God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 379: Los Angeles Dragon Head

At the thought of this, Yue Jianhan's whole person was not good!

Especially, listening to Master’s words, you actually want Master Li to eat? !

"Master, stop it! Don't make it!"

Yue Jianhan panicked, and rushed into the bedroom!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan had already passed the big pill directly to the sleepy-eyed Master Li!

Then, in Yue Jianhan's horrified eyes!


Master Li bit it on the big pill!


my eyes!

Yue Jianhan couldn't wait to pick out his eyeballs!

But, the next moment!

As Li Shishi took a bite, the big pill turned into a purple qi directly, and it followed Li Shishi's nose and mouth to jump in!

But Master Li, who was originally extremely weak, had a powerful breath all over his body!

Yue Jianhan's eyes widened suddenly!


Level three!

Master Li, who had no strength, reached Level 3 in an instant!

What exactly did the master give her to eat?

Look at that thing, it can be gasified, could it be, the elixir?

"Huh? Cousin, why do I seem to..."

"It's okay, go to sleep!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Take Yue Jianhan directly and return to the living room!

"Master, Master, you..."

Yue Jianhan's eyes on Jiang Fan at the moment were all worship!

so amazing!

Whatever you want, you can raise an ordinary person to level three!

This kind of ability, myself, have never heard of it!

Looking at the admiring Yue Jianhan, Jiang Fan was a little guilty!

Last time, if it were not for Yue Jianhan to hold the third presiding judge, he would definitely die forever!

And what he returned to Yue Jianhan was only a sword book he couldn't practice!

However, there is no way!

Although he has entered many worlds, but in the world of martial arts, he has only appeared twice!

And a master of swordsmanship, I have never encountered it before!

"Don't worry, the benefits of being a teacher in the future will definitely be more than you think!"

Jiang Fan patted Yue Jianhan on the shoulder!

"Master, rest assured, there is no imbalance in the disciples. There is no shortcut in the kendo!"

Yue Jianhan looked solemn!

There is no shortcut?

What is oneself?

Jiang Fan shook his head, went back to the room and fell asleep!

At the same time, in a villa full of retro style, a man in a Tang suit, more than sixty years old, with a kind eyebrow, is smiling, looking at more than a dozen kneeling before him Young man!

These people are the same people who were taught by Jiang Fan in the Yuegui Building!

But at this moment, the arrogant color on these people's faces has disappeared!

Instead, there is a face full of fear that cannot be concealed!

Just because the old man in front of them is the underground leader, Lu Zhenglong, who is famous throughout Los Angeles!

"So, just because you heard that there is a beautiful woman, you rushed through it?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lu Zhenglong suddenly chuckled!

"Young man! What a young man!"

Seeing Lu Zhenglong laugh, a group of young men breathed a sigh of relief!

However, Xu Chuan, the confidant next to Lu Zhenglong, changed his expression!

"and after?"

"Later, that **** actually took a direct shot and severely wounded San Shao!"

"Furthermore, he threw the Third Young Master directly from upstairs!"

"Especially, we obviously mentioned your name, but he, he, he doesn't care at all!"

"What's even more exaggerated is that he still said, and said..."

"What else?"

Lu Zhenglong smiled more and more happily!

"He also said, let alone you, even if it is China's underground leader, if you dare to provoke him, you can do it right!"



The extremely solid sandalwood bracelet in Lu Zhenglong's hand was crushed by him!

Everyone was shocked and closed their mouths tightly!

"Hehe, Los Angeles is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger now!"

Lu Zhenglong gently patted the sawdust on his hands!

Then, he waved his hand at random!

"Take care of it all!"


Xu Chuan nodded, then lifted his chin!

In the next moment, more than a dozen murderous men rushed in immediately, dragging these young people away!

"Wait, wait! What are you doing?"

"Master Lu! Master Lu is forgiving!"

"This matter has nothing to do with us!"

"Please, let us go!"

A group of young people are frightened!

"I know it has nothing to do with you! However, since Ahai has broken his bones, as his friends, how can you share the joys and sorrows together!"

Lu Zhenglong smiled very kindly!

"Everyone, interrupt your hands and feet! Throw it at the door of Yuegui Building!"


Soon, countless screams sounded outside the villa!

As for Lu Zhenglong, his smile was reduced at this moment, and he looked at Xu Chuan with a gloomy expression!

"What's that person's name?"

"Yes, Jiang Fan!"

Xu Chuan hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke slowly!

"Jiang Fan?"

Lu Zhenglong was slightly startled!

Then, frowned directly!

"Last time, he was the one who abolished Wu Yue's subordinates, right?"

"Yes! And it is said that he is now, and..."

Xu Chuan wanted to speak but stopped!


"Yes! It is said that Tu Kang has a very good relationship with him, and he even presided over the funeral of Tu Kang's father!"


Lu Zhenglong's eyes changed!

On the surface, although Tu Kang is his subordinate, but now, he is a little faint and can't control it!

Therefore, the last time Tu Kang's father went to funeral, he did not show up!

But at this time, something like this happened. Could it be that there is Tu Kang behind this incident today?

"Master Lu, what do you think about this?"

Xu Chuan asked tentatively!

"Don't say anything, ask Jiang Fan to come over tomorrow night. I want to meet him in person!"


The next day, Jiang Fan took advantage of Li Shishi still asleep, and directly received her from Baimei Tu!

With such a beautiful woman by her side, it is almost like a troublesome spirit!

In a short time, Jiang Fan didn't plan to release her!

After doing this, Jiang Fan went straight to the Los Angeles City Stadium!

Today is the day of the city teacher sports competition!

This last five points, he has to make up for the third class anyway!

This is as a man, promise!

Soon, Jiang Fan has come to the City Gymnasium!

At this moment, the place has long been crowded with people, not only teachers and students, but even some well-known characters in the city of Los Angeles are also here!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, Ma Desheng walked over at the Lanying Campus with a gloomy expression!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing here?"

"Of course it's here to compete!"

"Competition? Huh! You are no longer our Blue Eagle teacher, what qualifications do you have..."

"Shut up! A smell of urine! Do you have any documents from the Education Bureau?"


Ma De's vigorous forehead jumped with blue veins!

And Jiang Fan, already walking past him with a sneer on his face, walked directly towards the stadium!

There, the 100-meter track and field race has reached a feverish stage!

Once it is over, Jiang Fan is about to participate, when the 400-meter race begins!

But at this moment!

A man suddenly blocked Jiang Fan's path!

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