
"This bastard, is it true?"

"Impossible! Fanxing Group, how could it be possible to participate in such a small matter?"

"The **** Ning Changan must be lying!"

All three classes have a look of contempt!

However, his eyes are full of anxiety!

"Alright, I will let you all give up!"

With a thick ridicule at the corner of Ning Changan's mouth, he slowly took out a document from his arms!

"Let's see for yourself! Notice under the group headquarters!"

"In view of your misconduct, the group gave me full power to deal with this matter!"

"At the same time, because of this incident, the group is also very suspicious of Xia Fanxing's ability!"

Ning Changan smiled very proudly!

Just leaned to Jiang Fan's ear and sneered!

"Jiang Fan, thanks to you! This time, I can finally move Xia Fanxing's position!"

"And the next principal of Blue Eagle is me!"

"What if the students despise me? I won after all!"

What Ning Changan said in these few words is like gnashing his teeth! Full of the pleasure of revenge!

It's just beyond his expectation!

Jiang Fan was actually laughing!

Laughing, make him hairy!

"why are you laughing?"

"Ning Changan, thanks to your remarks, I understand that you are just a dog of the Fanxing Group, someone!"

"what did you say!"

"Don't be angry! No wonder you always wanted Xia Fanxing's position. It turns out that you were instructed by someone!"

"Huh! What do you know! Anyway, you have to get out!"

"Not necessarily!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"As far as I know, Lan Ying's teachers have files in the Education Bureau. If you want to expel me, you must have their signatures!"

"But this afternoon, because they are going to the township to investigate, they are only left on duty!"

"Fire me? Let's talk about it next week!"

Jiang Fan spoke with contempt and patted Ning Changan's face!


Ning Changan's eyes widened suddenly!

At the same time, he was trembling all over!

"Jiang! Fan!"

"We have to go to class, Ning Dong, everyone, go slowly and don't give it away!"

Jiang Fan pointed directly at the door!

"Fuck! So handsome!"

"As expected of Teacher Jiang! Domineering!"

"Damn! That's cool!"

"Hurry up, Ning Changan! Want to fight Teacher Jiang, you are still ten thousand years away!"

All three classes are excited to clap the table!

The screams are deafening!

"Jiang! Fan!"

Ning Changan never expected that he would have reached this point, but he hadn't forced Jiang Fan to death!

This beast! why? why! !


Ning Changan was directly angry and spouted blood again!

"Ning Dong! Ning Dong!"

"Ning Dong! You wake up soon!"

"Oh, Ning Dong is fainted again!"

A group of directors suddenly panicked and hurriedly pulled up Ning Changan and ran away!

Only at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! Don't you dream, you want to leave Blue Eagle?"

"Even in order to get out of here, I desperately tried to give extra points to Class 3!"

"Why, instead of leaving now!"

"Such a good opportunity, why don't you?"

Ma Desheng, who had been silent, almost roared!

Hearing Ma Desheng's question, Jiang Fan smiled at Ban San, and then looked at Ma Desheng with a serious face!

"Because, I still promised my students, but I didn't finish it!"


Ma Desheng looked shocked!

The rest of the directors also looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"I, Jiang Fan, since I am a teacher, I am absolute and believe in my words!"

"The promise is not finished, even if it is dead, I will also die in Blue Eagle!"

Jiang Fan looked indifferent and made a sound!

"Ms. Jiang..."

"Jiang Fan..."

The students in Class 3 were all silent at this moment!

This is the teacher!

This is persistence!

This is Xinyi!

The man is proud and promises money!

Ma Desheng and others, they only think that they are like a mouse in the spotlight, indescribably nasty!

Even, they dared not even make a sound, raised Ning Changan, hiding their faces and fleeing!

Jiang Fan didn't turn around and face Class Three until then!

"Okay, get ready..."

"stand up!"

Murongcui suddenly yelled!

All the students in Class 3 stood up neatly, and then!

"Hello teacher!"

A neat, deafening sound suddenly resounded, the entire Blue Eagle!


All the students, with serious faces, bowed to Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was stunned!

In my heart, a warm current that cannot be described in words slowly rises!

"A group of bear kids! Haha..."


"Jingle Bell!"

The school bell rings soon!

It was not until all the students had finished that Jiang Fan slowly walked out of Blue Eagle!

Standing at the school gate, Jiang Fan smiled and looked at Lan Ying's gate seriously!

In my mind, the picture of being turned in by Xia Fanxing appeared again!

The Blue Eagle at that time was like a prison to himself!

But now...

When I come back next time, I should say goodbye, right?

Jiang Fan's eyes dimmed slightly, but immediately regained its light!

There are still three days!

In these three days, let Teacher Jiang teach you a little better!


Jiang Fan kicked his feet and finally left Lan Ying!

the next day!

Wonderland, the scene of the Seven Kingdoms Tournament!

At this moment, there is already a crowd of people here!

At least thousands of people sat in front of the huge LED screen!

And the host Yu Haitao, with a look of excitement, was waving the microphone!

"Welcome everyone to participate, the first Los Angeles Seven Nations Tournament!"

"This event is hosted by the Wonderland, and the area of ​​the entire venue has reached a full 10,000 mu!"

"Our players, in the next day, will have a fierce duel on this vast battlefield!"

"According to the game system, this game is divided into seven countries. Any country, once the coach dies and the handsome flag is captured, it will be sentenced to be immediately out of the game!"

"On the big screen is the location of the Seven Kingdoms!"

Yu Haitao pointed at the big screen!

The position of the seven teams is immediately displayed above!

Starting from the Chicken Soup Team, the following are the Iron Fist, Stars, Falcons, Iron Maidens, Overbearing Teams, and Black Shields!

Seven teams have drawn a circle perfectly!

And the cutting edge of each team's land is all connected together!

In other words, the seven teams can attack any one at will!

However, what the audience pays attention to is not this, but--

"Then, what is that team called?"

"Chicken Soup Team? Which name is so hot-eyed?"

"Damn! Is there any opening? I bet they are the first to be eliminated!"

"Damn it! Shouldn't this team be used for it?"

Listening to the discussion around, the third class, and the students who Lan Ying came to see cheering on, all blushed, wishing to be killed!

Really cheap!

What fuel do I have to come over? It's so embarrassing!

I must not say that I am here to support the chicken soup team!

Also, you must hide the pennant banners you prepared before!

Class 3 can't afford to lose this person, and Lan Ying can't afford to lose this person either!

Even the three classes who were about to enter the venue were all dumbfounded!

Compared to the peripheral audience, they are the most embarrassing!

At this moment, headed by Hong Lei, all the students are wearing an imposing black suit!

However, on the back of this jersey, the whole **** embroidered the four characters "Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup"!

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