If you change the place instead of auctioning, they will of course not hesitate to spend a lot of money!

But in the current situation, it's so obvious that it's just messing up!

You don't need to think about it, the next thing is definitely a **** union like hemorrhage!

But this is not the horrible thing!

It’s okay to shoot, but I can’t shoot—

"You do not love me!"

"It turns out that I don't have money in your heart!"

"You only love yourself!"

"It can't be photographed, you trash!"

"Look at someone else's husband!"

"I really regret following you!"

A group of people and men are going crazy!

Especially in a certain box, looking at Yan Yuqin who is short of breath, Lu Changyun's head is full of cold sweat!

Yan Jiye, who was in the same box with him, is not calm anymore!

His wife is here too!

One is my sister!

One is a wife!

The two looked at each other, tears were about to come down!

At this moment, all the men were madly cursing the **** who threw out the bottle of medicine!

In Box 12, after Wan Dian introduced, Qian Yunzi's sneeze never stopped!

That's right, this bottle of medicine was auctioned off by him!

This thing was completely accidental, and it was only then made by Qian Yunzi!

According to his thoughts, this should be a kind of treasure medicine that can restore any injury!

For this reason, he almost exhausted all of his wealth!

He even owed a few brothers a foreign debt!

It's a pity that he found out that this thing is really an upgraded version of the golden sore medicine. It is very easy to use for trauma, and it almost works!

It's a pity that you can't take it internally at all!

It was by chance that a female disciple of him discovered the effect of removing wrinkles and scars because of an accident, and Qian Yunzi realized this huge business opportunity!

He sold this thing this time because he wanted a treasure at the strange auction!

As for how many people have offended, he really hasn't thought about it!

As soon as Wandian’s voice fell, and before he had time to make a quote, a famous Chinese actress had suddenly raised the sign!

"Fifty million!"

She had just spoken, and a woman full of grace had already sneered:

"I want to win 50 million, naive! I give 80 million!"

As soon as the voice fell over here, there was another sneer over there:

"One hundred million!"

The atmosphere of the entire venue was detonated almost instantly!

Bidders keep coming, and in just one minute, the price has reached the sky-high price of 700 million!

It's even hotter than when it was competing for the Holy Grail!

"Damn! That Qian Yunzi made a profit this time!"

Zhao Xiaochuan's face was unhappy!


This should be their money in the first place!

Damn Qian Yunzi, why not sell this thing to them!

But Jiang Fan's face was flat, and there seemed to be a slight smile in the vaguely.

Although he had heard Zhao Xiaochuan talk about this before, he always thought that there were other effects, but now it seems that the role of this thing is only to remove scars and wrinkles!

In this way, there is no need to buy this thing at all!

The bidding below is getting fiercer!

In just a few minutes, it has already reached a billion!

At this price, almost all of the people over 19% have quit!

After all, spending a billion to buy an antique is justified, but spending a billion to buy a bottle of beauty lotion, even if they are the boss of the group, is not good to confess to the board of directors——

Today you can spend a billion to buy a bottle of beauty lotion, what if you spend 10 billion to buy another bottle the day after tomorrow?

This kind of boss, the company will get pornographic sooner or later!

This group of people withdrew, but their women went crazy!

"Ma Xingwang! My mother is wrong about you!"

"Mr. Wang, you don't love me!"

"Fak! Steve! You shrunken head turtle! Don't worry if you can't do it below, the price is so weak!"

"Wu Dazhuang! The group belongs to the two of us! Divorced! My mother is going to divide the property now! I have bought this beauty lotion today!"

There is a turmoil below, and the faces of the wives of the big men in the shopping malls are almost broken!

"Tsk tusk! Women are crazy for beauty!"

Long Yan was dumbfounded!

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched as well, and he even wanted to throw the treasure in his hand out for auction!

at this time!

"1.2 billion!!"

An ambitious female voice suddenly sounded from Box 9!

Although the people in the box did not show up, the people who had attended the Lumingyuan party all heard that it was the voice of Yan Yuqin, the mistress of the Lu family!

Up to now, only the wealthy family can continue to make the starting price!

Yan Yuqin's voice just fell!


Another female voice suddenly sounded from Box 14!

As the glass in Box 14 faded, a woman in a gorgeous magic robe appeared in front of everyone!

This woman looks more than 40 years old, but she has a surging magic power that is almost shocking!

When I saw her, many Western-looking buyers all exclaimed!


"The ace magister of the Grand Magister Guild!"

"This woman is a nineteenth-level great magister!"

"She is here too!"

"Since she is here, what about the Paladin Alliance?"

The buyers below are still discussing, the next moment!

"1.4 billion!"

In Box No. 15, another female voice sounded!

And with the transparent glass, a middle-aged woman covered in soft body armor has appeared in front of everyone!

Her figure is perfect and powerful, not at all like her forties!

Upon seeing her, the crowd below suddenly exclaimed again!

"The people from the Paladin Alliance are really here!"

"It's Adela!"

"Nineteenth-level Great Paladin!"

"The cruelest woman in the Paladin League!"

This time, let alone the buyers below, Jiang Fan is all interested!

The Grand Magister Guild and the Paladin Guild, they are just two loose alliances, a bit similar to academic organizations.

However, if you want to join, the lowest standard is to reach the master level!

Even superpowers such as the Light Council and the Dark Council are members of these two organizations!

And the presidents of the two trade unions are legendary monsters of the heaven and human realm, enough to compare with the heavens!

But just like the Dragon Group and the Supernatural Research Institute, both directions can't deal with it!

A long time ago, a big battle broke out!

At that time, Alinda and Adela had just entered the realm of masters, and they were the two most dazzling new stars in the original battle!

The age of the two is definitely not in their forties on the surface. If you really look into it, I'm afraid they will never be less than 80 years old!

For them, who have nothing to pursue, even if they only restore youth on the surface, it is an unstoppable temptation!

It's a pity that the two have just finished bidding!

"Two billion!"

Yan Yuqin's voice suddenly sounded!

Accompanied by this, the glass in Box 9 also began to fade, revealing not only Yan Yuqin behind it, but also the Patriarch of the Lu Yan family!

The moment I saw a few people, including the other giants, directly put down their plans to compete!

Comparing with the two giants, no one can spend money!

Even Alinda and Adele glanced at Yan Yuqin unwillingly, and gave up their plans to compete!

But at this moment!

"Two and one billion!"

Among the buyers below, a person wearing a clown mask suddenly spoke coldly!

That person turned out to be dust! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1789 Crazy Women) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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