God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 314: Your good days are over

"This, this place is too biased! Can you bury people?"

Tu Kang's face was stunned!

It seems that what I think is right!

Although Jiang Fan is very skilled, he doesn't know Feng Shui at all!

Fortunately, I found Master Zhang before!

Thinking of this, Tu Kang immediately secretly took a look at the Taoist priest not far away!

That Taoist priest is exactly the Feng Shui master of Los Angeles, Zhang Zhaolong!

Just now, Tu Kang had asked him to choose a cemetery!

Therefore, it was only two hours late to pick up Jiang Fan!

"No! Look carefully!"

Hearing Tu Kang's question, Jiang Fan just smiled! Then, pointed at the ground!

"You have no official luck in your fate, so the most important thing about the Yin House is to have a stable terrain! The so-called "dragon spine is not as good as an elephant back, and a phoenix neck is not as good as a pheasant tail"! The terrain is stable, and the descendants are stable!

"Secondly, it is the wind! The breeze gathers luck, and the gale is evil! There are pines and cypresses on three sides, and the wind flows and can be sheltered from the wind. It is a natural place to block evil!

"Finally, it's water! Wind is luck, and water is wealth! Although there is no water here, the direction is east, and the five elements belong to water. There must be flowing water at the foot of the mountain at this location!"

"Although this place is not even a middle-level acupuncture point, as long as you bury your father here, you will surely be safe and wealthy!"

Jiang Fan's words are loud and loud!

Tu Kang's face was shocked!

"This, what this said is reasonable and well-organized, does it mean that Mr. Jiang, really understands Feng Shui?"

"You must understand! I don't understand, how can I say such a thing?"

"However, he said there is water under the mountain, which is too mysterious, right?"

"Master Feng Shui, I already have this kind of ability! There is an expert in my home village, and I just look at it and know where there is underground water!"

"Speaking of which, this is really a good place! Then Master Zhang, who Tuye was looking for before, is it too much to look for?"

Several of Tu Kang's subordinates couldn't help but talk in a low voice!

Tu Kang also faintly regretted it!

That Master Zhang, he asked for money, and he chose a place when he finished the money. How could Jiang Fan say so in detail!

In comparison, that old guy is more like a layman!

Tu Kang rolled his eyes and suddenly pointed at a cemetery not far away!

"Mr. Jiang, look there, how is it?"

That position was chosen by Zhang Zhaolong for him!

Taking a casual glance, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his head!


"Asshole! It's just nonsense!"

At this moment, a voice full of anger suddenly sounded!

I saw that Zhang Zhaolong, dressed as a Taoist priest, didn't know when he came over, looking at Jiang Fan with a look of contempt!

"Where did the Huangkou Xiaoer come from? Relying on reading two books by myself, I dare to talk nonsense!"

Jiang Fan didn't bother to take care of such a small role, and looked directly at Tu Kang!

"The place is selected for you, bury it if you want, goodbye!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan turned around and left!

"Bastard! If you haven't said it clearly, you still dare to leave?"

Zhang Zhaolong quit!

To catch up with stride, raise his hand, and grab Jiang Fan's shoulder!


Jiang Fan, the backhand is just a slap in the face!


With a scream, Zhang Zhaolong was directly taken away by Jiang Fan!

"It hurts! It hurts!"

Zhang Zhaolong's mouth was bleeding and he was very embarrassed!

As for Jiang Fan, he was gone long ago!

"Master Zhang!"

Tu Kang was shocked and hurried to help!

"No need to!"

Zhang Zhaolong pushed Tu Kang away with a gloomy expression!

"Master Tu! What do you mean by looking for this person? Could it be that I can't believe it?"



After all, Tu Kang is a ruthless character in Los Angeles, Zhang Zhaolong, dare not go too far!

Just snorted, turned around and left!

"Master Tu, what, what should I do?"

A subordinate came up and asked cautiously!

"Listen, Mr. Jiang's!"

Tu Kang hesitated, and finally pointed at the place Jiang Fan chose!

Zhang Zhaolong, who had not gone far, immediately trembled all over his body when he heard the words!

"Damn bastard!"

"And Tu Kang, you dare to play with me!"

"very good!"

Zhang Zhaolong looked ruthless, and there was already a **** coin in his hand!

"The house is peaceful? Offended me! I want you to be restless!"


Jiang Fan went down the mountain and immediately took out the bicycle, but within half an hour, he had already returned to the city!

However, as soon as he arrived at the door of Lanying, Jiang Fan saw that four men in black clothes were looking cold, waiting here!

Seeing Jiang Fan and a few people, they only frowned, but they stopped paying attention!

Huh? Actually not, come to find yourself?

Jiang Fan was slightly surprised!


At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz GLE was suddenly at the school gate and stopped!

"Jiang Fan!"

When the car door opened, a person who was wrapped all over, like a mummy, suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

It turned out to be Yang Qi!

"Are you Jiang Fan?"

The four men suddenly looked at Jiang Fan together!

Jiang Fan was startled!

Yang Qi was also stunned, and looked at a few men!

"who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know! If you don't want to die, don't be nosy!"

One of the men smiled contemptuously at Yang Qi!

Yang Qi was shocked!

Damn it?

Actually, even mader than him!

Simply looking for death!

"Damn! In Los Angeles, I dared to talk to Yang Qi like that! Call me people! Abolish them!"

Yang Qi shouted directly at the driver!

"Yang Qi? Are you the young master of the Yang family?"

"Yes! It's me! But since you have offended me, it's too late to regret it!"

Yang Qi looked proud!


"It turns out it's this rubbish!"

"Don't worry about this kind of waste! Catch Jiang Fan first!"

"That's right! A small character like the Yang family is not worth our time, it's a waste of time!"

The four men ignored Yang Qi at all, and directly encircled Jiang Fan!

"You, you group, bastards!"

Yang Qi is so angry, it's almost full of smoke!

"Jiang Fan, we are from the Ma family! Be acquainted, honestly, follow us!"

Several men looked proud!

"Damn! The Ma family is a fart! Jiang Fan! Don't want to die, follow me!"

Yang Qi also looked ruthless!

"Asshole! Do you want to die?"

"Hmph! Dare to be presumptuous with me, it is you who want to die!"

Jiang Fan scratched his head, looked at Yang Qi, and looked at the four men!


What day is today? Why did these stinky fish and shrimps appear at this time?

"I'm not going anywhere, when I'm in a good mood, get out!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Yang Qi shrank his neck in shock!

But a few men were directly angry!

In Qingjiang, no one has ever dared to talk to them like this!

"what did you say?"

"Actually, dare to talk to us like this!"

"Simply, looking for death!"

One of them suddenly raised his leg and kicked Jiang Fan's door straight!


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, his backhand was just a slap in the face!


A crisp sound!

The man was pumped tens of meters away by Jiang Fan!

After landing, he rolled a few laps, and then there was no sound anymore!

The audience is quiet!

The remaining three men looked at Jiang Fan with dumbfounded expressions, cold sweat for a moment, soaked in their clothes!


Isn't it that Jiang Fan is just an ordinary person?

This power is simply, ridiculously strong!

"I don't know what it means to be so daring to have a few goods that don't even reach the third level!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, ignored the three idiots at all, and looked directly at Yang Qi!

"Young Master, what new tricks do you have?"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, Yang Qi is him, the seasoning agent for boring life!

It's okay to find out and have a violent beating, it is simply a good medicine for relieving worries and boredom!

Yang Qi swallowed and spit, the previous arrogant expression disappeared!

"You, me, I am looking for you, just to tell you, your good day is over!"

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