On Wu Sicheng's sports car!

"Brother Fan, this is data!"

Jiang Fan took the inspection form and turned directly to the last page!

"The similarity, ninety-nine percent?!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

In other words, Qiu Mingyue's father is really the dead Qiuyuan Mountain!

Reminiscent of the coffin of Qiuyuan Mountain, a pendant of Qiu Mingyue's mother appeared, that is to say!

Mother Qiu knew that the real Qiuyuan Mountain was dead!

"Sicheng, don't tell anyone about this!"

"Brother Fan, don't worry! I will never say it! But who is your child born with?"

Wu Sicheng looked gossip!

Brother Fan is really tough!

Actually, even future generations are left behind!

"Fuck your sister!"

Jiang Fan didn't bother to explain, got off the car and let Qiu Mingyue come over to find herself!

Soon, Qiu Mingyue had driven a low-key Phaeton and came to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, did the result come out?"


Jiang Fan nodded!

"So, what's the result?"

Qiu Mingyue looked nervous!

"The man in the coffin is indeed your father!"


Qiu Mingyue trembled all over!

After a long silence, two lines of tears finally came out!

Everything is explained so far!

Why does Qiu Yuanshan hate himself so much since the death of the so-called "uncle"!

Why did Qiu Mu be so depressed, she chose to commit suicide in the end!

Why would Qiu Yuanshan spy on her, even looking for someone to assassinate her!


Qiu Mingyue is ice and snow smart, even if Jiang Fan hides it well, she guessed that the last killer was sent by Qiu Yuanshan!

And the reason for all this is precisely because the real Qiu Yuanshan, her real father, has long since died!


Qiu Mingyue bit her lip tightly!

As a result, there was a trace of blood on the lips!


Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

Involuntarily, hug Qiu Mingyue!

"Jiang Fan! Why, why is it me!"

Qiu Mingyue lay in Jiang Fan's arms and cried loudly!

Those tears fell on Jiang Fan's chest and also dripped on his heart!

"Mingyue! Now is not the time to be sad! Your father, obviously killed by someone!"

"You want to avenge him!"

Jiang Fan was cruel and said softly!

Qiu Mingyue's mood, he knows too well!

When the Jiang family destroyed the door, he was even more helpless than Qiu Mingyue at this moment!

However, the deceased are already there, and all the living have to do is to let them get rid of their injustice!

"I, I know, I just... feel sorry for my father!"

"You are not to blame for this!"

Jiang Fan patted Qiu Mingyue on the shoulder!

"Go, go back to my house first!"


Jiang Fan drove, and soon brought Qiu Mingyue to the house allocated by Blue Eagle!

After a while, Yue Jianhan, who was expressionless and had been following behind the two of them, also returned here!

"Seeing the cold, keep an eye on your surroundings, if there is any suspicious person, just take it down!"

"Yes! Master!"

Yue Jianhan closed his eyes and focused, and directly adjusted his senses to the limit!

Within a few hundred meters, unless there is a stronger presence than him, as long as he shows a slight amount of hostility to Jiang Fan, he will also be caught!

Jiang Fan brought Qiu Mingyue to the bedroom!

"Mingyue, when did Uncle Qiu die?"

Jiang Fan poured a glass of water for Qiu Mingyue, and then asked softly!

"You, do you remember the first time we met, the Lantern Festival?"


"Just at the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, half a year after I lost that time!"

"Did your father be abnormal during this period of time?"

"Not really!"

Qiu Mingyue frowned and thought about it for a while!

"If it's abnormal, he didn't show up for a month before he died!"

"What about Qiuyuanfeng?"

Jiang Fan's eyes moved!

Since Qiuyuan Mountain is dead, where is Qiuyuan Peak?

"Uncle, like my father, didn't show up in that month!"

"Right! Father's corpse was brought back by the fake Qiuyuan Mountain!"

Qiu Mingyue said suddenly with hatred!

"Then, after the fake Qiuyuan Mountain came back, no one found out. Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Fan asked!

Qiu Mingyue shook his head!

"No, it's weird. His behavior and habits are exactly the same as his father! It's just that his temper has changed!"

"At first, my mother only thought that he was because of his uncle's death, but later, she found out that it was not at all!"

"Thinking about it now, my mother seemed to have said at the time that the family's misfortune...it's been too long, I can't remember!"

Qiu Mingyue frowned and thought hard!

But Jiang Fan's complexion changed directly!

"Mingyue, when you were young, your uncle was really good to you? Or, when only others were around, he was good to you?"

"Uncle to me—"

Before Qiu Mingyue finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

"Jiang Fan, you, you mean, the current Qiuyuan Mountain, that is, Qiuyuan Peak?!"


Jiang Fan looked solemn!

"No, it's impossible! Uncle, how could uncle..."

Qiu Mingyue looked blank!

"Have you seen the very popular "Jingzhe" before?"

"The male protagonist was forced to pretend to be another person and was trained for half a year, almost hiding it from everyone!"

"As long as you have all your information and habits, this kind of thing is not impossible!"

"And the one who knows your father the most, apart from your mother, I'm afraid, only Qiu Yuanfeng is there!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"You, do you have evidence?"

Qiu Mingyue knew that Jiang Fan's guess might be the truth, but in her heart, she couldn't accept it!

"There is no evidence yet, but there are too many loopholes!"

"Especially the time you lost it when you were a kid, don't you find it strange?"

"Where did the group of children who are going to throw you into the lake come out?"

"Why is there a teenage boy among them?"

"Why did Qiu Yuanfeng appear just now when I stopped them?"

"There are so many guards in the Qiu family, why is Qiu Yuanfeng the first to find you!"

Jiang Fan throws out a series of questions!

Qiu Mingyue's face is getting more and more ugly!

"Mingyue, if you think about it, there is nothing wrong with the scene of you and Qiu Yuanfeng?"

Jiang Fan's eyes are piercing!

for a long time!

"I remember once when I was a kid, only my uncle and I were at home. Before, every time I played with him, he would be very happy to accompany me!"

"But that time, he ignored me at all, and instead yelled at me and even mocked me. He was an indestructible evildoer!"

"However, when the servant at home heard him shouting, he immediately smiled and said that he was playing a game with me..."

Qiu Mingyue whispered, but her voice became lower and lower! His face is even more pale!

Jiang Fan sighed!

It seems that the fake Qiuyuan Mountain is the Qiuyuan Peak, at least more than 80%!

Even in the month when the two disappeared, maybe they just changed their faces!

"Mingyue, don't say anything about this matter!"

"Why? He killed my dad, should I still—"


Jiang Fan looked straight!

"It's easy to kill him now, but what about after he is killed?"

"Qiu Yuanfeng is now the backbone of the entire Qiu family. Once he dies, you may not be shocked to live with the rest of the Qiu family!"

"The most urgent task now is to investigate his exact identity. Then, I will help you abolish him, take the emperor to make the princes, and beat the Qiu family into a piece of iron under your hand!"

"Until that time, he will do whatever you want!"

Qiu Mingyue was startled, and suddenly sighed!

"I'll listen to you!"

"Yeah! Take a good rest, I'll go out first!"

"and so on!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly stopped Jiang Fan!

"I, tonight, you accompany me to sleep, okay?"

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