A group of reporters looked at each other, and one of them suddenly raised the microphone!

"who are you?"

"Huh! I don't even know who I am, but I dare to break into the Blue Eagle?"

"She, she seems to be Xia Fanxing!"

"So it's her!"

"Hey! It's easier!"

A group of reporters whispered with a sneer!

The reporter who asked the question first was even more happy!

"So you are Principal Xia! Ha ha, hello Principal Xia, I am a reporter from the Provincial Newspaper, Zhao Ming!"

"No matter who you are, it's class time, why are you making noise here?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, Principal Xia! But, all of your Lanying students can be the school leader. We just have a louder voice. It should be nothing, right?"

Zhao Ming laughed!

Xia Fanxing's expression suddenly sank!

As for Jiang Fan, a sneer evoked from the corner of his mouth!

That's it!

No wonder these people came together, it seems that Xia Yuanming made the move!

Although he and this person have never veiled their faces, they can faintly see each other through Xia Fanxing. They are definitely not good!

"It's not just that!"

Another reporter came up, and the microphone was pointed directly at Xia Fanxing!

"Principal Xia! According to the information we have received, the matter this time is not simple. It seems to be the instigation of a teacher in your school! Is it true?"

"Also! Principal Xia, I heard that this teacher is still at Lan Ying! Is it true?"

"Principal Xia, no matter what the reason is, do you think this kind of teacher is still qualified to teach?"

"It is said that the reason why this teacher was able to stay was your decision against all opinions! Can you tell me why you did this?"

"Also, I heard that he was specially recruited by you. Do you have anything to do with that teacher?"

With the beginning of Zhao Ming, all the reporters suddenly rushed up!

Looking eagerly at Xia Fanxing!

Xia Fanxing took a deep breath, and suddenly a smiling face appeared!

"Everyone, this is not the case! Actually, we are also investigating the actual reasons!"

"If there is news, our Blue Eagle school will notify you as soon as possible!"

"The school is currently in class, please don't disturb the students' studies! I hope everyone understands and cooperates!"

After Xia Fanxing finished speaking, she winked at the security guard!

But at this moment!

"Haha! President Xia, I'm afraid, the whole story is clear, right?"

Zhao Ming smiled darkly!

"What do you mean?"

Xia Fanxing frowned!

"Principal Xia, I have interviewed the victims of this incident before!"

"According to what they said, what happened this time was entirely about the teacher named Jiang Fan in your school who instigated student riots!"

"And this person named Jiang Fan did this just to vent his anger!"

As soon as Zhao Ming spoke, a group of reporters became excited!

But this is not over!

I saw Zhao Ming's sinister face!

"Principal Xia, and the person involved also said that this so-called Teacher Jiang Fan, before joining Lanying, was just a--a takeaway!"


"Takeaway, can you be a teacher?"

"What a joke! Isn't Blue Eagle the cradle of self-proclaimed genius? Actually let the delivery staff coach!"

"Haha! This news is really amazing!"

"No wonder this happened! It's not weird that this kind of low-level people do anything?"

"Lan Ying, hehe! It turned out to be at this level! It seems that the previous fame was blown out!"

A group of people sneered and all pointed their microphones at Xia Fanxing!

"Principal Xia, is what Zhao Ming said is true?"

"Can you explain? The takeaway, how did you become a teacher?"

"Also! Don't you really have anything to do with you?"

Seeing a group of reporters gather around again, Zhao Ming's expression became even more smug!

And Xia Fanxing's smile was completely frozen!

Ning Changan!

This bastard!

By doing this, he completely pushed the Blue Eagle to the point where it was impossible to recover!

In this way, the entire Blue Eagle will be destroyed!

Although she had been prepared for such a long time ago, Xia Fanxing still felt a trace of heartache!

Blue Eagle, after all, she built it all by herself!

It's just like, my own child!

That's it!

So be it!

As long as Jiang Fan is still there, nothing else matters!

Xia Fanxing suddenly showed a smile of relief, and was ready to take all the responsibilities!

At this moment!

"Reporter Zhao! Since you said you interviewed the victim, can you tell me who you interviewed?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Huh! Afraid of me talking nonsense? Yes, I will tell you!"

"I interviewed Ning Changan, your Lanying Vice President, and the school board member, Tang Zhiyuan!"

Zhao Ming smiled coldly!

This time, he was entrusted by Xia Yuanming, but he came prepared!

Not only did he convene a bunch of colleagues, but he also made enough preparations according to Xia Yuanming's words!

"Haha, Reporter Zhao really prepared well, but there is one more victim of your so-called victim!"

"I know, it's Ma Desheng, your Blue Eagle's dean! But just listening to them is enough!"

"Really? Reporter Zhao doesn't seem to be rigorous! Even if he interviews two people casually, he has come to a conclusion!"

"What do you mean? Are you talking about my nonsense?"

Zhao Ming's face sank!

"Yes! I mean you, nonsense!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank in the same way!


Zhao Ming's heart beats!

The reporter, who was also a little skeptical, looked at Zhao Ming!

They were all summoned by Zhao Ming!

Xia Yuanming was afraid that people would talk too much, so he just left the matter to Zhao Ming alone! Unexpectedly, this gave Jiang Fan a chance instead!

"Dear reporters, everyone knows that we, Blue Eagle, have always upheld the principle of openness and fairness, and all our achievements are clearly laid out there!"

"But the tree is so popular, some people look jealous and deliberately arrange right and wrong, there are also some!"

"Especially, when a reporter asks for benefits, he turns into anger. It's not surprising that this kind of person has done anything, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled reserved!

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhao Ming one after another!

"Old Zhao, what is going on?"

"Listen to this man, are you making up a story?"

"Also, can't you really come here to blackmail and call us to get revenge on others?"

A group of reporters all frowned and looked at Zhao Ming!

If the truth is so, then they would be ashamed!

"You guys! Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Zhao Mingqi's face flushed!

"Let's do it! It just so happens that the person next to me is Director Ma and Reporter Zhao. Why don't you interview him too. By then, the truth will be yours!"

Jiang Fan said, pointing directly at Ma Desheng!

Everyone immediately looked at Ma Desheng!

Zhao Ming panicked even more!

In this matter, he has already passed Ning Changan!

However, Ma Desheng has not been contacted!

After all, in their opinion, Ma Desheng is just a small character!

But at this moment, looking at Jiang Fan, he faintly had a very bad premonition!

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