God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 215: Knowing the wrong ability

"Oh. It's dead..."

A gloomy man's voice sounded!

He is the ruling of the Holy Light, the captain of the third team!


"Yes, Huaxia! The specific location should be a place called Los Angeles!"

"Huh? I remember that the mission Tao Yuan introduced to me was also in Los Angeles!"

"Captain, what should I do next?"

"Let the viper go! Complete the task introduced by Tao Yuan, and then check, how did the jackal die!"


But Jiang Fan, knows nothing about these things!

However, what puzzles him is, how is the classification of Zhao Qing's mouth, the same as the system classification?


The next day, Jiang Fan came to school early!

Unexpectedly, the students in Class 3 are studying hard!

No one even plays with mobile phones!

Ha ha!

Fishing with celebrities, this trick is really time-tested for these teenagers!

Jiang Fan returned to the office contentedly!

Then, take out the phone!

"Ms. Wang? Hello, this is Jiang Fan! Could you please come to my office?"

"Hello, Teacher Li! This is Jiang Fan, can you come to my office? Thank you!"

"Hello, Teacher Zhao! I'm Jiang Fan..."


The teachers of the three classes are all together!

"Teachers, I want to ask you to do me a favor!"

"This Friday, I want to give a mock exam for class three!"

Jiang Fan looked at a group of teachers with a smile on his face!


"Let the third class take the exam?"

"Teacher Jiang, are you crazy?"

"Yes! And the exams are useless! Their average score is impossible to exceed 10 points! The exams are meaningless!"

A group of teachers looked at Jiang Fan with weird eyes and shook their heads again and again!

"Yes! But, in the past two days, everyone should have seen their efforts!"

A group of teachers gave a wry smile!

"Ms. Jiang, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It's very simple! When you ask questions, you must, the simpler the better!"


A group of teachers, shocked!

"Then, what's the point of that?"

"The meaning is to let them regain their confidence! And, such an exam, I plan to take it once a week in the future!"

"Teachers, you can gradually increase the difficulty of the question! In this way, step by step, it will definitely be effective!"

All the teachers showed a trace of suspicion!

"Everyone! Think about it! The progress of the third class represents your strength! Doesn't it mean your teaching strength can improve the performance of this group of children?"

Jiang Fan finally added a fire!

In an instant, all the teachers breathed quickly!

That's right!

If the grades of Class 3 really improve, then so do they, their worth doubled!

"Okay! I agree!"

"me too!"

"However, the topic has to be considered carefully!"

"Yeah! That's right!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Then, teachers, please take care of it!"

Seeing a group of teachers leave, Yang Jianye and Hu Guang were really impressed by the five-body cast!

"Teacher Jiang, you are too good!"

"With a few words, this group of teachers is done!"

"Small scene! Not worth mentioning!"

As Jiang Fan was talking, the phone suddenly rang!

"Brother Fan, there is a disturbance in the shop!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Yes, Bai Xia is calling!

"Don't conflict with each other, I'll make arrangements!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone and directly sent a message to Pang Tai!

However, as soon as he left the teaching building, Jiang Fan ran into Ma Desheng!

The two of them were taken aback at the same time!

Ma Desheng just wanted to speak, but suddenly he smiled! Then, as if I couldn't see Jiang Fan, I just left!

Huh? This fat man, has his **** changed?

Jiang Fan didn't think too much, took out the bicycle and went straight to the food court!


Jiang Fan soon came to the "Cheng'an Food Store"!

At this moment, in the shop, three shirtless men with tattoos are blocking the door triumphantly!

And Cheng An and Bai Xia are looking at them with anger!

Seeing, there are more and more people at the door!

The leading man suddenly smiled!

"Everyone! Don't come to this shop in the future! The food is made, it's so unclean!"


The other person directly brought out a bowl of soup!

In the soup, unexpectedly, there is a dead mouse!

"Everyone, look! Such a big mouse! Who dares to eat this kind of thing?"

A group of people who eat melons are a bit generous!

Especially that mouse is bigger than a bowl!

What kind of blindness does the cook have to be able to put the rat in the bowl?

These few people, obviously, came here to look for trouble!

A few big guys look righteous! Look at Bai Xia!

"Are you the boss? You said, what should I do about this!"

"Fools can see what's going on. If you continue to fool around, I can call the police!"


Several big guys dismissed a smile!

"Call the police? You try! If you dare to call the police, I dare to smash your shop! Who doesn't know the name of my food street brother Tao!"

Brother Tao said, looking at Bai Xia with a cruel expression!

"Boy! Today, if you don't give out 10,000 yuan of mental compensation, you shop, don't do it in the future!"

"Yes! Moreover, this ten thousand is only a temporary compensation. If there is something uncomfortable for us in the future, you must continue to compensate!"

Several big guys clamored crazy!


Bai Xia and Cheng An turned pale in anger, but there was nothing to do!

At this time, suddenly, a roar sounded!

"Who the **** dare to make trouble here?"

I saw that Pangtai and his group, everyone wrapped in gauze, killed them aggressively!

Brother Tao was taken aback!

Look at Bai Xia immediately!

"You, you are actually covered by someone!"

Bai Xia had already seen Jiang Fan in the crowd, and immediately understood what was going on!

"Yes! We are covered by this big brother!"

Brother Tao swallowed and spit, suddenly put on a smiling face, and ran towards Pang Tai!

"Oh, what do you call this big brother?"


Pang Tai slapped him directly!

Then, the thugs waved!


A group of gangsters rushed up like wolves, and the three of Tao brothers were beaten up!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly approached Pang Tai calmly!

"Let them eat the mouse!"

Pang Tai shivered!

Really deserves to be Brother Fan, too cruel!

"Cough! Stop it!"

Pang Tai waved his hand and looked at Brother Tao!

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"Know! Know! Brother, we won't dare anymore!"

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, kindness, kindness, kindness is **** big!"

Pang Tai couldn't remember what the next sentence was, so he just said something nonsense!

"However, if you dare to make trouble in Lao Tzu's place, how can it be so simple! You guys, eat this mouse!"


Brother Tao was stunned!

"Either eat, or I will give you your mouth! Choose your own!"

Pang Tai said with a smile!

A group of his subordinates also smiled unkindly!

Brother Tao has regretted his intestines now!

at this time!

"Who! Who dares to make trouble in Lao Tzu's place?"

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