God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 182: You actually have the face to question me

"Yes, give me the IOU!"


Brother Long was startled, and suddenly he laughed!

"No IOU!"

"How do I know how much he owes you without an IOU?"

"Stop the **** nonsense! If you don't pay him back, I will kill him!"


As Jiang Fan said, he actually took out his phone and started shooting!

Not only Brother Long, but even Zeng Liang was dumbfounded!

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

"Classmate Zeng Liang, don't worry! If they kill you, I will go to the police! With evidence, they will definitely get retribution!"

"Do you dare to play with me? Put the phone down for me!"

Brother Long is furious and is going to grab Jiang Fan's phone!

It's a pity that he couldn't touch Jiang Fan at all. On the contrary, he fell under his feet and fell a dog to eat shit!

"Asshole! Leave that kid alone, give me this teacher abolished first!"

Several gangsters rushed towards Jiang Fan at the same time!

Jiang Fan smiled, and finally made a move!

With just three punches and kicks, a group of gangsters crawled all over the floor!

Zeng Liang was overjoyed!

Looking triumphantly at Brother Long!

"Damn! Let you hit me! Deserve it!"

"Now you know how good I am? Humph!"

"Tell you, next time you dare to ask me for an account, this is the end!"

Seeing the appearance of Zeng Liang as a villain, Jiang Fan frowned!

A group of gangsters looked at Jiang Fan coldly!

"Asshole! It turns out that you deliberately gave him his head!"

"Dare to go against us! Tell you, we are Boss Ma's people!"

"Yes! Even our Four Seas Company dare to provoke you, you're done!"

"Boy, don't think that it will be great if you have two! Offend us, you are dead!"

Jiang Fan got a little impatient and kicked the face of the most ruthless bastard!


The bully made a miserable cry, and half of his mouth was spit out!

At this moment, everyone is quiet!

"Zeng Liang, come here!"

Zeng Liang walked towards Jiang Fan proudly!

"Teacher! You are so amazing! Let them clear my account soon!"


In response to Zeng Liang, Jiang Fan's relentless slap in the face!

Zeng Liang was knocked down!

Half of his face is swollen like a pig's head!

Zeng Liang was blinded, and didn't understand, Jiang Fan obviously came to rescue him, so why would he still be beaten!

"Say, how much did you borrow from them in total?"

"One, ten thousand!"

"How much is it back?"

"It's back, it's back two thousand..."

"What? Didn't you say you sold all your mother's jewelry?"

"I, I have to reward..."

"Why the **** don't you die!"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth angrily!

"After school every day, I will go with Ni Wen to deliver meals and make money! Before the end of this semester, return the eight thousand to them, otherwise, let alone them, I have to kill you!"

Zeng Liang was stunned, and a group of gangsters were also stunned!

"Repaying debts is justified! Don't think I will support you! If you can't make it by then, you can just wait for your kidney to be removed!"

"And you, if you dare to trouble him this semester, I don't care who you are, there is only one end, and that is—"

Jiang Fan suddenly stomped hard!


The whole ground shook almost! The hard concrete floor, even more so, was shaken by Jiang Fan with seven or eight cracks spreading out!

A group of **** almost didn't stare out!

So what kind of weird power is this?

"Fuck off! This semester is over, come and get the money!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of gangsters jumped into the van and drove away!

After dealing with this matter, Jiang Fan is about to leave!


Zeng Liang suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with a look of resentment!

"You, you are not fair! Why, they cause so much trouble, you take care of them all, come to me, just treat me like this?"

"You are partial! You just think I have no money! Look down on me!"

Jiang Fan stopped and looked at Zeng Liang coldly!

"You say I'm partial?"

"Yes! You are partial! Whoever has the money, you will please anyone! Humph! What kind of a teacher are you!"

Jiang Fan walked directly to Zeng Liang!

"You, what do you want to do? You want to beat me again, don't you? I tell you, I am not afraid of you! If there is a kind, you will kill me!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly shook his head!

"I helped Ni Wen chase the girl, helped He Duoduo's family pay off debts, and helped Lu He and the others abolish a group of social gangsters, but they didn't help you. You don't accept it and feel unfair, don't you?"


"Then do you know why this is?"

"Because they have money..."

"Wrong! I Jiang Fan's life, but beg, I have a clear conscience! Money is nothing but a blank sheet of paper! The reason I helped them is because they are a little bit different from you!"

"Ni Wen knew he was weak, he became strong for that girl!"

"He Duoduo knew that his family was bankrupt, so he dropped out of school calmly!"

"In order to prevent his classmates from being humiliated, Lu He turned to me, the opponent he has always hated for help!"

"You can say that these people are useless, but they are not selfish!"

"On the other hand, in order to pretend to be coercion, you gave the anchor a reward and cheated your parents' hard-earned money! You even stole your mother's jewelry to sell! Finally, I didn't hesitate to borrow a loan shark! But when the loan shark came to the door, you let me give you a free loan. Debt! Even, you still need to borrow money from me and continue to contact your anchor!"

"Do you feel that you are particularly great? For the sake of love, you can achieve this level? In fact, that is just a shameless excuse for yourself!"

"And now, you still don't recognize your mistake! You are such a stuff, you still have a face to be forced?"

"Didn't I help you? If I didn't help you! You would have been beaten to death a long time ago!"

"Selfish! Shameless! You still have the face to question me?"

Zeng Liang, trembling all over!

I was completely shocked by Jiang Fan's words!

It turned out that I was like this, alone?


For a while, Zeng Liang's mind was blank!

"In the teacher's heart, all of you are equal! There is no difference between superior and inferior! But you, too disappointed the teacher!"

"You can be stupid, but you can't. There is no bottom line!"

Jiang Fan’s last words have already launched a special skill-to be a good example of others!

In an instant, the whole body was filled with the brilliance of humanity!

Zeng Liang felt that endless guilt filled his heart!

"Old, teacher! I was wrong!"

Zeng Liang suddenly knelt on the ground, crying bitterly!

"Uuuuu...I never knew that myself, it was such a rubbish!"

"Teacher, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"Don't worry, I will work hard and pay back the money!"

Jiang Fan has a kind face!

"Good boy, just know what's wrong!"


At this moment, Zeng Liang's cell phone suddenly rang!

Actually, it was the anchor Tingting calling!

"Brother Liang, why didn't you watch the live broadcast today?"

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