God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2018: God is special to save face!

"Depend on!"

Jiang Fan cursed in a low voice, and the thoughts that had originally emerged completely disappeared.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it, his brows frowned, and the call was actually a Hua Xia number.

Jiang Fan's heart jumped, could something happen to Huaxia?

After answering the phone, a male voice rang out immediately on the opposite side:

"Hello, is it Mr. Jiang?"

"Who am I?"

"Hello Mr. Jiang, I am the customer service of Weiwei loan. According to our assessment, you can get a loan of up to 200,000 yuan..."

"Fuck Nima!"

The blue veins on Jiang Fan's forehead jumped violently, he roared suddenly, and hung up the phone!

Your uncle!

Forget it if something is wrong, it's actually a harassing call!

The thoughts in my mind are gone because of this **** call!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and hit Wang Yi directly.

The bell was picked up as soon as it rang:


"Pharaoh, check it out for me, check a company called Weiwei loan."

Wang Yi is a bit dumb:

"What kind of multinational group is this, why haven't you heard of it?"

"It's the first time I heard about it! Find out and kill them for me!"


"Also, anyone who sells invoices or engages in online fraud, knows one and kills the other for me!"

Wang Yi became more stunned, listening to Jiang Fan's tone is simply a **** hatred, who is that sacred Weiwei loan, can actually make the master so angry?

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and finally let out a little breath.

Hell, how do these people know their own information?

Well, it's really a question worth pondering.

Jiang Fan was about to leave to return to Nicholas Manor, but at this moment, a car suddenly drove up behind him.

It was Coppola's car.

The car door opened, and Coppola was already jogging up to meet him:

"Mr. Jiang, you are running too fast. We are waiting to pick you up outside the holy city. Who knows you actually came here."

Before Jiang Fan was picked up by Mike to the holy city, Coppola ordered the people near the holy city to wait there.

But until he finished dealing with those **** in the family, he didn't even get any news from Jiang Fan.

Coppola waited more and more anxiously, and finally couldn't sit still, and simply rushed to the vicinity of the holy city. After all, if something happened to Jiang Fan, he would be completely finished.

I didn't know that I had just arrived in the holy city, and I saw Jiang Fan rushing out of the pope's car like a smoke, ran in the direction of Chinatown.

Coppola thought something was wrong, so he panicked and chased him in a hurry.

However, seeing Jiang Fan's appearance at the moment, it was obvious that there was nothing wrong with him, and he immediately felt relieved.

"Mr. Jiang, why did you come out so late?"

"The Pope has to keep me for dinner, there is no way, this point is always given."

"Yeah yeah~~!"

Coppola made a direct pig cry.

God is special to save face!

The point is that the Pope actually left Mr. Jiang for dinner? !

What is this concept!

This is a treatment that the Big Three do not have!

Such grace is unheard of!

This means that Jiang Fan has completely posted!

The Nicholas family is also completely posted!

Coppola's heartbeat speeds up, except for the first time he saw the beauty of a woman when he was fifteen, this is the first time his heartbeat is so strong!

For a while, Coppola was so excited that he just wanted to kiss Jiang Fan fiercely!

Jiang Fan was smiling.

Of course, the more people know about eating with the Pope, the better. Even if someone wants to move themselves, they have to weigh it first!

"By the way, why did you come here by yourself?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

Coppola can't say, I'm afraid you will let me die with you, so I smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, there happens to be an auction tonight. There are a lot of good things in it. You rarely come here once, and know that you like antiques and the like, so I specially brought you there."


Jiang Fan's eyes lit up.

The auction is his favorite!

Especially auctions where you don't need to spend your own money!

The antiques there represent wealth, history, and culture to others, but to him, it only represents one thing—


"Okay, what time does it start?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly.

"Nine o'clock in the evening, an hour later."

"Is there food in there?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, but didn't you just have a meal with His Majesty the Pope?"

Jiang Fan looked bitter and bitter:

"Don't mention it! That's what people eat-it's a feast that only the great Pope can enjoy. I can't eat too much to be unruly, right?"

Coppola clearly understood what Jiang Fan meant, and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Jiang respects your majesty so much, no wonder he can receive such grace from his majesty!"

"Well, let's go!"


When Barr drove, it didn't take long to arrive at an exhibition hall southwest of the City of Seven Hills.

This exhibition hall is privately owned, with a total of three floors above and below, and there is a banana forest around it.

At the moment, on the grass outside the exhibition hall, an open dining table has been set up, and there are also some tables, chairs and sofas. Many people are drinking champagne while communicating in twos and threes.

The auction will be held inside the exhibition hall. The dinner party outside is obviously to promote the atmosphere and warm up a group of rich people.

Seeing Coppola's few people coming over, the crowd suddenly brightened their eyes.

Since Coppola settled the Senate and held the real power of the entire Nicholas family in his hands, he has become a well-deserved leader in the upper-class society of the City of Seven Hills.

Although there are no lack of political figures in the audience, they need to please Coppola in order to vote.

In addition to them, among the people present, there are actually a few who have been forced to converge, but still have an astonishing aura.

These people obviously belong to different forces, even countries, and they are all very far apart from each other in fear of each other.

Coincidentally, one of the leaders of the forces, Jiang Fan, actually knew him!

Does this auction seem unusual?

"Coppola, this auction is of high specifications?"

"Hehe, this is natural. If it's a little trouble, I won't bring you here."

Coppola chuckled:

"But don't worry, as long as it is something you are fancy, in the City of Seven Hills, absolutely no one dares to compete with you!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I believed it before, but this time, not necessarily!"

Coppola was taken aback, but at this time the people who wanted to have a relationship with Nicholas had already surrounded one after another.

Coppola looked at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, would you like to know these people?"

Jiang Fan waved his hand:

"No need, you can handle it yourself, I'll eat something."

He said to leave Coppola, and he strode past the dining table.

The pope’s food is so terrible, I don’t need to rinse my mouth with big fish and meat, I will have a nightmare at night.

Jiang Fan was eating righteously, but at this moment, a female voice full of hatred suddenly sounded from behind him!

"Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan didn't even turn his head back, and while stuffing his mouth, he said vaguely:

"Wait! I have no time to talk to you now!"

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