"Shoot your sister!"

Yu Rui threw the ashtray directly at Zhang Wentao!

"You black-hearted director! You have a share in this matter too!"

"These scandals, if it weren't for your hint, how could they go out so easily!"

Zhang Wentao laughed twice and fainted!

"Alright, finish the film early!"

Jiang Fan said suddenly!

Everyone was taken aback!

And just not far downstairs from the hotel, behind a big tree, Guise, right, with a dark smile on his face!

At this moment, he has finished putting on makeup and has become an authentic Chinese man!

Moreover, he was carrying a plastic bag in his hand, and he looked like a family man who went downstairs to throw garbage!

"Hehe, it turns out that you are an Internet celebrity, a takeaway star!"

"Although, there was an accident yesterday, but today, you are absolutely dead!"

"After a while, when you show up, it's your death date!"

Guise smiled, and between his fingers, a steel needle suddenly glowed with blue light!

This kind of poisonous needle, as long as a little bit of skin is scratched, it is enough to poison an elephant!

Dealing with a mere three-level waste is simply overkill!

Soon, the door of the hotel opened, and Jiang Fan walked out first!

When Guice's eyes lit up, he wanted to, shoot!

"Hey! What kind of **** are you?"

The two aunts with red armbands on their arms suddenly stood in front of Gith!

"You, dare you say I'm rubbish?"

Guise, angry!

"Ask what **** you have!"


Guise was stunned!

The two aunts, simply grabbed the plastic bag in Gith's hand!


Guise was unguarded, and even the steel needle in his hand fell to the ground!

"Hey! Boy, your bag of garbage is not sorted at all!"

"Which business nearby are you from? Does the brochure that I sent you look good?"

"All Huaxia is advocating garbage sorting, and you actually throw ashes against the wind, against the wind! Don't you feel shameful?

"It's simply China's shame!"

The two aunts were ruthlessly criticizing and educating Guise!

Damn Aunt China!

Too grind!

"I got it wrong! Could you please let me?"

Guice looked helpless!

"How can this be?"

"Ah-yo! You young man has bad thoughts!"

"Do you know how important garbage sorting is? This is an important matter for China's survival!"

"That's right! I'm not modest at all! No! Today, I must teach you how to sort garbage!"

At this moment, Zhang Wentao also walked out of the hotel!

However, Jiang Fan, already, got on a bicycle!

Oops! Can't let him go!

Guise, bend down in a hurry and go pick up the steel needles on the ground!


An aunt, suddenly on one side of her footsteps, a coquettish walk, directly, blocking Guise!

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Gith shook his whole body in shock!

At the same time, Jiang Fan and others looked over curiously!

Guise's pupils shrank and turned around in a hurry!

Unexpectedly, the other aunt, unexpectedly, didn't know when he came around behind him, and Guise was startled!

With a tremor in his hand, the steel needle actually pierced his skin!

Guise is dumbfounded!


No, I have to go to the hospital right away!

"Auntie, after I go back, I must read the garbage sorting manual carefully. You can let me go first, okay?"

"Of course not!"

Two aunts, refused!

"Come on, what kind of garbage is this toilet paper?"

"Is this recyclable garbage?"

"Wrong! It's rubbish!"

"What kind of **** is this slice of bread?"

"Yes, rubbish?"

"Wrong! It's wet garbage!"

"What kind of **** is this newspaper?"

"Probably, yes, rubbish?"

"Wrong! It's recyclable garbage!"

"What about this battery?"

"Yes, it's recyclable garbage!"

"Wrong again! This is harmful garbage!"

"What about disposable chopsticks?"

"Yes Yes……"

Gith's head is full of cold sweat!

Nima! too frightening!

For the first time, he had a deep doubt about his IQ!

No, it's not right!

I'm **** going to the hospital!

Garbage sorting has something to do with me!

I'm dizzy!

If you don't go anymore, you're dead!

"Auntie, I'm so dizzy, let me go to the hospital!"

"Why are young people so squeamish now! It's just garbage sorting! How can you contribute to China's take-off!"

"I, I really, can't do it, please, let me go!"

Guise was in a cold sweat and his face was extremely pale!

And Jiang Fan, at this time, unexpectedly, came over!

Oops! How to do? Don't let him find an anomaly!

"Auntie! What's wrong?"

Jiang Fan asked curiously!

"Brother, you just came here! This young man is too squeamish! We taught him trash sorting, but he actually said he was going to the hospital!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Guise!

Then, for a moment!

Guise panicked! This kid, don't you see what is coming?

"Sir, you seem to be poisoned!"

Guise was taken aback, this kid, his eyesight is toxic!

"Poisoning? Hahaha, what a joke!"

Guise looked up to the sky and laughed!

"But, your face is pale, your lips are black, and you are sweating more. You are obviously poisoned!"

"Impossible, less nonsense! I don't know how healthy my body is now, and I can still learn garbage sorting!"

As Keith said, he pointed to the disposable chopsticks in the aunt's hand, hesitated for a long time, and finally yelled!

"This is rubbish!"

The audience was shocked!

The two aunts were even more crying with joy!

"Boy! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations, you finally learned how to sort garbage!"

"Celebrate all the world!"

Tears filled his eyes!

My IQ, sure enough, no problem!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

"My buddy, you are foaming, are you sure you are okay?"


Guise wiped his mouth, sure enough! Really, foaming!

Oops, the poisoning is too deep!

At the same time, he even felt dizzy and his body was shaking!

"Don't worry! I can acupuncture!"

Jiang Fan's heart is tense, ready to help!

It's just that he doesn't have a silver needle at all now!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up!

I saw on the ground, unexpectedly, there was a slender steel needle!


Jiang Fan picked up the steel needle and looked at Guise in surprise!

"Sir, you are saved!"

"Don't, that, that's..."


Without saying a word, Jiang Fan stabbed Gith's Quchi point with a single needle!

It's over, it's over!

Jiang Fan!

You bastard!

I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!


Guise, spit out a mouthful of blood!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!

How could this be?

There will never be a problem with your own medical skills!

"Oh! Boy, are you okay?"

"Hurry up, go to the hospital quickly!"

"Really, you don't have to be so happy to learn how to sort garbage, right?"

The two aunts called for a taxi and took Guice directly to the hospital!

Only Jiang Fan was left, holding the needle in a daze!

for a long time!

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly!

Forced on the steel needle, sniffed!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Seeing the mess here, Zhang Wentao ran over!

"Mr. Jiang, what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor situation!"

Jiang Fan looked at the taxi going away and smiled meaningfully!

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