you Shao Jiang!"

Zhao Wenlei looked scared!

"Tu Kang, throw him into the car!"


Tu Kang agreed, regardless of Zhao Wenlei's life or death, he grabbed one of his legs and threw him directly into the car!

Zhao Wenlei's pained face was purple, but he dared not make any noise!

"Mr. Jiang, do you need me to send him back to Zhao's house?"

"No! Since the Zhao family is looking for me, then I will go there in person!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

However, when he heard Jiang Fan's words, Zhao Wenlei's eyes were full of panic for an instant!

That's it!

Zhao Wenting, but said plainly that he asked himself to come and invite Jiang Fan!

If I let Zhao Wenting know that he...

Zhao Wenlei's face was ashen ashes for a moment!

Zhao family!

At this moment, Zhao Wenting was looking gloomy, looking at Zhao Wuhong who was lying on the bed!

By his side, there are still a few middle-aged people standing!

These people are just the elders of the Zhao family!

One of the men with a thin body and a sad face is Zhao Wuhong's father, Zhao Wenfu!

"Big Brother! You have to give Wu Hong the call!"

"Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan is really, too cruel!"

Zhao Wenfu looked sad!

"The Jiang family destroyed the door, how many disciples our Zhao family died!"

"We didn't bother with Jiang Fan, it was already because of Wu Zhen's face!"

"But Jiang Fan is so vicious now! He beat Wuhong like this!"

"Big Brother! He is unkind, so you can't blame us for being unrighteous!"

Several elders of the Zhao family spoke one after another!

Zhao Wenting frowned!

At this moment, Zhao Wuhong's bones were shattered, his mouth was full of teeth, and he was completely pulled out!

Even if it is cured, it is still a waste!

However, if Jiang Fan were here at this moment, he would definitely be surprised!

Because of Zhao Wuhong's injury, he obviously didn't hit him!

"Uncle! That **** Jiang Fan, hurt me once, that's all!"

"Today, I actually sent someone to abolish me! It's really, too cruel!"

"Uncle, you want to avenge me!"

Zhao Wuhong's eyes are full of tears!

The eyes are full of resentment!

Jiang Fan!

You bastard!

How dare to be so cruel!

I must kill you!

"You mean, Jiang Fan hurt you before?"

Zhao Wenting was startled!

"That's right! Jiang Fan, that kid, I don't know where he learned Kung Fu, he is actually better than me!"

Zhao Wuhong can't care about anything now!

He is already a useless person, even if healed, unless there is a big opportunity, he will never be able to practice martial arts again!

Even if you know what martial arts Jiang Fan is practicing, it's useless!

Why don't you tell the Zhao family the news!

Someone must be jealous when Jiang Fan's martial arts has improved so quickly!

"Wuhong's strength has exceeded level four!"

"Jiang Fan can hurt him, maybe he has reached level five!"

"When something happened to the Jiang family, he was still an ordinary person. How could he have improved so quickly?"

"In just a few months, he can reach level five. Could it be that he has any adventure?"

A group of people were surprised!

The look in his eyes is full of other flavors!

"Big Brother! Jiang Fan, this kid is too much!"

"Yes! He must be captured!"

"Jiang Fan is just a poor boy! Actually, dare to do this to my Zhao family! Never forgive!"

"There is also the destruction of the Jiang family, and he will also be responsible for the deaths of the children of my Zhao family!"

A group of people suddenly clamored!

Jiang Fan's strength has increased so rapidly, obviously, what benefits have been gained!

If they can get a share of the pie, then at this rate, even level ten, it is just around the corner!

Everyone's eyes are red!

"Big Brother! I'll catch him now and avenge Wuhong!"

Zhao Wenfu is even more so, a fierce light flashes in his eyes!

Zhao Wenting's eyes twitched!

Before, when the Jiang family was still there, these people were all flattering!

All spare no effort to please Jiang's family!

Even those children were sent out in order to please the Jiang family after discussing them!

Especially when Zhao Wuzhen hadn't disappeared, these people, because of Zhao Wuzhen and Jiang Fan's relationship, almost took Zhao Wuzhen to the sky!

However, when something happened to the Jiang family, everyone was completely turned into a tortoise!

At that time, he originally wanted to mobilize manpower to help the Jiang family!

However, these brothers of his, unexpectedly joined forces to control him!

Afterwards, in order not to offend the Zhou family, he turned a deaf ear to Jiang Fan!

Some people even suggested that Jiang Fan should be slaughtered to please Zhou's family!

If it wasn't for Zhao Wenting to be really angry, I'm afraid Jiang Fan would be killed by some of them!

Today, these people, on the surface, want to avenge Zhao Wuhong, but in fact, they clearly want to know the secret to Jiang Fan's sudden increase in strength!

Zhao Wenting sighed!

"I have asked Wen Lei to invite Jiang Fan, and I will know what is going on, just ask!"

Zhao Wenting suddenly spoke!


"He, Jiang Fan, is also worthy to let us invite the Zhao family?"

"Big Brother! Now that's the matter, he should be **** directly!"

"Yes! If he kneels down and admits his mistakes honestly, he still has a way to survive, otherwise, there is only death!"

"Huh! It's all to blame for Wu Zhen's careless friendship! At that time, we should have destroyed the Jiang family together!"

Zhao Wenfu suddenly shouted!

But at this moment!


A loud noise!

The solid wood door of Zhao's family was hit by a bomb in an instant!


And countless sawdust, like bullets, was deeply nailed into the wall!

"Destroy the Jiang family? You are also worthy?"

A sneer, suddenly sounded!

Then, as the sawdust was flying, Jiang Fan had already strode into Zhao's house!

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