God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 455: So simple and casual

"Who saved it?"

Lee Jae Kyung's voice sank!

"Yes, it's a takeaway!"

"Wooden ah?!"

Lee Jae-kyung is stunned!


"Yes! And it seems, I'm still a takeaway from China!"

"What a joke! Why didn't you even kill that takeaway?"

"No, executive! Then, that kid is like a ghost, he rushed out at once and saved Du Minjun!"

"Trash! It seems that you have to think of another way! You come back first!"

"Wait! Executive, the takeaway, seems to be catching up!"

Suddenly, Li Shen looked at the rear mirror with shock!

I saw that the takeaway just glared at a bicycle, and he caught up with sparks and lightning all the way!

Because the speed was too fast, the snow on the roadside was blown high!

"You drove my custom car! Is it a sports car that the takeaway drove?"

Lee Jae Kyung's voice sank!

"No! Yes, it's a bicycle!"


Li Zaijing on the other end of the phone suddenly opened his mouth!

"What is that! That is, what is that?!"

"Yes, bike!"

"It's too fast! And behind, there seems to be a person with you!"

"It's Huaxia's takeaway!"

"Oh my God! It's terrible! Is this the legendary, Huaxia speed?!"

At this moment, the pedestrians on the road are already crazy!

They were all dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Fan!

Many more people took out their mobile phones to shoot!

Li Shen couldn't care about Li Zaijing anymore, and when he threw his phone, he slammed on the accelerator!


The car roared, speeding up again!

It's already one hundred and two!

At this moment, the ground is covered with snow and thin ice. This speed is already the limit!


"Ratio speed?"

Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile and directly shifted the bike to fourth gear!


For an instant, behind the bicycle, it seemed like a rocket jet was installed!

The speed has risen suddenly! Suddenly rushed out with a slip of afterimages!

Du Minjun in the back seat almost didn't get thrown away!

"too fast!"

"It's so fast!"

Du Minjun was shocked!

Just now, he thought this was the limit speed of a bicycle, but he didn't expect it to be okay, faster!

Seeing Jiang Fan catching up faster than before, Li Shen was stunned!

This world is so weird!

Forget about aliens!

Huaxia's bicycles are actually better than aliens!

Seeing, the distance between the bicycle and him is already, only a few meters left!

If this goes on, you will be caught up in a few seconds at most!

No way!

Li Shen gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes fierce!

He hit the square plate fiercely, and then suddenly pulled the handbrake!

The car suddenly drifted on the road, and the four tires burst into a harsh scream!

Actually, just in front of Jiang Fan, he suddenly stopped!

And because Jiang Fan was chasing too fast, the bicycle was about to hit the car!


No matter what means the deliveryman uses, such a high speed, surely, can't stop!

Just wait, he hit his car, hit him to death!

"Stop it!"

"Suck! This bike is too fast!"

"It's too late to slow down!"

"At this speed, hitting a car, it's dead!"

The crowd screamed!

Even Du Minjun showed a look of horror!


This driver is really despicable!

At this time, I am afraid that the benefactor has nothing to do!

But, seeing it, the bicycle is about to hit the car!

Not only did Jiang Fan not slow down, on the contrary, he kicked harder!


The crowd suddenly widened their eyes!

Is this kid looking for death?


A loud noise!

The bicycle and the car have smashed into each other fiercely!

The crowd seems to have seen the bicycle flying out, Jiang Fan and Du Minjun, the scene of flesh and blood flying!

But, the next moment!


The crowd's eyes widened in disbelief!

I saw that the moment the two cars collided, what flew up was actually the two-ton car!

Moreover, the car not only flew up, but also looked like a top, spinning more than a dozen times in the air, and then it "boomed" and hit the ground fiercely!

In an instant, the entire car was almost torn apart!

However, the bicycle, as if hitting cotton, was unscathed!

"Nima! Is this a bicycle or an armored vehicle?"

"Does this thing have a protective cover?"

"Horrible China! Their technology is already so advanced!"

"Even the delivery staff's equipment is so exaggerated, what qualifications do we have to clamor with them!"

"Hurry up and return the Dragon Boat Festival! Otherwise, the three hundred takeaways will kill us, Goryeo!"

The crowd looked terrified!

too frightening!

From now on, you must be very respectful to Huaxia's father!

Du Minjun looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

so amazing!

What kind of power is this?

It's so domineering!

Compared with the benefactor, his ability is like a weak girl!

"Um, help, help..."

A voice suddenly sounded!

I saw Li Shenzheng moaning in pain in the broken car!

At this moment, Li Shen was crushed on the ground by the car, his whole body was blood, and his bones were all broken. I don't know how many broken!

However, he can't care about the pain at all now, he just looks at Jiang Fan in fear!

Who is this takeaway?

How could it be so powerful!

Compared with him, Du Minjun, who is full of supernatural powers but still being played by Lee Jae-kyung, is simply a waste!


Jiang Fan stepped to scare the bike and came directly to Li Shen!

"No, don't kill me!"

Li Shen's crazy scream!

However, Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile!

Then, in front of the broken body, casually kicked with his foot!

"What does he want to do?"

"It looks like I want to torture this person!"

"Yes, let the body shake, and the person under the car must be in pain!"

"It's so cruel!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan in fear!

It's just that with Jiang Fan's kick!


There was a loud noise, and the whole car seemed to have been blasted by a cannonball!

Suddenly fly upside down!

It turned out several tens of meters, until it hit a sculpture in the park in the distance, and then stopped!

be quiet!

It's quiet!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

He kicked the car with his feet?

Just like that?

So casual!

so easy!

Ok... abnormal!

What's so special, but a car that weighs tons!

Huaxia people have such a strong foot, why, men's football never qualify?

Is it hiding power?

Even Du Minjun rubbed his eyes vigorously!

What Jiang Fan said before about the tenth dimension is obviously just joking!

However, there are such powerful humans on Earth?

This is simply incredible!

I knew that in the past few hundred years, I shouldn't stay in this shabby place, but should go to China for a long time!

Li Shen opened his mouth wide and looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

Before Jiang Fan could make the next move, he knelt directly!

"Big brother! I said, I said all!"

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