God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1956: Forbidden Love of Steel

As soon as Jiang Fan's smile appeared, Megatron suddenly panicked!

Aside from anything else, two shots of black smoke came out from behind the buttocks, and I just wanted to run away!

However, he had just run out less than 20 meters, and the steel around his neck was suddenly pinched by Jiang Fan!


The harsh sound of steel distortion suddenly sounded!

Megatron screamed in pain, and with a flick of his backhand, his arm had turned into a huge gun, and he blasted Jiang Fan with one shot!

However, Jiang Fan kicked it up before the bullet was released!



The bullet blasted the chamber, exploding Megatron's arm into the cracks of steel!

Megatron screamed and was about to deform!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan hit his waist with a punch this time!


Megatron's waist, a piece of steel larger than an adult's body suddenly exploded!

"Ding! Megatron is angry and angry at you, your reward is lowered!"

There is a kind!

Dare to lower my reward!

Without saying a word, Jiang Fan pinched Megatron by the neck and straightened him up!

Then, he slapped the sea fiercely!

The acceleration of gravity, even on the surface of the sea, is as hard as cement ground under the terrifying speed of Jiang Fan's swing!


The sea surface sinks abruptly!

Immediately afterwards, centering on the two people, there was a wave of ten meters high!

Megatron screamed in pain!

Two pieces of electronic components were ejected directly from the mouth!

"Ding! Assault the customer maliciously, your reward will be lowered!"

never mind!

This time I came here, I was not prepared to be rewarded!

A group of Decepticons are all dumbfounded!

what's the situation?

Didn't Jiang Fan come to save the king?

Why did you start doing it at a disagreement?

And Jiang Fan had already picked up Megatron, and slammed it against the sea!


The whole sea trembled fiercely!

Countless fish and shrimp floated straight up with white eyes!

Megatron just felt that his eyeballs were about to be smashed out!

"Don't, don't fight..."

"Stop fighting? What do you want to be beautiful! Give me Iron Overlord!"

Jiang Fan yelled, smashing Megatron and smashing it down again!

But at this moment!


A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that a missile was launched from the aircraft carrier battleship in the distance!

It turned out that the soldiers of Citigroup immediately attacked when Megatron was resurrected!

Megatron's eyes suddenly lit up!


He screamed frantically and rushed forward!


With Megatron's impact, the piece of steel held by Jiang Fan at the back of his neck was directly torn off alive!

But he didn't care about that much, and he rushed past the most powerful Citigroup aircraft carrier!

The firepower over there is so powerful, use them to stop Jiang Fan, and you can transform the space fighter and run away!

Megatron flexibly avoided all kinds of missiles and was about to rush past the aircraft carrier!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan's voice suddenly rang in his ears!

"You can't run!"

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan has already broken through those missiles and has also caught up!

Megatron’s frightened soul was dissipated, and even the strength of milking was used, and he rushed to the aircraft carrier more desperately!

And seeing Megatron rushing, a general suddenly screamed on the aircraft carrier tower:

"Attack! Attack!"

In an instant, countless cannons and missiles all aimed at Jiang Fan!

"Oh shit!"

Megatron screamed, and an ion shield suddenly appeared in front of him!


Jiang Fan, you have no means of defense, prepare to face the anger of the shells!

Megatron smiled strangely!

However, the smile on his face had just risen, and Jiang Fan had already hugged one of his toes!


"Get up!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's roar, he actually swung Megatron directly, and swung it up against the overwhelming rain of missiles and bullets!


Megatron screamed!

next moment!


A dark mushroom cloud slowly rises!

The smoke of the explosion spread to the entire sea in an instant!

And at this moment!


A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, on the aircraft carrier, everyone was horrified to see that Megatron unexpectedly ran into it at an extremely terrifying speed!

However, just looking at his slouchy posture, it is obvious that he didn't fly here by himself!

It was thrown by someone!


Megatron hit the aircraft carrier head-on, and dozens of fighter jets on the deck were directly smashed into pieces!

Megatron brought out a spark on the ground, and finally hit the tower!


The tower was directly exploded into a pile of pieces!

The generals and others inside were all bombed up into the sky, screaming and falling into the sea one after another!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan had already burst through the gunpowder, and suddenly appeared in front of Megatron!

Megatron was so scared to pee!

His face was deformed now, and his whole body was blown to pieces. It was even more desolate than a mouse in the sewer!

"Don't, don't fight!"

"Sorry! I know I was wrong!"

"Jiang Fan! Just forgive me!"


Megatron begged!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest pity, just smiled gloomily:

"If an apology is useful, then I have to go to you!"

With Jiang Fan's kick, Megatron suddenly screamed again!

The following picture can no longer be described as cruel, it is simply not suitable for children!

A group of Decepticons watching the fire from across the bank could vaguely hear the sound of Megatron over there!



"No! No!"

"Uuuuu...it hurts!"

"Dad! Daddy! I was wrong!"


A group of Decepticons looked at each other:


"A thought suddenly appeared in my mind!"

"me too!"

"A long time ago, Cybertron had a book, it seems to be called the Forbidden Love of Steel!"

"I've seen it. It's a love story between carbon-based organisms and silicon-based organisms!"


All the Decepticons shuddered together!

And with Jiang Fan, keep doing it!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for turning on customer fear mode!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

But he keeps on hand!

"Ding! System prompt! Customer fear mode only applies to characters who have attacked the host and have strong maliciousness!"

"Ding! Megatron's fear of you has increased to 20%, and your reward has been increased!"

"Ding! Megatron's fear of you has increased to 37%, and your reward has been increased!"

"Ding! Megatron's fear of you has increased to 76%, and your reward has exceeded the limit!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Megatron's fear of you has increased to 100%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fear token!"

Fear token?

What is this?

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but at this moment!

His expression changed, and he suddenly looked at another aircraft carrier in the distance!

I saw the front end of the aircraft carrier, and I don't know when, a weird turret actually rose up!

I have been thinking about a new book these days. Everyone knows the situation of this book. Tofu is also for food, so update it less and wait until it stabilizes.

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