God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 491: Really worthy of being a mother

The opposite was completely shocked!

All stunned!

Too horizontal!

After all, who is the kidnapper?

"This kid!"

The coldness of holding the phone makes the corners of his eyes twitch!

This kidnapping was entirely arranged by Qiu Yuanshan and her!

The purpose is for Jiang Fan to hand over that thing from the Yang family!

The original plan was to lure Yue Jianhan away first, and then kidnap Qiu Mingyue!

After that, use Qiu Mingyue to threaten Jiang Fan and hand over things!

When things are in hand, use Qiu Mingyue's position to get away!

The front is exactly the same as planned!

However, when I arrived at Jiang Fan, it was not easy to use directly!

"Miss, what should I do?"

At this moment, in the warehouse, in addition to coldness, there are three men!

The aura of these three men is actually above level five!

"No way! This kid is too difficult to deal with! Tell the other group that the explosives are delayed for half an hour!"


"Go! Go to the University of Los Angeles!"


And at this moment, Qiu Mingyue Villa!

"Who the **** are you? Why did you kidnap me?"

Qiu Mingyue sat on the chair and looked at the four people on the opposite side coldly!

These four people are male and female, but even Qiu Mingyue can tell that these people are extremely powerful!

Moreover, one of the women is tying a bundle of explosives to her lap!

"Miss Qiu, we are just asking for money. As long as we cooperate well, no more than an hour at most, you will be safe!"

The leading man has a gentle face, but his strength is as high as level seven!

His name is Yu Feng, the mercenary leader of a certain idle organization in China, and the other three people are all his subordinates!

They had been hired many days ago, but the employer has not arranged them for a long time!

It was not until this morning that they received news that Qiu Mingyue was kidnapped!

"Fortune? How much?"

Qiu Mingyue didn't care about the explosives on her legs and didn't have the slightest fear!

"Miss Qiu misunderstood, what we want is not money! But, something in your man's hands!"

Yu Feng hesitated and finally said it!

The power of the Qiu family is not small, and they have no grievances or grudges. Since Qiu Mingyue is honest, he will answer all questions!

"My man? Jiang Fan!"

Qiu Mingyue was startled!

"Yes! As long as Jiang Fan is willing to hand over that thing, we will never embarrass you!"

Qiu Mingyue was silent!

Myself, what a burden!

Actually added trouble to Jiang Fan!


If you have the strength...no! This world does not exist if!

"There is nothing valuable in Jiang Fan's hands! Several people, no matter what you want, I believe that with my Qiu family's financial resources, I can do it!"

"Furthermore, I, Qiu Mingyue, always cherish talents. The strengths of several people are far beyond ordinary people at first glance. It is better to say, if I can do it, even if I make friends, how about?"

Qiu Mingyue smiled slightly!

All of them were slightly startled!

Before, Qiu Mingyue's calmness surpassed their imagination!

When being kidnapped, neither talked nor resisted!

Now I can even talk to them, which is really beyond their expectations!

"Miss Qiu, it is true that we are also hired. As for what Jiang Fan holds, we don't know!"

Yu Feng told him the truth, Jiang Fan had something in his hand and told him coldly!

As for the details, they are completely unclear!

"That's it!"

Qiu Mingyue nodded!

"A few of you, you must know that my Qiu family is in Los Angeles and I am very capable!"

Yu Feng looked at each other and finally nodded!

When Qiu Mingyue saw the reactions of several people, the corners of her mouth suddenly raised slightly!

"A few kidnapped me. Obviously, your employer is not easy!"

"So what?"

"I don't know how much money that employer gave you? Didn't give you any more, what are the instructions for the next step?"

"What do you want to say?"

Yu Feng frowned!

"Hehe, there is a word called "killing the mouth", I don't know how many people, have you heard of it?"

As soon as Qiu Mingyue's voice fell, the expressions of several people changed!

"Don't talk nonsense! Our business has rules! We will not betray our employers. If employers dare to harm us, the organization will naturally not let him go!"

A man suddenly said in a deep voice!

"is it?"

Qiu Mingyue sneered!

"A few of them are smart people, do you think, in Los Angeles, what will happen if you offend our Qiu family?"

"In other words, once I find out the identity of the employer, do you think he will survive?"

"And you guys showed up again, it's really my first clue to track down my employer!"

"So you might as well guess. He wanted to prevent me from finding out his true identity. Will he let you go?"

The complexions of a few people changed suddenly!

But Qiu Mingyue is not enough!

"What's more, even if the employer doesn't bother you, you think--"

Qiu Mingyue's complexion sank, and her momentum burst out! It's almost like a volcano that erupted suddenly!

"Dare to tie me Qiu Mingyue, will I still let you go!"

Everyone was shocked!

"You, you, if you dare to disadvantage us, we can kill you now!"


Qiu Mingyue smiled disdainfully!

"Come on then! Kill me now!"

"you you……"

"Several people, you have entered a dead end! If your employer doesn't kill you, I will kill you too! And if you dare to kill me, Jiang Fan will also kill you!"

Qiu Mingyue sneered, after saying this, he stood up!

Then, without fear of detonating explosives, he walked to the bar slowly and poured himself a glass of wine!

This calm and calm attitude of seeing life and death as nothing, completely shocked all of them!

Yu Feng, a few people, looked dull and trembling all over!

At this moment, they were completely brought into a misunderstanding of thinking by Qiu Mingyue, and could not jump out of it at all!

"Boss, she, she's right!"

"Yes! That employer, even the Qiu family dare to tie up, obviously has a lot of background!"

"This kind of person, if you kill us, just give the organization money and find any reason, I'm afraid, the organization will pass!"

"What to do with the boss? Even if the employer does not kill us, this woman will not let us go!"

Several people are all anxious!

Yu Feng's complexion changed drastically, and he was full of murder several times, looking at Qiu Mingyue!

However, they can only do it again and again, press it down!

But Qiu Mingyue turned a blind eye to the murderous intent of several people!

Instead, took a leisurely sip of wine!

"You, what do you want, how?"

Yu Feng trembled all over, and suddenly roared at Qiu Mingyue!

"Don't ask me what I want! You yourself took on a mortal mission! It doesn't matter to me!"


Yu Feng and the others are all in cold sweat!

"President Qiu! We, we just took a task, and you have no grudges!"

"So what? Since you dare to take this task, you should know that there is only one dead end!"

Qiu Mingyue smashed the wine glass suddenly!

Several people trembled and finally collapsed completely!

"Mr. Qiu! Mr. Qiu! Please also give us a way out!"

"Yes! I, we didn't mean it! This was a temporary task assigned by the employer, and we didn't expect it at all!"

"As long as you let us go, everything is easy to discuss!"

A few mercenaries almost knelt down to Qiu Mingyue!

"Fine! I said that I, Qiu Mingyue, always cherish talents! You can leave it alone. Starting today, let's do things under my hands!"

"Thank you, Mr. Qiu! Thank you, Mr. Qiu!"

"Autumn General Manager! We will never forget!"

A few mercenaries, thank you again and again in excitement!

Looking at this place from afar, Yue Jianhan was directly confused!

What a special thing!

Too Nima!

Lying down!

Really, really worthy of being a mother!

With his fist, the master pushes all the way, dictating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

And Madam, actually only relying on her mouth to kill the enemy!

These two people are horrible one by one!

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