God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1742: The wind was a bit cool that day

The Qi family is guilty and excited, and Jiang Fan is about to ask Yue Jianhan's opinion, at this moment!

"Ding! The system prompts! You have an email from Ou Yezi, please sign for it!"

So fast?

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up and he entered the system space directly.

"Sign for mail!"


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan already had two more things in his hand!

One of them is a long sword of cold light!

Regardless of its length, weight, or even width, this long sword is exactly the same as the one before Yue Jianhan, no difference!

Except that the sword is covered with layers of moire, it looks no different from an ordinary long sword!

However, with the long sword in his hand, Jiang Fan had a vague feeling of holding a handful of peerless soldiers!

Two words faintly emerged in my mind--


Exterminating the world, fierce and restrained, the power of this sword is beyond imagination!

As for the attributes, Jiang Fan didn't dare to look at it.

If it's too good, I'm afraid I can't help but cut Hu.

The other thing is a pair of gloves.

This glove has only a thin layer, it seems to be made up of countless dense scales in series. After wearing it, the fingers are still extremely flexible, and even a hair can be twisted!

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of workmanship is hard to find in the world!

Moreover, although this glove is thin, its toughness is amazing, and its weight is exaggerated. If a normal person wears it, he may be panting for a dozen punches!

And the moment this glove was worn on his hand, Jiang Fan actually gave birth to an intent to smash everything!

Two words also appeared in my mind--

Wrath of heaven!

This glove, like the long sword, already has a soldier spirit!

Jiang Fan also didn't look at the attributes.

This thing was specially prepared for Long Yan. From the time this product has followed himself to the present, apart from passing on some martial arts to him, it has basically not given him any benefits.

After collecting two things, Jiang Fan happened to see the rich and famous in the pet pen.

After thinking about it, Jiang Fan simply came out with the dog!

Back in the real world, the rich and powerful suddenly became happy, sniffed left and right, and ran away.

Jiang Fan let him go to Sahuan and walked directly into the restaurant.

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, a group of people hurriedly rushed over.

"My lord, how is it?"

"What happened?"

"The other party gave it to you, why not?"

"Master, where's the medicine? Where's the medicine?"

"Yao Yao! Yao, your sister! Why is Cheke making trouble! Brother Fan, how do you feel?"

"Shut up! It's good for the teacher to know this kind of thing!"

Yue Jianhan frowned in dissatisfaction!

In the future, I am very likely to have one more teacher, and this group of people has no bottom line!

Jiang Fan was at a loss. He didn't fully understand what they were talking about, so he could only vaguely promised twice, and then he waved his hand and took out the Tian Jue Sword directly!

The long sword just appeared, and a horror and fierce might suddenly spread out!

Everyone takes a step back!

Even Jiang Xuan couldn't help his expression change:

"What a murderous soldier!"

Only Yue Jianhan's body trembled, and he suddenly looked at Tian Jue Sword. I don't know why, facing this long sword, he actually gave birth to a feeling of blood and blood!

Jiang Fan let go, and this long sword took the initiative to rush towards Yue Jianhan!

The sword light is fast, just like streamer!

"Hurry up!"

Everyone exclaimed!

However, Yue Jianhan didn't evade, on the contrary, he stretched out his hand to the long sword!


That long sword took the initiative to rush to Yue Jianhan's hands!

Holding the long sword tightly, Yue saw a warm smile on his face as cold as ice!

He stroked the long sword:

"Old friend, you are born again!"

Long Sword trembled slightly, it seemed to be responding!

"Tian Jue? Good name!"

The name of Tian Jue Sword appeared, and Yue saw Han smiled even more happily.

"Sword Spirit!"

"The fierce soldier recognizes the master, the power of this sword in Xiaoyue's hands is absolutely terrifying!"

"I'm so envious, the lord actually helped Xiaoyue recast the long sword!"

"Xiaoyue has made a lot of money!"

The crowd looked envious.

Especially Long Yan.

Whether it’s the blood of the gods or the crystals of the devil, nothing happened to him, but it’s okay to have Xiaoyue like him before, but now, Xiaoyue actually benefits, and it’s true that it is not sour!

But he didn't have any jealousy, it was pure envy.


Jiang Fan asked.

"Hehehe, it's kind of, but I don't know how to use a sword!"

Long Yan comforted himself.

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand, revealing a pair of flimsy gloves-like gloves!

As soon as he saw this thing, Long Yan's heart was moved!

"Brother Fan, this, is this for me?"

"Of course, it's called Skywrath, and it's not inferior to Xiaoyue's fierce soldier. Get familiar with it!"

"Hahaha! Thank you Brother Fan!"

Long Yan was overjoyed!

Take it quickly!

Immediately afterwards, his smiling mouth was almost crooked!

This thing seems to be tailor-made for him, the weight is just right, and it is obviously made of metal, but it is actually elastic!

Long Yan tried to make a punch in the direction of the door.

next moment!


A yin and yang two qi suddenly rushed out, blasting the door directly!


Long Yan opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe his eyes!

This thing is too terrifying, just a casual wave, I was actually increased to this level!

But then, ecstasy has completely overwhelmed him!


Big baby!

Worthy of heaven, this glove, domineering!

Long Yan really wanted to kiss him on his gloves!

Seeing the power of Skywrath gloves is so amazing, Tian Juejian suddenly trembled!


Black light flashed!

The door of the restaurant, which was already broken, was broken into two halves!

And still in the air, the wooden door panel turned into black dust!

Yue Jianhan and Long Yan looked at each other!

"Come on?"

Long Yan took the initiative to speak.


Yue Jian is full of chills!

The two opened the portal to the trial site at the same time, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye!

"Great shifting technique?"

Uncle Xuan was shocked!

"No, it's a portal made by the master."

Curtis explained with a smile.

Portal? !

I would say it is a double cultivation of magic and martial arts!

Uncle Xuan admired it!

The young master is really a genius!

I had known this a long time ago, I should have taught him martial arts back then. If he had been practicing since he was a child, what's so special about Tianding Tenji?

But it's strange, why didn't I realize that Young Master was a piece of material for martial arts?

Is my vision really bad?

Uncle Xuan couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

Jiang Fan looked at the others:

"You don't want to see the excitement?"

"Don't go or go!"

Everyone shook their heads together!

Only Lu Bu is eager to try!

But after looking at his Fang Tian painting halberd, he sighed and gave up.

This is not a question of strength, but a distressed weapon.

The two cargo shotguns were exchanged, and I could hold them, but I was afraid that this baby would not be able to hold them.

"It's okay, when you get good materials, I will personally help you strengthen it!"

"Thank you righteous father!"

Lu Bu is overjoyed!

Hearing what Lu Bu said, Uncle Xuan suddenly woke up from melancholy:

"Xiaobu, where did you come from? Why did you recognize the young master as a godfather?"

"It's a long story. It was an autumn in 198 AD. The wind that day was a bit cold..."

"Okay, don't JB bullshit!"

Uncle Xuan waved his hand and didn't want to listen, it was too ridiculous!

A group of people are talking and laughing, just now!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Qiu Mingyue's call is here! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (the wind in Chapter 1742 was a bit cool ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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