God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 260: Gentlemen do not take advantage of others

Albert's admiration for Jiang Fan now is beyond words!

It's amazing!


No wonder the master despised his manor!

Didn't you see his old man and treat the most precious "Lanting Collection Preface" as papyrus?

The situation between myself and the master is really bad, too far!

Oneself, never let the master drop the chain!

Albert suddenly, his momentum skyrocketed!

In the eyes, Jingmang flashed!

"Hodgson! This is my raise, do you have the courage to call?"


Hodgson was dumbfounded!

"Lanting Collection Preface" has no price at all!

This thing is like someone is buying the Forbidden City. It's no wonder if someone is not hacked to death!

This is a real Chinese national treasure! Do not! It is a treasure of the world!

It's so embarrassing to get the entire Emil family in for this baby!

Now, everyone's eyes have been, all transferred to Hodgson!

"Hodgson, promise!"

"This is the preface of the Lanting Pavilion! It's worth taking the family in!"

"Give it a try, a bike becomes a motorcycle!"

"If it's a man, just bet! It's all done!"

A group of people have green eyes!

If you can win this baby, then it is simply, Guangzong Yaozu!

"Hodgson, why are you mother-in-law? Hurry up and promise him!"

Emily frowned even more!

I promise your father!

What should I promise?

Hodgson almost broke down!

"Haha! It seems that Mr. Hodgson has no suitable bargaining chips!"

Albert looked sneered!

"Well, I don't make it difficult for you. I heard that you still have a lot of antiques and jewels in your hand? Add some of your properties, and use them to raise your money!"

After Albert finished speaking, he immediately looked at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan nodded calmly!

However, the crowd is boiling again!


"Well, this gap is too big, right?"

"It's so peculiar to exchange gold for shit!"

"Hodgson has taken a big advantage!"

Everyone looked at Hodgson excitedly, but Hodgson looked pale!

Dare to use "Lanting Preface" as a bet, and let yourself take such a big advantage, fools know, Albert, absolutely sure of winning!

damn it!

Could it be that this Chinese person is really such a god?

"Okay! Add it!"

Hodgson looked at Albert with a cruel expression!

Soon, the two had already put on special armor!

On the armor, there is a special sensor device, as long as the arrow hits, it will scream!

Although it was a duel, this group of people was not stupid enough yet, they were really risking their lives!

Seeing that the duel was just around the corner, Albert was still worried after all!

"Master! Is it really okay?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"The heart is the best! Hodgson's heart is already messed up! Even if I don't help you, you will be the same, you are sure to win!"

"Heart is the best?"

Albert looked shocked!

So esoteric, but it makes sense!

Master, he is still a philosopher!

Albert and Hodgson were fifty meters apart, and they both picked up their bows and arrows at the same time!


Hodgson shoots first!

It's a pity that Albert didn't even move his footsteps at all! Full of disdain, watching the arrow stick under his feet!

Hodgson suddenly trembled!

bad! Zhantou, why did it suddenly become like this?

His hands trembled and couldn't help but shoot another arrow!

But this time, the crooked one is even worse!

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers was full of boos!

And until then, Albert finally opened his bow!


The arrow was actually impartial and went straight to Hodgson's chest!

Hodgson was shocked, and a vicious dog hurriedly lay down on the ground, and then he was dangerously dodged!

But at this time, Albert had already drew an arrow again!

If this arrow is shot, the winner must be divided!


Arrow went straight to Hodgson's front door armor!

But the weird thing is! The arrow suddenly trembled in the middle! It hit the lawn not far from Hodgson!

Albert was stunned, how could this be?

But Hodgson was overjoyed!

That one, finally made it!

Only Jiang Fan looked at a tall and thin middle-aged man not far away with cold eyes!

Just now, it was this man who did it!

Feeling the look in Jiang Fan's eyes, this man suddenly smiled contemptuously at Jiang Fan!

And Hodgson has climbed up again at this time!

Bend the bow and shoot the arrow at Albert!

Seeing that the arrow would definitely pass through Albert's face, but the arrow trembled in the middle, unexpectedly, rushed to Albert's front door armor!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth curled up, and a small stone popped out to hit a crooked arrow, and then he let out a sharp shout!

"Alber, kill him!"

Albert abruptly bent his bow and shot his arrow at Hodgson!

And the tall and thin middle-aged man, suddenly shocked, wanted to make another shot!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan's right hand is another shot!


A small stone, like a bullet, suddenly shot at the middle-aged man!


A layer of water-like shield suddenly appeared on the middle-aged man!

A small stone hit it, and it turned into a piece of powder!

However, because of this delay, Albert's arrow hit Hodgson's chest!


There was a sharp siren on Hodgson's armor!

He lost!

For a moment, Hodgson's face was ashamed!

However, the next moment, he suddenly looked at the middle-aged man angrily!

This bastard, since he didn't let himself win, what did he have to do just now?

It's just that the middle-aged person is not in the mood to care about Hodgson! Instead, he looked at Jiang Fan with a look of uncertainty!

What is the origin of this Chinese person?

The stone just now almost broke its shield!

At this moment, countless whistles and applause have sounded in the duel field!

Everyone is celebrating for Albert!

Albert ran to Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Master! Thank you! I really won!"

"Well, good job!"

Jiang Fan directly patted Albert on the shoulder, but Albert actually knelt down!

Then, he took out a quaint land deed and offered it with both hands!

"Master! There is a saying from Huaxia, your kindness, even if I lose my teeth, I will never forget it!"

"This is the title deed of Fernand Manor. It is my most precious thing now! I will give it to you!"

"For nothing else, just to express your status in my mind!"

Albert, looking at Jiang Fan with excitement, said loudly!

"Albe is so generous?"

"That Huaxia guy has taken a big advantage!"

"Fart! Didn't you see that the "Lanting Collection Preface" was just picked up by others? Fernand Manor is a fart by comparison!"

"Yeah! So handsome and rich in gold, he must be the ancient nobleman of China!"

"Albe has developed! Actually, he can get involved with such a big man!"

The crowd looked at Albert enviously!

This kid is really out of luck!

Jiang Fan took the title deed and took a closer look!

It turned out that this manor, unexpectedly, has a history of more than two hundred years!

Just, the next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly handed the title deed back!

"A gentleman doesn't win the favor of others! You have this kind of heart, I am very happy! Huaxia has replied, and I will give this manor back to you!"

Albert was stunned!

The crowd was also shocked!

Gentlemen do not take advantage of others!

What a great, Chinese spirit!

Everyone, with awe!

Only at this moment!

"Hmph! It sounds good! Little Huaxia, since you can be a master for Albert, you seem to be a bit capable. Or, let's have a game too?"

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