"Thirty years ago?"

Jiang Fan was startled.

When the old man brought Uncle Xuan back, it seemed to be thirty years ago!

At that time, Uncle Xuan failed to challenge Tianding Shiji's Jiufang dominance, and was attacked again. It was the old man who saved him.

In the past thirty years, the old man has almost never left Los Angeles.

Thirty years ago, what happened?

"Go on!"


Zhao Xiaochuan nodded:

"It seems that something happened thirty years ago. At that time, all the four hidden families were dispatched, but after they came back, they never said anything about the events at that time."

"But before the last generation of our fish family's patrons passed away, I said something briefly."

"Listening to what he meant, it was that something major happened back then. It was the Jiang family who tried desperately to save the other three!" "But it was precisely because of that that caused the Jiang family's master to be killed and injured."

"The specific things seem to be clear to the current Patriarch, but when the Patriarch of the previous generation was dying, they said, said..."

He hesitated to speak and stopped, his face was ashamed.


Jiang Fan said coldly!

"...Yes, he said that the three of us all owe the Jiang family a great favor. If there is something wrong with the Jiang family in the future, the Yu family must, and we must spare no effort to help the Jiang family..."

Zhao Xiaochuan's face flushed when he said this!

The Jiang family was indeed killed, but none of them offered a helping hand. It is full of irony to say these words now!

Jiang Fan's eyes were in a trance.

He knew these things for the first time.

It turns out that the Jiang family did not have masters back then, but they are all already dead...

He didn't look at Zhao Xiaochuan, but asked softly:

"How many masters did the Jiang family have back then?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard that there were a few very powerful. It is said that the Jiang family's strongest master at the time, even Tianding Shiji, was not an opponent!"

The secret room is quiet!

After a long time.

"Ha ha…"

With a bitter smile at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, he slowly closed his eyes.

A master who is stronger than Tianding Shiji!

It's no wonder that I beat up the entire family of children in the capital back then, and no one dared to trouble the Jiang family!

However, when he heard that such a powerful figure existed in the Jiang family back then, not only was Jiang Fan not shocked, but full of resentment and bitterness!

Old man, what happened to you?

Even the existence of that series has fallen.

If you knew that the Jiang family would fall into this field, would you still keep these three...white-eyed wolves?

You rescued others, but in a disguised form, the Jiang family suffered an extinction.

Haha, what a big irony!

"Mr. Jiang, when something happened to the Jiang family, the Yu family wanted to help you! Even the owner of the family has decided to destroy the Zhou family! It's just, just..."

Jiang Fan waved his hand weakly:

"It's not important anymore, I didn't do it, just didn't do it!"

Zhao Xiaochuan trembled all over!

He opened his mouth and wanted to explain something, but before he could say it, he sighed heavily.

Indeed, no help, this is the fact.

"Master, you..."

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan a little worried.

What Zhao Xiaochuan said would definitely hit Jiang Fan extremely hard!

Anyone who heard of smashing out all the strong in the family, and finally rescued these three white-eyed wolves, will definitely be angry to the extreme!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled:

"It's okay. It's neither the old man nor those strong in the Jiang family who are at fault. No matter when, good people are right. But..."

Jiang Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes looked like two fires burning!

He slowly spoke word by word:

"This lesson must be remembered!"


Curtis also spoke coldly.

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then looked directly at Zhao Xiaochuan:

"Zhao Xiaochuan, you should know that what you told me today is definitely something that the Yu Family and Feng Family didn't want me to know!"

"You only needed to tell me what happened faintly thirty years ago. Why did you say the last two sentences to me?"

These last two words directly made Jiang Fan completely disappointed with the remaining Yu Family and Feng Family!

It also extinguished the last thought of saving the two families.

As one of the competitors of Yujia Patriarch, Zhao Xiaochuan really shouldn't say this!

Zhao Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Fan calmly this time, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes:

"Because the opponent's power is too strong!"

"The strength of the Huo Family is still higher than that of the Yu Family, but it is so easy to destroy. Once the opponent makes another move, the Yu Family will definitely be in disaster!"

"Family is indeed very important, but I value my family more than my entire family!"

"If that day comes, I hope Mr. Jiang can save my parents and friends."

Curtis' eyes moved slightly!

This kid is ruthless!

For parents and friends, even the family can sell it!

And I have to say, his vision is really good!

According to the character of the owner, this sale will definitely be done!

Zhao Xiaochuan made this step right!

It seems that the master's vision is really correct!

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It's reasonable, but why do you think I can keep your family and friends?"

Zhao Xiaochuan's expression is complicated:

"Because I have no choice!"

This is the real reason!

There is that person in the family, and he is destined to never cooperate with Jiang Fan, and he does not want his family to be buried, so he can only do this!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Sure enough, I did not read you wrong, you are really smart!"

He pondered a little:

"I need to know more about thirty years ago."

Zhao Xiaochuan nodded immediately:

"Understand, I will use all means to find out as soon as possible."

Jiang Fan thought for a while:

"The fire family is destroyed, and the aftermath will not be small. Everyone will find out who made the move. The remaining two of you will definitely increase their vigilance during this period, and they may even join forces. So they I probably won’t make a move recently."

"And once the tense time accompanying the search has passed, it should be time for them to start."

"This period of time, probably... two months! Two months later, the Yu family and the Feng family..."

Jiang Fan spit out the last words coldly:

"The two will be destroyed at the same time!"


Both Zhao Xiaochuan and Curtis were shocked!

"Yes, at the same time!"

Jiang Fan's face was plain:

"If only one of you is destroyed, and the other knows that it is doomed, it is very likely that you will choose to burn the jade! The other party has been so long in order to get the things of the four companies, and will never take this risk! So doing it at the same time is the best choice !"

Zhao Xiaochuan took a deep breath.

Not the means of shock and that force, but the shock of Jiang Fan's performance!

Under the blow of that kind of news, Jiang Fan not only calmed down so quickly, but also clearly analyzed the force's final plan!

Compared to strength, Jiang Fan's mind is the most terrifying weapon!

Zhao Xiaochuan nodded heavily:

"I understand, within two months, I will definitely find out!"

At this moment, a few exclamations suddenly sounded above the secret room!

"What a ruthless method!"

"The Huo family didn't even stay!"

"Asshole! Who did it!"

Listening to the angry shout from above, Zhao Xiaochuan suddenly spoke:

"Mr. Jiang, several stewards of the fish family have arrived." The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https: //www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlRead the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway Txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/ read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1874 White Eyed Wolf ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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