God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1969: What about playing brother?

"Jiang Fan!"

Legolas and Jinli both widened their eyes in surprise!


Jiang Fan appeared, they were saved!

In their eyes, this man who can handle even the Lord of the Rings is the embodiment of a miracle!

However, the eyes of a group of strong orcs have all changed.

"Jiang Fan?!"

"That man with incredible strength!"

"The strong man who almost killed the Balrog?"

"Why is he here?"

At the beginning, Jiang Fan threw a nuclear bomb into the Moria Mine, and directly destroyed the entire mine. Even the Balrog was seriously injured.

The half-orcs who died there are countless!

It can be said that for the half-orcs, Jiang Fan is simply a more terrifying existence than a demon!

And now, he actually appeared again!

Jiang Fan floated in the air, his indifferent eyes swept across the battlefield. The next moment, he suddenly raised his hand:



Spit out a word, a tornado storm actually rose from the ground under the broken wall!

When this tornado first appeared, its widest position was only ten meters in diameter, but as it kept turning, it was getting bigger and bigger!

In the end, it turned into a huge tornado storm with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the storm had passed through the broken wall and suddenly blasted into the valley outside the city wall!

In an instant, wherever the tornado storm swept, all the strong orcs were howling and torn apart!

Even the heavy armors, long knives, and even the large siege equipment on their bodies were all torn to pieces by the terrifying storm!

And with the constant scraping across the battlefield, the tornado becomes bigger and bigger!

Jiang Fan shot at will, the power is as if Tianwei!

Aragorn and others were all dumbfounded!

Compared with the last time they met, the strength of each of them has been greatly improved, and even Aragorn itself has reached the thirteenth level!

However, unlike before, the strongest orcs that appeared here have the lowest strength and have reached level five!

The captain level and the group leader level are stronger, and many have even exceeded the tenth level!

So even if it is them, they can kill you!

However, the power that Jiang Fan showed at this moment was simply terrifying!

The violent winds that are freely evoked almost treat all the strong on the battlefield equally!

No matter how strong the opponent is, once caught in a storm, all will have only one end—


Everyone was shocked by Jiang Fan's power.

The humans and elves in the fortress all looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and despite the storm slaughtering those strong orcs, he fell in front of Aragorn and pulled him up.


Aragorn looked excited.

At the critical moment, the teacher is really awesome!

"Jiang Fan!"

The elven prince and the dwarf also all came together.

Even the other people in the fort followed.

A group of elves all looked at Jiang Fan in surprise.

Although they had heard of this human a long time ago, only today did they know how powerful Jiang Fan is!

The most important thing is that this human being is even more handsome than an elf!

It's so shocking!

Jiang Fan looked at the people of Aragon:

"Long time no see, why are you just a few?"

"We are separated."

Legolas said:

"After the last separation, Gandalf felt that his strength was insufficient, so he went to practice."

"Polomo was with us before, but because of the war here, he left a few days ago and went to Gondor for help."

"Frodo and Sam left secretly, not knowing where they went."

"Pipin and Meili went to find them, and they don't know where they are now."

Jiang Fan was slightly startled, it seems that he saved Gandalf, but it didn't change much of the plot.

But it's a pity, if Pipin is still there, I can continue to feel good.

The feeling of beating him is really wonderful!

Several people in Aragorn seemed to have thought of Jiang Fan's appearance last time, beating the little Hobbit, and suddenly twitched their mouths.

However, these are not important!

The most important thing is that once Jiang Fan appears, it represents the ultimate gourmet!

"Jiang Fan, did you bring that...charcoal grilled big kidney with you this time?"

Legolas was full of excitement.

However, the group of elves behind him all gasped!


"Legolas actually ate his kidneys!"

"My God, as a noble elf, how can you eat that kind of food!"

"Ah! The image of the male **** in my mind has collapsed!"

Several female elves looked sad!

However, Legolas ignored them at all, just staring straight at Jiang Fan.

Since the last time I ate the barbecue that Jiang Fan brought, Legolas has completely released himself!

Jinli and Aragorn also had piercing eyes. The last barbecue was really exciting!

"No barbecue this time, but soup!"


All of them were taken aback.

"Well, by the way, King Hidden of Rohan, call everyone here, this time the amount is large, drink together!"

"Oh, teacher, others have already passed away."

Aragorn sighed.


Jiang Fan was taken aback.

Jin Li explained:

"The old man saw so many strong orcs in his eyes, and he gave up directly. Not only him, but many people are the same, waiting to die inside!"

Jiang Fan understood a little bit. No wonder the customer had to talk about Aragorn and others during the meal delivery. It is estimated that the Xiuton brand is not enough, so he can only place an order from Aragorn.

"Call everyone out! I'm here, I'm afraid of being a hairy!"

Jiang Fan directly ordered!


Without a word, Jin Li rushed into the fortress with more than a dozen human soldiers!

It wasn't a long time before Jin Li was walking over with two short legs and carrying a man with a rough face on his back.

The man had a dull face and a small crown. It was King Rohan, Hidden!

"Dwarf, it's useless for you to pull me out."

"The Luo Khanate is going to be over!"

"It's useless for anyone to come!"

"Let me go, let me accompany this country and finish it together—fuck?!"

Hidden, who had a distressed look on his face, suddenly saw the huge tornado storm outside the city wall!

"Then, what is that?"

"The storm that Jiang Fan recruited, don't worry, if he is there, you, the Luo Khanate, guarantee that there will be no farts!"

Jin Li laughed loudly and had already brought Hidden to Jiang Fan.

Xiurton was stunned. He first looked at the storm and then at Jiang Fan:

"You, you are the one, Jiang Fan who almost killed the Flame Demon?"

"it is me."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, with me here, the Luo Khanate is absolutely fine, this tornado, it's not that they can..."

As Jiang Fan spoke, he was about to take out the crab shell pot.

But at this moment!


A loud noise suddenly resounded in the valley!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked back, and saw a cloud of fire rising into the sky. The storm he had previously summoned was already in the raging fire, and the torn smoke disappeared!

The storm tornado was actually broken!

Jiang Fan's face is ashen!

I'm so awesome here before I finish blowing it, you just slap me in the face and play with it, brother!

At the same time, a strong orc roar of excitement suddenly sounded in the valley!

In the trembling ground, countless strong orcs have rushed over again!

And among them, a knight with flared fangs and eyes like a fierce horse with flames caught Jiang Fan's eyes in an instant!

That is, Ring Spirit!

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