God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 443: You are going against the sky

This woman is Cao Zhixu's agent, Lang Zhenzhen!

According to the organizer's regulations, they are not allowed to show up easily before the start of the game!

However, Cao Zhixu was so impatient here that he went for a drive in private!

When he just came back, he happened to catch up with a large number of people and reporters!

For a while, he was actually stuck in the car!

Lang Zhenzhen and a group of assistants took him upstairs after doing a great job!

And when he just came up, Lang Zhenzhen immediately came to Qiu Mingyue aggressively!

Everyone frowned upon hearing Lang Zhen's truth!

Qiu Mingyue's complexion sank even more!

The whole body exudes a dangerous breath!

"Lang Zhenzhen! According to the regulations, Cao Zhixu should be in the lounge now! Who let you out!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly shouted!

Lang Zhen was really taken aback and couldn't help taking a step back!

"I, Axu, just go around..."

Lang Zhenzhen was stunned by Qiu Mingyue's momentum, but he was stubborn and never dared to be presumptuous anymore!

Even Cao Zhixu, with an arrogant face, turned blue for a while!

In terms of aura, the entire Los Angeles city can be right with Qiu Mingyue, except for Xia Fanxing, there is really no second one!

Lang Zhenzhen is completely, taking his own humiliation!

"Ahem, Mr. Qiu, Sister Zhenzhen also cares about me, so calm down!"

Cao Zhixu finally smiled reluctantly!

"care about you?"

Qiu Mingyue sneered directly!

"What does it have to do with me? This time the invitation fee will be deducted 10% from you!"


Cao Zhixu looked shocked!

"Mr. Qiu, you are in breach of contract!"

"Qiu Mingyue! We, Axu, are first-line artists! You are not afraid of fans—"

Lang Zhenzhen also said angrily!

"Then deduct 20%!"

Before the two of them could finish speaking, Qiu Mingyue had already stopped drinking!

In an instant, both of them closed their mouths obediently!

The group of assistants behind them turned pale!

Too overbearing!

Cao Zhixu is very rampant in the entertainment industry, relying on the large number of fans and the relationship with Daoer, he has never put others in his eyes!

A clothing factory once asked him to be the endorsement. Just because afterwards Cao Zhixu wanted to raise the price, but the other party did not agree, he mobilized fans and arranged the black material of the clothing market. As a result, a good one was directly caused by him !

This Qiu Mingyue is not afraid of Cao Zhixu's revenge?

But Chang Tian and Su Mo had a sneer on their faces!

Cao Zhixu relied on having two original songs, and he has always been aloof. Such people have long been unaccustomed to them!

It is really cool that Qiu Mingyue can teach him!

As for Jiang Fan, he only felt his scalp numb!

This girl is so sturdy!

If you really live together, you may not be able to survive!

"Sit down and eat!"

Qiu Mingyue snorted and took the seat first!

The others looked at each other, and suddenly they all sat down!

However, no one dared to sit next to Qiu Mingyue!

Moreover, the entire table is only left next to Qiu Mingyue!

Jiang Fan had to sit down beside Qiu Mingyue!

However, Lang Zhenzhen yelled directly before his buttocks were on the chair!

"Asshole! Who told you to sit down? Don't see who you are! Get out!"

Chang Tian and Su Mo were stunned!

Qiu Mingyue was also stunned!

Even Jiang Fan himself was stunned!

But Lei Yang and others who were on duty at the door were all tight!

For a moment, cold sweat spread on his forehead!

"Is this woman a fool?"

"I don't know if it's a silly fork, but for a while, it must be!"

"Even Brother Fan dare to provoke! Pure man!"

"There is no one more courageous than her in Los Angeles!"

"Ashamed, ashamed, ashamed!"

A group of security guards, one after another admired!

Who the **** can't you offend?

Even if you offend Mr. Qiu, you can't get a penny at most!

But I offended Brother Fan, you are against the sky!

"Hey! That takeaway, what about you! What are you doing in a daze? Get out of here!"

Lang Zhenzhen looked disgusted! Seeing Jiang Fan not moving, she suddenly became even more angry!

"Never see what you are!"

"It's your ancestor who can let you in to deliver food."

"I want to sit down now! What a shame!"

"The security guards, what are you doing to eat? Don't hurry up and get him out!"

Lang Zhenzhen's face is high!

Comfortable scolding!

Just now Qiu Mingyue deducted so much money, finally there was an idiot to let him vent!

Boy, to blame, blame yourself for not being capable!

Who makes you an inferior person!

Lang Zhenzhen felt refreshed!

However, except for a group of them, the faces of the others have all changed!

Especially Qiu Mingyue, her face is gloomy, almost dripping!

This bitch, unexpectedly, dare to insult Jiang Fan!

Qiu Mingyue's eyes were fierce, and she was about to speak!

At this moment!

"March 8! What you ate for lunch was human pornography, right?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled coldly!

"March 8? Do you dare to scold me!"

Lang Zhenzhen's face suddenly sank!

"It's not just Sister Zhenzhen, that person is pornographic, vomit~"

An assistant whispered!

"What's in the middle of a man?"

Lang Zhenzhen looked naive!

"Yes, yes, it's Yoneda!"

"Yoneda total?"

Lang Zhen was really startled, and immediately furious!

"Asshole! You dare to say that I eat shit!"

"Not only that, I am absolutely sure now!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"You! You! Security! Destroy him for me!"

Lang Zhenzhen trembled all over, looking directly at Lei Yang!


Lei Yang and others didn't move at all!

This silly girl!

I'm pretty good if I don't beat you!

Actually still have the courage, let us sail brother?

Had it not been for Jiang Fan's instructions, they would have threw Lang Zhenzhen downstairs!

"Are you deaf? Assistant Wang, come on, hold him down for me!"

"My mother today, if you don't pull his tongue, I will give him his surname!"

Lang Zhen really slapped the table!

"Don't worry, real sister! This kid, it's useless!"

Assistant Wang gave a grinning smile! Take the other people and rush towards Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Qiu..."

Everyday stands up instinctively!

"Chang Tian, ​​you'd better not be nosy!"

"It's just a takeaway, even if the real sister plays with him, what can he do? Who will let him, don't understand the rules!"

Cao Zhixu, who had been sneered all the time, suddenly spoke at this moment!

Just now, Qiu Mingyue made herself so ugly, now it is time to let her know her own means!

His Cao Zhixu is on Luocheng Road, and there are people!

Today he wants to kill the chicken and the monkey!

Let Qiu Mingyue, don't be too presumptuous!


Chang Tian just about to talk!

"Chang Tian, ​​sit down!"

At this time, Qiu Mingyue actually spoke!

Chang Tian and Su Mo were stunned!

What does Mr. Qiu mean?

Jiang Fan, isn't it her friend?

Even Cao Zhixu and Lang Zhenzhen were slightly startled!

But the next moment, they immediately understood!

I saw that Assistant Wang had just rushed to Jiang Fan, and he hadn't waited to raise his hand!

Jiang Fan had already kicked him directly and hit his stomach!


A sound that was almost like an explosion of a cannonball suddenly sounded!

Assistant Wang was kicked, and for an instant, his entire face was completely distorted!

And his whole body, with his hands on his toes, jumped directly into the air, with a horrible whistle, smashed the door behind him with a "bang," and flew out far away!


Behind the door, it seemed to be detonated by explosives, and the sound of broken tables and chairs continued to sound!

Until there was a "pop", it seemed as if a fly had been slapped on the wall!

This is the end!

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