God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 478: The white tiger comes to the door and accumulates evil spirits into gold

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 415 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Eve's gratitude-the master of archaeology!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being adored by O'Connor-the Weber revolver!"

Jiang Fan looked happy!

The Desert Eagle has no bullets and is now a waste gun!

This Weber revolver is just right for use!

Master of Archaeology: In Eve's world, reading and archeology are the meaning of life!

Remarks: By learning this skill, you will become the top archeology master and be proficient in various excavation knowledge!

It's no use for eggs, but there are too many skills to do it!

Jiang Fan easily learnt it!

The Weber revolver is a revolver with the traces of time!

Weber revolver: Appeared during World War I, Pisci-resistant X, great power! It's O'Connor's favorite!

Remarks: The ammunition capacity is six rounds, and one round is automatically replenished every hour!

nice one!

Jiang Fan happily put it away, ready to return!

But at this time, the system prompt sounded again!

"Ding! You received a sincere apology from Jonathan-the king of thieves!"


Jonathan actually gave a reward?

King of Thieves: The highest level of stealing is like a spring rain, moisturizing things silently!

Note: Learn this skill and you will become a top thief in one fell swoop!


Really loud!

Jiang Fan laughed, but, the next moment!

Damn it!

Where's my mahogany sword? !

Jiang Fan searched for a long time, thinking of Jonathan's "sincere apologies", he immediately understood!

It's just that Jiang Fan didn't feel the slightest sorrow. Instead, he looked at the "King of Thieves" with surprise!

What a powerful skill!

He could have allowed Jonathan, an ordinary person, to steal his mahogany sword unknowingly!


After learning the king of thieves, Jiang Fan was immediately satisfied and returned to the real world!

It's just that when he just returned to the shop, he saw three or four gangsters, smiling weirdly, staring at Qiu Mingyue!

One of them, sitting opposite Qiu Mingyue, smiled sullenly!

"Beauty! Why don't you talk? It's just a meal together!"

"Beauty, our strong brother, but this one is the best!"

"That's right! Brother Qiang invites you to dinner, that is worthy of you!"

"Hey! Little girl, if you don't give face to Brother Qiang, don't blame Brother Qiang——"

Brother Qiang didn't finish his words, Jiang Fan had already pinched the back of his neck with one hand, as if throwing trash, he threw him out!

"Fuck! Strong brother!"

"Your kid is looking for death, isn't it?"

"Brother Qiang dare to provoke me, see if I—"

Before a few people finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly took the gun to the table!

"Big Brother!"

"Big brother, spare your life!"

"Big Brother! We, I'm just kidding!"

A few gangsters are dumbfounded!

In an instant, they all knelt down with a plop!


Takeaway, do you still have a gun now?

This is so special, what kind of show operation!

A few bastards, all in cold sweat!


Jiang Fan didn't bother to play with these gangsters!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Thank you, big brother! Thank you, big brother!"

Several gangsters fled in embarrassment!

They have decided that they must take a detour when they see the delivery staff in the future!

Too dangerous!

And Qiu Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled!

As expected of his own man, he scared this group of people and fled without doing anything!

Sure enough, domineering!

Soon, the two finished their meal!

Without delay, Jiang Fan headed straight to the Qiujia Cemetery!

The Qiujia Cemetery is in Qianjin Mountain in the suburbs, and the tomb of Daddy Tu Kang is in one place!

However, the Qiu family has a separate area!

The two soon found Wan Wu's tomb!

"Wan Wu!"

The moment Jiang Fan saw the tombstone, his heart was sour!

Unexpectedly, he really died!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

"Mingyue, stay away a bit, I want to open the coffin for an autopsy!"


Qiu Mingyue was stunned!

"Jiang Fan, you, you are suspicious--"


Jiang Fan nodded, and suddenly lifted the tombstone with one hand!

Then, use your hands directly to dig through the soil!

Soon, a coffin painted red appeared in front of the two!

It's about nine months since Wan Wu died!

The temperature on the mountain is already low, and the corpse is preserved, so I must be considered intact. If I died of illness, I will know at a glance!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan opened the coffin!

However, the moment the coffin opened, both of them were stunned!


The coffin is actually empty!

"How is it empty?"

Qiu Mingyue looked surprised!

But Jiang Fan's complexion changed, and his eyes narrowed!

Sure enough, there is a problem!

It now appears that either Wan Wu was destroyed by others, or she must have changed her status!


More and more interesting!

Jiang Fan reset the tomb again, just about to leave!

But at this time, Qiu Mingyue tugged Jiang Fan's clothes!

"Jiang Fan, come and see with me, my uncle!"

Jiang Fan was startled, only then did he remember that Qiu Mingyue's uncle was also buried here!


The two walked for a while, and finally saw a lonely tomb in the northwest corner of the cemetery!

On the tombstone in front of the tomb is also engraved "The Tomb of Brother Qiuyuan Peak"!

However, when he saw the location of the tomb, Jiang Fan frowned!

The entire location of the Qiujia Cemetery can be said to be excellent!

However, only the northwest corner was the place where the white tiger came to the door!

Logically speaking, a stone turtle should be buried there, or a blue dragon should be carved to block the evil spirits.

Jiang Fan took two more steps and looked at the tombstone carefully, only to find that there were some strange symbols engraved on the tombstone!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

That is surprisingly, accumulating evil spirits into a golden talisman!

Being buried here will not only have no effect on future generations or the family, but will make the family more prosperous!

However, it will make the buried person live forever, without reincarnation!

Moreover, they have to endure the suffocation and turn into gold!

Too poisonous!

Unless it is an unsolvable feud, no one will do this!

Qiu Mingyue said that his father has always been very good to his uncle, how could he be so cheating on him!

"Uncle, Xiaoyue'er, come to see you!"

After Qiu Mingyue said this, tears slipped silently!

Shaking all over, she slowly knelt on the ground and gently touched the tombstone!

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I haven't come to see you for so long!"

"It's not that I don't want to, but I'm afraid!"

"Since I was young, only you have been the best to me, Xiao Yue'er is not filial, unexpectedly, I came to see you so late!"

"Uuuuu, uncle!"

Qiu Mingyue couldn't control it anymore and cried bitterly!

for a long time!

"Mingyue, sorrow!"

Jiang Fan patted Qiu Mingyue on the shoulder!

After that, he still said cruelly!

"There is a problem with your uncle's tomb!"

"You, what did you say?"

"Your uncle's tomb was given a talisman. If you don't move his grave, I'm afraid he will never be able to live beyond!"


Qiu Mingyue's eyes widened suddenly!

"Who is it? Who is so vicious!"

"Check this out slowly, but for now, let's move the grave quickly!"


Qiu Mingyue's unconditional trust in Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and soon dug out a black coffin with rivets as the leader!

Oh shit!

Really ruthless!

The White Tiger is here! Accumulate evil spirits into gold!

Now there is actually a black dragon coffin!

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