God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2059: This is the two experience babies!


Both Mark and Tamar looked dumbfounded!

What time is it now?

When the rebels and rebels are fighting like a raging fire!

The whole earth is full of wars!

Especially which company is this, too arrogant!

Now that the situation is still daring to open business!

And it's so special that any takeaway dared to take orders!

It's really a mouse escorting a cat, earning money is not dead!

But this takeaway guy is so fierce!

Without seeing how he did it, these powerful rebel reformers were actually killed!

Are the current takeaways still responsible for providing war aid?

This is too ridiculous Nima!

But then both of them all reacted!


When did we order the takeaway?

"Brother, you, did you send the wrong person?"

"Yes, yes, you go quickly."

The two spoke quickly.

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, flipping his wrist, he already showed the money!

This snack is made with braised tripe and vermicelli, sprinkled with green onion and coriander, topped with two spoons of chili oil, and dripped with a little old vinegar. The taste is very delicious!

With the presentation of this food, everyone was stunned!

The saliva came out directly!

"This, what is this!"

"smell good!"

"This smell makes you feel ecstatic with a scent, but I'm afraid it will taste so delicious that the soul will return to Huangquan?"

"I really want to eat, as long as I have a bite, I am willing to sacrifice the life of my best friend!"

The rebels were all full of greed, and Mark's eyes widened, and their tongues came out!

The point is, in addition to greedy, there is endless shock!

The two wanted to eat belly silk and fans before, but they didn't expect that Jiang Fan actually sent it!

This takeaway is amazing!

The two of them smelled the spicy scent of the belly, and couldn't control it anymore, so they took the takeaway and started eating!

"It's delicious! It's so delicious that it explodes!"

"With one bite, I feel like wandering into the sea of ​​tripe!"

"The spiciness of the pepper, the fatness of the tripe, this is simply art!"

"And this fan, take one bite, like wandering in a long and lonely rain alley, ah! There is my beloved girl!"

"I feel that I am full of fighting spirit, and my blood is burning!"

"Oh! The blood is boiling, only guns and explosions can vent this power!"

After the two ate the takeaway in one go, they rushed towards a group of rebels with a strange cry!

A group of rebels were shocked, and many soldiers pulled the trigger subconsciously!

Jiang Fan originally wanted to protect the two of them, but seeing that the bullet was about to hit them, the two of them burst into golden light!

The bullet hit the golden light and instantly turned into powder!

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

Damn it!

A piece of money is so spicy that it actually developed the invincible mode of the two!



"A piece of takeaway actually has such an effect?"

"This is a takeaway, it's really a plug-in!"

The rebels were dumbfounded!

The two had already rushed into the rebels and robbed them of their guns!




The two screamed strangely while pulling the trigger desperately!

The rebels fell down one after another as if they were cutting wheat!

more importantly!

"Ding! Markle killed the rebel ensign, congratulations to the host for gaining 3 karma points!"

"Ding! Mark killed the enemy captain, congratulations to the host for gaining 5 causality points!"

"Ding! Tamar killed the enemy ensign. Congratulations to the host for gaining 3 karma points!"

"Ding! Mark killed..."

When Mark and Tamar kill the rebels, Jiang Fan can actually lie down and earn causal points!

How can I save two customers? I saved two experienced babies!

You can lie down and earn money without having to do it, Jiang Fan is going to be so cool!

"Damn! Attack! Attack!"

"There are only two of them!"

"Mecha! Give me the mecha to mobilize!"

The rebels were in chaos, and the bald colonel screamed desperately!

However, there is no use for eggs!

Mark and Tamar have now been sold out by Jiang Fan's takeout, and they are absolutely blocking the gods and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha!

The two yelled strangely, relied on the invincible mode, and in less than five minutes of fighting, they beat up a group of rebels!


The Bald Colonel was angry and turned on the communicator directly!

"Give me the closest heavy bomber No. 770!"

"Immediately! Now!"

Accompanied by the colonel's roar, within two minutes, a deep buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, a huge and huge bomber suddenly appeared over the battlefield!

This thing is the giant bomber No. 770!

This bomber is not only equipped with a large number of tracking missiles, but also equipped with powerful weapons such as laser cannons, and even the external armor is not penetrated by anti-aircraft guns!

It can be said that this is an aerial fortress!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Colonel Bald laughed wildly!

Now that there is no one around Mark and Tamar, it's time to attack!

"Laser cannon fired! Blast me off these two scumbags!"

With a roar from him, a blue light suddenly appeared in the position of the main gun of the 770 heavy bomber!

And the next moment, a thick beam of light has suddenly blasted towards Mark and Tamar!

Just at this moment, the golden light on the two of them flashed away!

The invincibility time is over!

The speed of the laser was so fast that it arrived in front of the two almost instantly!

Damn it!


The two suddenly widened their eyes!

However, in the next moment, a man had already stood in front of the two abruptly!

Jiang Fan!

The laser suddenly hit Jiang Fan!



The jaws of everyone who looked at this place were almost shocked!

That was enough to melt gold and iron, and the laser that penetrated the mountain blasted Jiang Fan, and Jiang Fan was nothing!

Except for his coat turned into fly ash, the laser didn't even scorch his skin!

"too weak!"

After being baptized by Skynet's terrifying space orbital gun, Jiang Fan simply didn't care about this small laser cannon!

Even, he actually looked like a swimming fish, turned up against the laser, and suddenly rushed towards the 770 heavy bomber!

"What the **** is this guy!"

"The hard anti-laser cannon is all right!"

"Too outrageous!"

"Check it out for me! Find out which takeaway company he belongs to! I want to buy it!"

Headed by the Bald Colonel, the crowd was stunned!

Jiang Fan had already rushed to the muzzle of the laser cannon, and then he didn't stop at all, just like a cannonball, directly smashing the muzzle!


The position of the muzzle exploded directly!

But Jiang Fan didn't stop at all. He actually passed through the heavy armor and directly pierced a big hole in the plane that was transparent up and down!

All of them opened their mouths wide.


With a loud bang, the 770 heavy bomber that had not had time to use all of its attacks was completely blown to pieces in a fierce spark!

Mark and Tamar watched with enthusiasm!

Using the body as a cannonball, this aerial fortress was bombarded with one blow. It was so fierce!

Colonel Bald was dumbfounded.

There is only one thought in my mind--

If I can do it again, I will choose takeaway!

It's a pity that he has no chance, Jiang Fan in midair has already smiled and looked at this living cause and effect point!

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