Huayang is located about a thousand kilometers west of Los Angeles, which is almost the same distance from the capital. The three cities form a triangle.

However, compared to Los Angeles, Huayang is a full circle, and like Beijing, it is a truly top international city.

Here is not only a vast area, but also intricacies of large and small forces. Any company may have the support of a wealthy family behind it.

And because of all kinds of complicated relationships, many wealthy families like to let young children come to practice and practice for the future to take over the family rights.

It can be said that the complicated situation here is second only to the capital!

A few people had just left the airport, immediately there were countless hidden eyes staring at them!

Among these gazes, some were surprised, some were afraid, some were resentful, and some were full of fear!

"Oh, there seems to be a lot of people staring at me."

Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth.

"Damn, we are not bare-ass beauties!"

Long Yan looked at Jiang Fan:

"Brother Fan, do you need to warn me?"

"No need, Huayang's forces are intricate, one group will be driven away and there will be the next. If they are willing to stare, just stare at it. I don't intend to hide it anyway.

Several people were talking, and a Mercedes-Benz business suddenly drove over.

As the car door opened, a teenager in a light blue Tang suit greeted him with a smile on his face.

This boy was almost seventeen or eighteen years old, his face was clever, and the Tang suit he was wearing was also embroidered with two small characters——


In Huayang, there is only one force in this attire, the Fengnian Auction House!

This is also China's largest auction house.

With the best reputation and the deepest background, no single wealthy family can do anything in the auction!

Because the four major families and the seven giants are all shareholders of this auction house!

"Hello, is it Mr. Luo Chengjiang?"

The boy asked with a smile.

His smile was full of sincerity, and even the most grumpy person couldn't fault it.

"it's me."

Jiang Fan responded with a smile.

The Fengnian Auction House was really good at it, and sent someone to greet him as soon as he got off the plane.

"Hello, this is Zhao Xiaochuan of Fengnian Auction House. Mr. Jiang has worked hard along the way. We have prepared a hotel for Mr. Jiang. Would you like to go back to the hotel first or take a short break in Huayang?"

Jiang Fan looked at him up and down and smiled:

"Walk around first!"

"Yes, please get in the car."

Zhao Xiaochuan took the initiative to open the car door, but when he saw Yue Jianhan carrying a big box, he was about to go to help, but Yue Jianhan gave him a cold glance!

At this moment, Zhao Xiaochuan only felt that the bone marrow was about to freeze!

What a sharp look!

It's almost like two sharp swords!

"Boy, that box is his treasure, don't touch it."

Long Yan grinned and patted Zhao Xiaochuan on the shoulder.

"It turned out to be so, I'm sorry, it was abrupt."

Zhao Xiaochuan hurriedly bowed to Yue Jianhan.


Yue Jian coldly agreed.

The car started and drove straight to the city.

As an international metropolis, Huayang is prosperous just near the airport, with various shops and even a theater.

And as the car drove into the city, the surrounding area became more and more prosperous.

Along the way, Zhao Xiaochuan occasionally introduces several landmark buildings.

His words are not too many, and they are not too many. Since they don't make people feel bored by chattering, they won't make people feel that they are not enthusiastic enough to be left out.

A young man of this age, able to do this, not only Long Yan's face was surprised, even Yue Jianhan couldn't help but look at him seriously.

Jiang Fan was speechless all the way, as if thinking about something, but nodded occasionally as a response.

At the same time, the news about Jiang Fan's arrival in Huayang has spread out like a storm!

"Jiang Fan has arrived in Huayang?"

"I thought he had to arrive tomorrow!"

"This is not Los Angeles. Come one day in advance. You are not brave enough!"

"Yes, the wealthy families have all arrived, and it is said that there will be a party tonight!"

"Guess Jiang Fan will be invited?"

"The George family seems to be here too!"

"Hehe, this is interesting!"

Huayang's big and small forces are all discussing.

The most popular person in China now is undoubtedly only Jiang Fan!

Regardless of means or strength, he is definitely the first person of the young generation who deserves it!

none of them!

In just half a year, from scratch, you can even compete against Zhou's family from the front!

This kind of ability, no matter how crazy people are, they are absolutely ashamed!

If Jiang Fan does not die, the future Jiang family will become the eighth largest, and it is certain!

Everyone is looking forward to it, wanting to see what Jiang Fan will do this time!

In an antique courtyard with unique scenery.

Next to the clear pond, Zhou Ling was sitting on a futon, closing his eyes to rest.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Zhou Yuanwang walked over quickly.

"Ancestor, Jiang Fan has arrived in Huayang!"

Zhou Ling slowly opened his eyes:

"Is Xia Houxuan here?"

"No, Jiang Fan only took two people, Long Yan and Yue Jianhan!"

Zhou Ling closed his eyes again.

Zhou Yuanwang waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak:

"Ancestor, do you want to take advantage of this now..."

"Do not be silly!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Jing came over with a cup of tea.

"Zhou Jing! In front of the ancestors, you still speak so presumptuously!"

Zhou Yuanwang shouted angrily.

Zhou Jing sneered, first put the tea cup on the low table next to Zhou Ling, and then looked at Zhou Yuanwang:

"Patriarch, do you know where this is?"


"Now that you know, you still want to take action against Jiang Fan? Have you forgotten the rule that you can't do anything during the auction?"

Zhou Jing shook his head:

"The auction of strange objects is held once every three years. Now it is not only our China's auction event, but also major international forces will participate in it!"

"What's more, there are a few Tianding Tenjis who might also come! At this time, it is not difficult to kill Jiang Fan, but what about after the killing?"

"You can guarantee that those families will not take the opportunity to take the opportunity to buckle my Zhou family a big hat that ignores the rules, and bite a piece of meat from my Zhou family?"

Zhou Yuanwang's face was blue and he didn't say a word.

The shadow Jiang Fan brought to them was too great. If he was allowed to choose, he would rather abandon half of the Zhou family's property than kill Jiang Fan first!

Unfortunately, he understands that the ancestor will never allow it!

Sure enough, Zhou Ling still closed his eyes to rest, but he said coldly:

"Jiang Fan will die sooner or later, don't rush for a while!"

Zhou Yuanwang sighed, but his face was respectful:


He turned to leave, but suddenly remembered one thing:

"Old ancestors, according to the habit of the past, the rich and powerful families will gather at Lumingyuan tonight, you..."

"Zhou Jing will go for me!"


As expected, Zhou Yuanwang was not surprised.

He was about to leave, but at this moment, Zhou Ling suddenly opened his eyes:

"Does someone give Jiang Fan an invitation?"The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www. Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below (Chapter 1746 Huayang) read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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