God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 225: My mother is not a soft persimmon

Jiang Fan looked downstairs, and the little policewoman Wang Xinxin was walking up quickly with a team of people!

Several people came to the scene to take a look. One of the policemen frowned when they saw Meng Youde who was full of blood!

"Who did it? How did you label someone like this?"

"Even if the other party is a criminal, he still has human rights! Whoever does it hastened to come out, confess and be lenient, resist..."

Wang Xinxin gave Jiang Fan a white look!

Then he stared at the policeman!

"Shut up! This kind of scumbag was beaten! When I went back to write the report, I said it was me!"


"Ah what? Talking about human rights with this kind of **** is simply a blasphemy of the law! Your brains are showing up, right? I will go to the hospital for a brain department after work and take a good look at your pig brain!"


"What are you doing in a daze? Save people! Get evidence! Work!"


A group of policemen were frightened by Wang Xinxin!

Wang Xinxin made a gesture to Jiang Fan calmly!

The two came downstairs soon!

"Jiang Fan, thank you!"

Wang Xinxin twisted for a long time, and suddenly said!

"no need thank me?"

"The boss took the credit for Zhao Qing last time!"

"This is a good thing! Congratulations!"

Jiang Fan looked sincere!

"But, but, it's obviously all your credit, and, that day, I misunderstood you. I didn't have any. I apologize to you!"

"Don't be silly, what's the use of my credit? And, I've never been angry with you!"


"It's more real than real gold!"


Wang Xinxin nodded hard!

Jiang Fan, that's great!

I just don't know if he has a girlfriend!

"Uh, uh, or, tomorrow night, I will invite you to dinner?"

After Wang Xinxin stammered, her entire face was red, almost bleeding!



Wang Xinxin was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect that Jiang Fan promised to be so happy!

For a time, full of joy!

"That, that's good! Then, I'll call you!"


Jiang Fan smiled and got on the bike!


Leaving here, it has been five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Fan simply continued to deliver the food!

Bikes are fast!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Another order!"

Jiang Fan looked at the address, and it turned out that it was still near the second high!

However, when Jiang Fan just arrived at the gate of the second high school, he suddenly saw that Yun Xiaoru was being entangled by a boy!

"Xiao Ru! I am sincere to you!"

"Ma Fangfang and I are just for fun! You must believe me!"

The talking boy, also, who thinks he is handsome, shakes his hair!

Yun Xiaoru's face was plain!

"Fang Heng, how is the relationship between you and Ma Fangfang? It has nothing to do with me! Please let me go!"

"Xiao Ru, listen to me to explain!"

"Step aside!"

"No! You let me finish the explanation! If you don't let me explain, I won't let it!"

Jiang Fan frowned and was about to step forward!

at this time!

"Fang Heng! What are you doing?"

A girl, suddenly, angrily, walked towards Fang Heng!

It is precisely that when Jiang Fan gave Yun Xiaoru an autographed photo of Su Lingyu, he embarrassed Yun Xiaoru, that girl, Ma Fangfang!

Fang Heng was shocked when he saw Ma Fangfang!

"No, nothing!"

"Huh! Nothing? You said, are you hooking up this little slut!"

Ma Fangfang, furious!

"No! I definitely don't!"

Fang Heng looked serious!

"What kind of stuff is Yun Xiaoru? How can it be compared to you? Yes, yes, she was pestering me just now!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone was taken aback!

Yun Xiaoru looked at Fang Heng in amazement!

"Fang Heng, do you want to be shameless?"

"Yun Xiaoru! I have told you many times! My Fang Heng, I only like Ma Fangfang! Please don't pester me again!"

Fang Heng looked arrogant!


Yun Xiaoru smiled disdainfully, turned around and left!


Ma Fangfang suddenly spoke with a gloomy expression!

"Little slut! Seduce me Kaizi, you just leave?"

"It's him who haunts me! Also, this kind of stuff makes you Ma Fangfang a treasure. In my opinion, he is just rubbish!"

"what did you say?"

"He's rubbish!"

"Bitch! You are looking for death!"

As Ma Fangfang said, suddenly raised his hand, he wanted to, drew towards Yun Xiaoru!

Jiang Fan was in a hurry and was about to rush over!



Yun Xiaoru's backhand was just a slap on Ma Fangfang's face!

"Call me a bitch? Don't look at what virtue you are! Ma Fangfang, I warn you, don't provoke me! The old lady is not a soft persimmon!

Yun Xiaoru looked murderous!

Ma Fangfang was beaten and forced!

"You, do you dare to hit me?"

"What are you? Why should I not dare to hit you? Take your dog and stay away from me! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Yun Xiaoru looked proud!

Jiang Fan looked silly! Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Yun Xiaoru in disbelief!

Damn it! This little girl, who usually looks pitiful, is so cruel at the critical moment?

But think about it, Xu Xiaofeng's violent temper, how could his daughter be a soft persimmon?

"You, you, good! You have the ability! You wait for me!"

Ma Fangfang turned around and left after saying this!

Fang Heng watched Ma Fangfang walk away, and suddenly, shyly, he leaned close to Yun Xiaoru again!

"Xiao Ru, don't get me wrong, I just said that because I was afraid of your injury! After all, Ma Fangfang's brother, but a famous gangster around here!"

"But don't be afraid! No one can hurt you with me!"

"I, Fang Heng, also know a lot of big brothers. As long as you are with me, I will help you intercede!"

Fang Heng looks hypocritical!

Yun Xiaoru hesitated, then suddenly put down his schoolbag and began to search for things!

"Xiao Ru, what are you looking for? Or, tonight, you go to my house! Don't worry, I will definitely be able to protect..."

Before Fang Heng finished speaking, Yun Xiaoru had already taken out a short metal rod!

After that, he slammed it!


This is surprisingly one, a swing stick!

Fang Heng was stunned!

And Yun Xiaoru had already slapped him fiercely and directly drew him in the face!


A crisp sound!

Fang Heng let out a scream and rolled all over his face in pain! Howling!

"Either go, or I will kill you!"

Jiang Fan's chin is about to fall!

My head is full of cold sweat!

Is this especially Yun Xiaoru? Could it be that some demon possessed him?

"You, you bitch! You, you are looking for death!"

Fang Heng roared and rushed towards Yun Xiaoru!


He just threw himself up, a big hand suddenly pinched his neck!

Yes, Jiang Fan!

"You, who are you? Do you know that I am the eldest brother of the second high school! Offend me..."


Jiang Fan went up with a big slap in the face!

Fang Heng only felt that his face was slammed by RPG! The whole person almost ascended to heaven!

"I'm Yun Xiaoru's brother! Today, I just teach you a little lesson. In the future, if you dare to pester him, I will let you die!"

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