Back to Los Angeles?

Ning Changan was stunned!

"The Jiang family's family is rich and luxurious beyond imagination, and their prince, since he was a child, is even more beautiful!"

"This kind of person is like a queen in an ant nest. They shouldn't have the ability to forage themselves!"

"If you change someone, I'm afraid that now, I will starve to death!"

"But he, actually willingly delivers food, aren't you curious?"

As soon as Xia Yuanming spoke out, Ning Changan was stunned!

"But, he, if he doesn't deliver food, he will have to starve to death!"

"Idiot! I mean, such a person has a high mentality since childhood!"

"Now he can actually put down his body to deliver food, obviously, his will is far beyond ordinary people!"

"This kind of guy who is willing to endure humiliation, throughout the ages, is a cruel character!"

"Do you really think there is no problem with him and Xia Fanxing's acquaintance?"

A faint haze flashed in Xia Yuanming's eyes!

Ning Changan was startled, and suddenly understood!

"You, what do you mean, Jiang Fan, don't have a plan?"


Xia Yuanming's face gradually became gloomy!

"I'm afraid, he arranged a certain situation and got acquainted with Xia Fanxing, and then gradually gained her trust!"

"This kid, it is clear that he wants to pass Xia Fanxing to the top!"

"Think about it, if Xia Fanxing inherited the group, how good would he be?"

"Moreover, their children are destined to be named Jiang!"

"By then, I am afraid that the entire Fanxing Group will change hands!"


Ning Changan was stunned!

The cold sweat came out again!

too frightening!

He seemed to have seen it faintly, Jiang Fan had a grimace on his face!

Too insidious!

It's too spicy!


Jiang Fan, the kid, actually thought, Dove occupy the magpie's nest!

Oh shit! I didn't expect it!

If I had known it earlier, I would not fight Xia Fanxing, but would please her!

"Fanxing Group, whether in my hands, Xia Fanxing's hands, or even the second child's trash, it's all right!"

"After all, no matter how we fight, we are in the blood of the Xia family!"

"However, I will never allow the appearance of outsiders!"

Xia Yuanming looked ruthless!

"Now, go back to Los Angeles and find out Jiang Fan's details for me!"

"Especially! The two of them, the process of getting to know each other!"

"I, Xia Yuanming, would rather not have this group, and definitely can't, cheap others!"


Ning Changan's heart shuddered!

And at this moment, Los Angeles!

Andrew, has come again, Jiang Fan is downstairs!

"Hey! Jiang Fan! I didn't expect it! I'm Andrew, I'm back again!"

Andrew is full of confidence this time!

Because he just got the new equipment from the organization today!

Opening the box in the hand, a brand-new catapult gun was immediately greeted!

Andrew smiled triumphantly, raised his gun directly, and shot it at the sixth floor!


A muffled sound!

The tip of the catapult gun, already carrying a rope, plunged into the wall fiercely!

Then, Andrew struck the gun to his waist, activated the switch, and the whole person suddenly went straight to the sixth floor as if riding in an elevator!


Jiang Fan, didn't you expect it?

No matter how many agencies there are in your building, it won't hold me back, high-tech!

Sure enough, this time, very smoothly, Andrew successfully came to Jiang Fan's window!

Andrew stretched out his hand and swiped lightly on the window. Suddenly, the window opened wide!


Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface! I'm coming!

Andrew smiled triumphantly, just like a civet cat, he rushed in directly to the window!


He didn't notice that inside the window, there was another layer, the screen window!


For a moment, Andrew only felt that he hit a big net head-on!

"Fuck! There is an ambush!"

Andrew was shocked!

I just want to go back!

But at this moment!


The sound of something breaking, suddenly sounded in his ears!

The next moment, Andrew directly opened a big hole in the top of the screen!

The whole person is head down and hung on the window!

Andrew looked dumbfounded!


Seeing it's autumn, so unexpectedly, there are still screen windows!


Damn China Black Technology!

Climbing in embarrassingly along the hole, Andrew finally successfully entered, Jiang Fan's bedroom!

For a moment, Andrew almost burst into tears!

too excited!

I finally broke through the barriers and arrived, the end of victory!

For today, how much humiliation did he suffer?

Keep falling from upstairs! He was vomited blood by the security window! Even, getting drenched in yellow urine!

Thinking of those sufferings, Andrew felt sad and wiped away tears!

But, it's all worth it!

The preface of the Lan Ting Collection, finally, it's time to get it!

However, you have to be cautious!

Never let your guard down before you get your baby. This is the most basic principle of theft!

it is good! Look around first!

Walls, furniture, beds!

Very good, no problem!

Andrew smiled relaxedly, relaxed and lifted his breath, ready to go inside!

But at this moment!


Since Jiang Fan had that kind of treasure, how could it be possible to be defenseless?

Andrew looked at the ground carefully and sneered suddenly!

I saw that on the ground not far in front, there was a circle of black mouse traps!

"Really a simple Chinese person!"

"Do you think that with this thing, you can stop me the King of Thieves, Andrew?"

"Huh! It's so stupid!"

Andrew smiled contemptuously, and then, gracefully like a deer straddling a mountain stream, strode forward!


Andrew stepped directly over a few mouse traps and successfully stepped on the opposite ground!

"Hehe! Elegance is the style of my king of thieves!"

Andrew smiled proudly!


There is a piece of soybeans on the ground, so immortal!

Andrew hadn't stood firm yet, he just threw his head up and fell down!


Andrew screamed!

next moment!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

The rattling of the mousetrap almost resounded!


"Elegant Butterfly!"

"Me, my face!"

"My bastard!"

"Oh my God!"

Andrew is almost crushed by a mousetrap!

Mouth full of foam! Lying on the ground, twitching!

Tears slipped silently along the corners of the eyes!

"Woo, sly Chinese!"

Andrew is at a loss and helpless!

He has never seen such an insidious trap in his entire life!

Compared with this, the guys who set the alarm bell in the treasure room are simply too kind!

"Jiang Fan! You, you are indiscriminately!"

"You maggot of the sewer!"

"you liar!"

When Andrew gets up again, the whole person will almost burn!

Go to Nima's King of Thieves!

What calm and cautious, thieves' rules! Go to Nima's Dandan!

Lao Tzu, let's go!

Andrew directly took out the flashlight and wanted, rummaging violently!

But at this moment!

Outside the door, there was a sound of light footsteps!

Andrew's pupils shrank suddenly!


Could it be that Jiang Fan is back?

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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