The plot of the second part of The Mummy is mainly about:

Thousands of years ago, the Scorpion King failed to attack Egypt. In order to win, he sold his soul to Anubis, the **** of hell, and obtained an army from hell. After that, the Scorpion King had his soul taken away after his wish was fulfilled. The Egyptians managed to seal these secrets.

Time has come to modern society, O'Connor, his wife Eve and son Alex, found an ancient bracelet in an ancient ruins in Egypt, but they were chased by a group of tomb robbers because of this bracelet. kill. Everyone went back to London after a lot of hard work, but the bracelet took root on Alex's wrist and could never be taken off again.

It turned out that this bracelet was the treasure that summoned the Scorpion King's **** army.

At this time, the reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian favorite Ansuna and her accomplices have revived the mummy Imorton through the Book of the Dead. They plan to kill the Scorpion King to gain control of the **** army and then rule the world. ...

Of course, the above are all original plots, and with Jiang Fan entering twice, Immorton has become friends with O'Connor and others, and it is really uncertain what the plot will change.


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan had already appeared in a desolate group of mountains.

It's just different from the normal mountains, the climate here is extremely hot and dry, the ground under the feet has been severely weathered, and it is full of hot breath under the scorching sun.

The surrounding hills are all made of rocks, and there is no vegetation on them. Under the mountains, there is a river that has dried up.

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, how did the system transmit itself to this ghost place?

What is even more strange is that although it is hot and dry here, just a few kilometers ahead, he faintly feels a strong water vapor.

Jiang Fan looked around, and suddenly it turned into a breeze, directly descending on the highest mountain nearby, shaped like a wall.

However, Jiang Fan was stunned for a moment when he just came here.

This mountain is like a dividing line. Inside the mountain is the dry and hot barren land.

And beyond the mountain peaks, there is a boundless oasis that is prosperous to the extreme!

In the oasis, several rivers meander on it, the vegetation is lush and lush, and there are towering giant trees everywhere. It is more like an amazing tropical rain forest than an oasis!

And in the very center of this rainforest, stands a huge pyramid that will rise to the top!

The average height of the giant trees in the forest has reached almost 30 meters. However, the height of such a lush forest is barely one-third of the height of the pyramid, and it cannot hide the slightest style of the pyramid.

The most dazzling part of the entire pyramid is the spire on it.

Under the blazing sun, the spires of the pyramids actually reflected a more dazzling light!

Jiang Fan looked intently, only to realize that the spire was actually a diamond the size of a football!

All of this indicates the name of this land. Here, in the original book, the burial place of the Scorpion King——

Amshe Oasis!

In the original book, Imogen was instigated by Ansuna and others to go here to challenge the Scorpion King, but he suffered a complete defeat because his mana was taken away, and was betrayed by Ansuna, and finally fell into **** in despair.

Now that I have received an order from Immorton, is this the time?

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and he suddenly activated the teleportation technique!

However, just after the teleportation technique was activated, Jiang Fan's body was still in a virtual state, but the oasis suddenly flashed black!

next moment!


Jiang Fan's body actually recovered, and he took a step back abruptly, causing the entire mountain to tremble!

This forest actually has space confinement, and teleportation cannot be used at all!

Jiang Fan frowned, and the whole person simply rose into the air and flew directly towards the huge pyramid!

But just after entering the oasis range, his body suddenly sank!

This forest not only has space for confinement, but also can suppress the power of the strong, which is very similar to the suppression enchantment of the original sea of ​​​​trees in Dongying Qingmu!

It's just that the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees can only suppress the power of the master level, but here, even the strength of the powerhouse in the realm of heaven can suppress one or two!


A sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, and then he flew towards the pyramid again!

Looking at the speed, he was not affected at all!

All of this is exactly the same as when Aokigahara was in the sea of ​​trees!

The source of Jiang Fan's strength is not just infuriating energy and supernatural powers, his strongest is physical strength!

The effect of any enchantment is to suppress the energy itself, but the pure physical power is only the body, how can it be suppressed?

Jiang Fan's speed was extremely fast, and he crossed most of the forest in an instant. However, at this moment, a strange breeze was blowing in the forest below him!

And along with the breeze came—

"Hey hey hey!"

A malicious laughter suddenly sounded from all over the forest.

Immediately after!

"Sweep brush brush!!"

In the forest below, there were countless little monsters the size of monkeys, sharp teeth and ferocious appearances that looked like mummies!

These little monsters are the necromantic guards prepared by the ancient Egyptians who were transformed by witchcraft and placed in the Amse oasis to prevent anyone from approaching the pyramid!

These little monsters were extremely fast, and they climbed to various giant trees in an instant, and in their hands, they also held a small blowgun.

Immediately afterwards, these little monsters aimed their blowpipes at Jiang Fan and blew them suddenly!

"Whoosh speed!!"

Countless poisonous thorns only the size of toothpicks, but flashing with dark green light, with piercing screams, like a torrential rain, suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan in the air!


Jiang Fan sneered, and his inner strength suddenly swayed!

next moment!


Before the countless poisonous thorns could reach the body, they were swept back by Jiang Fan's infuriating energy and blasted directly at the launcher!


In the forest below, countless harsh screams sounded in an instant.

Immediately after!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the spirit guard and successfully obtaining 20 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the spirit guard and successfully obtaining 20 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing..."

Can this thing actually be exchanged for money?

Jiang Fan was stunned for a moment, and almost couldn't hold back his points.

But thinking that Immorton was still waiting for Erguotou, he resisted the desire to score points and finally rushed under the pyramid.

Unlike in the movie, this pyramid is even bigger and more spectacular. The entrance door is open, and there are constantly strange energy fluctuations inside.

And in the open space between the pyramid and the forest, there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

All of these corpses were pierced with darts of necromancer guards, all of them were blackened, their eyes protruded, and their death faces were extremely terrifying.

Their clothes are mainly red, with red headbands wrapped around their heads. They are the monks who worship Immorton.

Jiang Fan looked at these corpses, frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that something was not right.

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