God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2361: Domain Annihilation!

At this moment, Arthur was almost unable to guard against it.

But instead of panic in his eyes, there was a sneer in his eyes!

Immediately afterwards, Arthur, who was still leaning back, suddenly stretched out his other hand behind his back!

The flames on this hand are even more prosperous, and the palm of the hand is like a condensed sun!

Musa Ling'e's eyes changed!

next moment!


A golden vindictive energy that is even more dazzling than a star has suddenly erupted from Arthur's palm!

Those skeletons who broke away from the armor and rushed towards Arthur were blasted into ashes almost instantly by their fighting qi!

The vindictive force was unabated, and the overwhelming force continued to blast towards Musa Ling'e!

Musa Ling'e suddenly retreated, and at the same time she raised one hand, almost instantly, her palm was covered with a layer of lavender light!

Next up!


Musa Ling'e let out a coquettish shout, and the knife in her hand suddenly slashed at the incoming Dou Qi!

Compared to the tsunami of fighting qi like mountains and seas, Musa Ling'e is like a light boat in the **.

However, with her hand-knife slashing out, a terrifying aura of Pangu Kaitian was actually born!


A loud bang!

Musa Ling'e's hand knife actually split this tsunami of fighting qi into two!

However, at the moment when Dou Qi was just split, in front of Musa Ling'e, Arthur suddenly appeared, the sword in the stone in his hand, like a streamer, suddenly stabbed into her heart!

Musa Ling'e seemed to have expected such a move from Arthur, and with a bewitching smile on her lips, she suddenly blinked at Arthur!

Arthur was slightly startled!

Immediately afterwards, his face changed completely!

I didn't know when, there was an extra layer of frost on the sword in the stone, and at this moment, the frost was spreading madly towards Arthur's hand!

Almost at the moment when the frost spread to his fingers, Arthur felt as if his bone marrow was frozen, and his movements became slower and slower!

Musa Ling'e chuckled lightly:

"Your qualifications are good. After you die, your corpse will take over the position of the skull maggot in the future!"

In such a short sentence, the frost almost spread to Arthur's neck!

However, Arthur suddenly took a deep look at Musa Ling'e:

"But your body will not be left behind, I will blow you to ashes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur took a deep breath:



A ripple instantly enveloped a range of several hundred meters nearby, and then, I saw the frost on Arthur's body, which was like a reverse time, fading away quickly!

At the same time, within the realm, the golden light came out of nothing, and finally turned into countless swords in the stone!

The long sword slowly rotated, and the tip of the sword was all aimed at Musa Ling'e!

Even Musa Ling'e was stunned at this moment.

In Arthur's domain, all the swords in the stone that have been transformed are actually entities!

Arthur didn't say a word, his face was frosty, and he looked at Musa Ling'e with murderous intent, and then he shook his big hand!

next moment!


Thousands of swords in the stone, like a sea of ​​swords, drowned Musa Ling'e overwhelmingly!

Jiang Fan, who was pretending to be dead in the distance, panicked!

isn't it?

Musa Ling'e, don't just hang up like this!

That's a huge amount of money!

However, even if you do it now, it's probably too late!

Jiang Fan looked at Musa Ling'e, who was overwhelmed by the sword light, with a heartache on his face!

But right now!

In the middle of the sword sea, Musa Ling'e's voice suddenly sounded!

"The Kingdom of God!"


It is completely different from the domain, but it also contains the fluctuation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Wherever this fluctuation has passed, countless swords in stone are disappearing one after another!

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief!

The fluctuation known as the "Kingdom of God" is actually dissolving and neutralizing his domain!

And just as the countless swords in the stone disappeared, Musa Ling'e looked at Arthur with a mocking smile.

Humans have domains, and Gods have kingdoms!

Like the realm, within the kingdom of God, all the rules are written by the master.

Being in the kingdom of God is equivalent to being invincible!

But just as only the most talented human beings can comprehend the realm, only the true God can create the kingdom of God!

Musa Ling'e is actually a true god!

Jiang Fan clenched his fists tightly, trying his best to control himself.


The bracelet of Morse needs the blood of the true **** to be unsealed!

More importantly, the god-level lottery draw can only be done by injecting the blood of the true god!

Even if these two are not counted, even if it is selling money, that is the basis for getting rich overnight!

But even so... can't get excited, absolutely can't get excited!

Even if the other party is really a true god!

Jiang Fan was so suffocated that he couldn't even breathe!

And the two people in the sky, the collision between the realm and the kingdom of God is even more intense!

Normal domain powerhouses fight against each other. Once it is discovered that the other party also has a domain, unless it is a life-and-death feud, or one party has overwhelming strength, the domain will hardly be stimulated.

After all, the fields of the two sides will continue to neutralize, and it is useless to release them.

And even if they are evenly matched, if one of them wins, it's fine, then not only can they kill the other party, but they can also devour the other party's domain to make up for themselves, and make a leap in strength.

But if there is a slight difference, once the fields of the two sides cross the neutralization process and begin to collide and repel, and even reach the level of mutual annihilation, it will be a disaster for both sides no matter who it is!

The mutual annihilation of the realm produces energy that is almost more terrifying than a nuclear explosion, and when this energy is detonated by outside interference, almost no one on both sides can bear it!

Of course, it is not so easy for outsiders to detonate the energy of the annihilation of the two sides, and the minimum standard cannot be weaker than the two sides!

In addition, the important reason why normal people do not choose to collide with the domain is that the domain of annihilation will disappear completely, and they can only rely on a long time to re-cultivate!

At this moment, now, Arthur and Musa Ling'e are annihilating the realm and the kingdom of God!

These two people, obviously not killing each other, will definitely not give up!

The two sides are fighting, the other side can't hold on to the annihilation of the field, let go first!

And no matter who is the first to let go of the two sides, what they have to endure is equivalent to the other's strongest domain attack!

In other words, whoever lets go first may die first!

Jiang Fan suppressed his excitement and calculated the degree of annihilation between the two domains little by little.

This level can’t be too high. If it is too high, if you detonate the domain of annihilation, both of them will die, and you will get nothing!

Of course, it can't be too low, otherwise the two of them won't be seriously injured, and they won't be able to get cheap.

With Jiang Fan's continuous calculations, the data finally reached the critical point where he was ready to take action!

It's now!

A fierce light flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes!

However, he has not waited for him to make a move!

"Hahaha! Musa Ling'e, the will of heaven and earth really wants you to die!"

Accompanied by a frantic voice, a tall and thin man in a snow-white robe with four eyes has suddenly descended to this world with an astonishing coercion!

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