The previous article is wrong, blue dye is black hair (*´・v・)

According to Jiang Fan's instructions, Archimedes boldly continued to march towards Xuye Palace.

Dondocaka and Pecher followed tremblingly behind.

Only Nilu's small face was full of curiosity, and she looked around from time to time.


With the sound of two winds, two guards suddenly rushed out!

However, Jiang Fan's backhand was just two wisps of finger wind!


Accompanied by two explosions, the two guards who were still in the air suddenly leaned their heads back and trembled all over, and then they all fell to the ground.

The imaginary faces on their heads were completely shattered, and there was an extra blood hole on their foreheads. Just a few twitches, they had completely lost their lives.

And there are no fewer than dozens of corpses like them on the road Jiang Fan passed by!

Archimedes were not afraid of entering the Void Night Palace. What they feared was Jiang Fan's deprivation of the strength of these great Void lives!

Along the way, Jiang Fan always smiled at the corner of his mouth, reaping any life that dared to rush to the emptiness like cutting grass.

Such a resolute and ruthless killing made Jiang Fan at this moment even more terrifying than the legendary Ten Blades!

"Archimedes, you are walking too slowly."

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

Archimedes trembled all over and hurriedly quickened his pace.

It's just that he just walked a few hundred meters before another guard came out!

Jiang Fan didn't raise his eyelids, and was about to continue his shots, but at this moment!

"Get out!"

A dull voice suddenly sounded!

The face of the guard who had rushed towards Jiang Fan changed, and immediately retreated at a faster speed than when he first came.

At the same time, in front of Jiang Fan and the others, there was already a lanky figure with a long mask!

As soon as they saw the shape of the other party, Dondochaka and Pexie, who were behind Jiang Fan, exclaimed at the same time:




Archimedes's bone armor was frightened in an instant, and he couldn't wait to turn his head and ran away!

However, Jiang Fan slapped his head with a slap:

"Call a woolen thread and keep going!"

"Also, let's go? That's the ninetieth blade!"

"One miscellaneous fish, let's go!"

Jiang Fan spoke coldly.

"Yes Yes…"

Archimedes had the courage to continue on.

And Aronillo in front of him saw Jiang Fan and the others dare to come over, and he couldn't help but sneered:


He just spoke, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his finger:

"Virtual flash!"


A jet-black virtual flash suddenly burst, and it penetrated Aronilo's body in an instant!

Aronilo's entire body was flying upside down, and the person was still in the air, already torn apart with a "bang"!

At the same time, the mask on his head was also completely shattered, exposing the two large spherical voids inside.

It's just that these two Daxu are full of cracks at this moment, and their eyes are full of unspeakable fear!

"Go around—"

Before the words were finished, the two large spheres had been completely blown to pieces!

One of the strongest ten blades in the virtual circle, the ninetieth blade, even disappeared completely without Jiang Fan's virtual flash in a normal state!

Archimedes were completely trapped!

Several people all looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

That's the ninetieth blade!

Although it is the only Kilian-level Daxu among the ten blades, it is precisely because of this that he can imagine how powerful he is!

Becoming a ten-blade at this level can only show that he is more powerful than the ordinary Akukas face-off!

However, this kind of powerhouse did not even hold Jiang Fan's flicker!

Nima is too ridiculous!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"I said it's a trash fish, why don't you leave?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Archimedes was suddenly full of enthusiasm for a moment!

Even the ten blades were so dry, the strength of his own eldest brother is simply the heifer sitting on the wire, and he is very powerful with lightning!

Although it is absolutely impossible to get rid of Aizen, you might be able to mix in with a new ten-blade job and make him a subordinate officer yourself. After that, will he walk sideways?

Ha ha!

My Archimedes is destined to be lucky this year!

Don Dochaka and Paxie couldn't help but get excited!

Killing those guards before proved Jiang Fan's strength, but after all he was still some distance away from Ten Blades, but now, even the Ninety Blade was easily killed by him, it seemed that it was not impossible to kill Neutra!

A group of people are full of energy in an instant!

In the palace of the night, the eighty blade Sal Apollo suddenly frowned:

"My king, Aronillo is dead."

All the ten blades below were taken aback.

Lan Ran looked carelessly:

"That kind of **** will die, was it killed by the guy outside?"

"should be."

Aizen tapped the handle of the chair:

"Where is Kurosaki Ichigo?"

"It's about to enter the scope of the Xuye Palace."

"Let the former Shiblade people greet him, remember, you can't kill him, I need him to bring death over."

"Yes! That guy out there?"

"You are free, don't make too much noise."

As soon as Lan Ran's voice fell, Grimjoo, the sixtieth blade with blue hair, already stood up excitedly:

"He is my prey!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had suddenly rushed out of the Xu Ye Palace!

Jiang Fan, who was advancing towards Xuye Palace, suddenly frowned.

"Brother Jiang Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Nilu looked curious.

Jiang Fan shook his head, looking at the pale blue shadow in the distance, slowly speaking:

"It's okay, I originally planned to attract a few more to kill, but I didn't expect this guy to come."


Nilu became more and more curious:

"what does that mean?"

"It's very simple."

Jiang Fan explained with a smile:

"I chose to use the imaginary flash in the range of entering the Void Night Palace, just to make them think that I am a big imaginary."

"In this case, if the guard outside is not an opponent, naturally there will be ten blades to kill me."

"And as long as they come out, my brother can kill them one by one, understand?"

Nilu looked blank, obviously not understanding.

However, the people of Archimedes trembled all over!

Good guys!

It turns out that Jiang Fan is actually fishing here!

"Yes, but elder brother, listen to what you mean, it doesn't seem to work anymore? Who's here?"

"Sixtieth Blade, Grimjoo!"

"The sixtieth blade?!"

Everyone was shocked!

But Archimedes is now determined to mess with Jiang Fan, so he asked without shame:

"Big brother, why can't he come? Are you not an opponent?"

"No, it's not, it's just a stronger trash fish."

Jiang Fan was full of regrets:

"I said no, it's because of the existence above the sixtieth blade, and it can't be killed now."

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, a blue-haired Grimjoo had fallen from the sky, directly at the feet of Archimedes!


With a loud noise, flying sand and rocks around!

Grimjoe took a look at a few people, and finally his eyes fell directly on Jiang Fan:

"You killed Aronillo?"

Jiang Fan smiled and nodded:

"it's me!"

"Very good! Let's fight!"

With a roar, Grimjoo had already rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Starting tomorrow, well, if nothing happens, you can probably return to the level of three chapters...

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