God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1744: I can make trouble if I die

"I don't know very well. Qiu Yuanfeng brought him back almost twenty years ago. It seems that Qiu Yuanfeng has any kindness towards him. Since then, he has been staying in Qiu's house."

Qiu Mingyue looked at Uncle Zhong curiously:

"Uncle Zhong, what's the matter?"

"This guy, it's kind of interesting, it's an arm aid if you use it well."

"Why not use it?"

Jiang Xuan asked curiously.

Uncle Zhong smiled and said nothing.

Qiu Mingyue thought for a while and said:

"His loyalty is okay, although I don't know why, but I can feel it, he is definitely not the kind of person who will betray."

"I can tell a little about this matter today, but I still have to keep a hand."

Uncle Zhong reminded.

"I see."

Qiu Mingyue nodded.

In the living room, Jiang Fan poured Qiu Lu a cup of tea, and then he spoke:

"Say it."

Qiu Lu thought about expanding his words, and then said:

"At that time, before the decisive battle of the Cao family in Wucheng, Mr. Qiu once told me one thing. He said that if he died that day and you didn't do anything unfavorable to the young lady, you can tell you about it."

Jiang Fan was startled!

Does Qiu Yuanfeng know he will die?

Seeing Jiang Fan’s doubts, Qiu Lu took the initiative to say:

"Mr. Jiang, don't get me wrong. According to what I know about Mr. Qiu, he likes to prepare with both hands for everything. He may not think he will die, but he is also prepared for failure."

Jiang Fan nodded.

This is indeed the style of the old fox Qiu Yuanfeng.

"Go on, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"Mr. Qiu said that the real murderer who wiped out the Jiang family was not the Zhou family!"

Jiang Fan's expression was calm. If it were a day ago, he would be shocked, but now, he already knows about Mr. Pei.

Seeing Jiang Fan so calm, Qiu Lu was taken aback.

How could Jiang Fan be so calm?

When I first heard the news, my shocked mind was blank!

But Jiang Fan seemed to have known it a long time ago!

Qiu Lu suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to speak:

"Mr. Qiu said that behind Zhou Ning and his son, there is a person named Mr. Pei, and the force behind that person is the real murderer!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"carry on!"

Qiu Lu was stunned!

Jiang Fan really knows!

How would he know?

After taking a deep breath, Qiu Lu continued to speak:

"Mr. Qiu was curious about the identity of Mr. Pei, so he did some investigations secretly."

"Although those responsible for the investigation are all dead, but fortunately there is no tail left."

"And one of the dead men, a message that he wore back before he died."

"This Mr. Pei, a secret meeting... Tianding Shiji!"


Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Tianding ten poles!

Who is the man behind Mr. Pei? !

Jiang Fan's tone sank:

"Which one!"

"do not know."

Qiu Lu shook his head:

"I don't know how the dead man inquired out, how he passed the news back, or even if the news was true."

Qiu Lu's expression is a bit weird:

"Mr. Jiang, you should understand what I mean?"

Jiang Fan nodded, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Interesting, Qiuyuanfeng, Qiuyuanfeng, you can still trouble me if you die!"

This news is also true and false. Is it true that the destruction of the Jiang family has something to do with a certain Tianding Tenji?

Or is Qiu Yuanfeng wanting himself to be guilty of Tianding Shiji, and use their hands to get rid of his own revenge?

The difficulty lies here!

Even at this moment, Jiang Fan actually admired Qiu Yuanfeng a little bit.

Don't let yourself go if you die, this guy is indeed a qualified opponent!

Even in terms of conspiracy, this guy is more difficult to deal with than the Night Demon at the time!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Qiu Lu:

"Will you remind me?"

Qiu Lu seemed to have expected Jiang Fan to ask, and immediately spoke seriously:

"Mr. Qiu is dead, and I have brought his last words. Next, the only person I need to serve is Miss Mingyue! You have a special relationship with Miss, and I have an obligation to remind you."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Are you true loyal or false loyal?"

"It depends on how the lady thinks that I am just a servant... nothing more."

Jiang Fan watched Qiu Lu for a long time.

That kind of look made Qiu Lu feel like all his internal organs were being seen through!

for a long time.

"Thank you."

Jiang Fan nodded suddenly.

"You are welcome."

Qiu Lu breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead involuntarily.

He stood up and bowed slightly:

"Then I will leave first."

"Don't go with Mingyue?"

"No, my identity is sensitive after all, so staying here is not suitable."

"Well, go ahead."

Watching Qiu Lu leave, Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He tapped the coffee table again and again with his fingers, thinking for a long time.


In the dead of night, the dinner finally ended.

Jiang Fan and Qiu Mingyue were sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard. They looked at the street outside, and none of them spoke.

Qiu Mingyue drank a few glasses of wine, her pretty face was reddened, with a bit of drunkenness, unexpectedly a kind of thrilling charm appeared.

Jiang Fan didn't even dare to look.

for a long time.

"Mingyue, this is for you."

Jiang Fan suddenly gave Qiu Mingyue a pendant.

"what is this?"

Qiu Mingyue looked curious.

"Nothing, if you are in danger, just crush it."


Qiu Mingyue agreed.

Silence fell between the two again.

"Jiang Fan, do you like me?"

Qiu Mingyue asked suddenly.


Jiang Fan just wanted to give an ambiguous answer, but when he reached his lips, it turned into—


Qiu Mingyue smiled, and the whole person was more radiant:

"What about Xia Fanxing?"

Jiang Fan did not speak.

Qiu Mingyue looked up at the moon in the sky, and suddenly sighed:

"Really, no matter how bright the moon is, it will not be able to conceal the light of all the stars."

Jiang Fan didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he was just dumb.

"Hey, if you marry me, I allow you to raise a junior, how about it?"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly looked at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was stunned, staring at Qiu Mingyue blankly.

Qiu Mingyue's eyes were blurred, she didn't know if she really thought so, or she was already drunk.

"This...isn't it great?"

Jiang Fan chuckled twice, but his eyebrows and eyes were full of joy that could not be concealed.


Which man couldn't be ecstatic when he heard this?

Don't care who is the main palace, as long as you open a hole, it's easy to operate!


"Have you moved?"

Qiu Mingyue's eyes were sharp and sharp for an instant, there was no way to look drunk!

Damn it!

This woman actually cheated!

Jiang Fan is full of excitement!

And Qiu Mingyue's eyes became more and more dangerous:

"Jiang Fan, your appetite is not small!"

"No, no, I, I mean, that's not good! Very bad!"

Jiang Fan's forehead was covered with cold sweat for an instant!

But who knows that Qiu Mingyue's eyes are charming again:

"I am teasing you! It's too late, I'm going back, you...Would you like to go back with me?"


Jiang Fan swallowed and spit:

"No more, not so good..."

With that said, he has stood up, almost eager to try!

But at this moment.

"Forget it, then I'll go back by myself."

Qiu Mingyue stretched her waist, and Jiang Fan's radiant heat caused by that proud curve.

But after stretching her waist, Qiu Mingyue turned around and left!

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand, I'm so polite!

Qiu Mingyue got in the car, his face had returned to the same level as before, and he was obviously very sober!

"Miss, you just let it go? I think Mr. Jiang is obviously moved."

Sitting coldly in the driving position, curious.

"Auntie came just now!"

Qiu Mingyue's face was extremely ugly.

Damn it!

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