Jiang Fan was so excited that he looked directly at a bunch of rewards!

The blacksmith's sledgehammer is a short-handled blacksmith's hammer, but compared to a normal hammer, it is several times larger. The hammer face is the size of a human head, and it looks like a murder weapon!

And I don't know what material it is, there is a terrifying black light!

[Grandmaster’s Blacksmith's Sledgehammer]: Forging tools

[Grade]: Legendary

[Explanation]: For forging, it can also be used to temper weapons.

[Remarks]: Eighty! eighty!

Good guys!

This is really a hammer!

[Forge Art]: Use this item to become the master of forge, forge all kinds of utensils, and come at your fingertips!

good stuff!


[Forge Furnace]: Legendary props

[Function]: Throw in any equipment, it will inevitably evolve into a legendary level!

[Remarks]: One time investment, sit back and relax!


Jiang Fan laughed wildly.


This thing is definitely more suitable than a legendary weapon!

After all, it's so versatile!

Finally, there are two magic soldiers!

The Qianjiang Sword is simple and heavy, with purple air enveloping, covered with tortoise patterns, and unparalleled sharpness!

But the sword body of Mo Xie sword is narrow, slightly light, and it is filled with blue air, and the sword body is full of water patterns!

[Gan Jiang Jian]: One of the hundred swords of the magic weapon!

[Grade]: Legendary

[Attack power]: Extremely sharp


[Strong Yang Sword Qi]: Holding this magic weapon can give birth to the Strong Sun Sword Qi, which will destroy everything!

【Hejian】; can be merged with the famous sword Moxie!

[Remarks]: The ancient prison officer did not encounter thunder, and Cui Wei was a brave man for his whole life. Don't turn your body into sadness and old age, but leave you with a smile!


How come there is only one attribute?

Jiang Fan looked at Mo Xiejian again.

[Moxie Sword]: One of the hundred swords of the magic weapon!

[Grade]: Legendary

[Attack power]: Extremely sharp


[Pure Yin Sword Qi]: Holding this magic weapon can give birth to pure Yin Jian Qi and destroy the soul!

【He Jian】; Can be merged with famous swordsmen!

[Remarks]: Mo Xie's three feet illuminates the cold, try and take a closer look at the lamp. And hang Kongzhai as a piano partner, so you don't need to bring it to cut Loulan!

In addition to merging, there is also only one attribute!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath.

There is only one explanation, that is, relying on the power of these two magic weapons, I am afraid that only one attribute is enough!

"Can be merged..."

Jiang Fan muttered a word, suddenly picked up two magic soldiers, and tried to move them closer together.



The two magic soldiers actually rose out of thin air, and the light was brilliant!

With that dazzling light, even Jiang Fan couldn't help but block his eyes!

Until the light dissipated, a long sword that was more than 1.5 meters in length and a bit elegant in its domineering abruptly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

The handle of this sword is more than thirty centimeters long. The swallowing mouth is like a dragon's head. The body of the sword is covered with dragon scales, and the tip of the sword is even more like a dragon's teeth!

Just watching, Jiang Fan actually had an unspeakable heart palpitations!

As the long sword started, Jiang Fan's attributes appeared, and Jiang Fan was stunned!

[Hualong]: He Jian

[Grade]: Epic!

This **** it is, a genuine epic weapon! !

Jiang Fan's blood turned on his head, his face flushed with excitement!


What kind of power must this be?

It's so awesome!

Holding back his joy, he continued to look down!

[Hualong]: He Jian

[Grade]: Epic

[Attack power]: All-powerful


[Purple Qi from the East]: You can draw purple energy into your body, so your strength soars!

[Upper kindness is like water]: The supreme kindness is even softer than water, which can form a blessing sword energy around the host!

[Hint]: The combined sword ability lasts for up to three minutes, and it will draw a large amount of the host's vitality!

[Remarks]: After six years of breaking through the dust of the emperor city, the water in Tianchi will be scaled off one day!

Like Ganjiang Moxie, the introduction is extremely simple.

Most of Jiang Fan's excitement was extinguished!

This magic soldier, isn't it reliable?

As if feeling Jiang Fan's suspicion, Hualong Sword trembled suddenly!

A purple qi radiated from the sword body inexplicably, and all flowed into Jiang Fan's body along the hilt!

For a moment!


Jiang Fan only felt that the aura of his whole body was actually rising steadily!

An extremely terrifying force in the body seems to be awakening!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

But at this moment!

That power disappeared instantly, a flash of light flashed on the Dragon Huanjian, and a faint faint mental power sounded, which probably meant:

Soil buns, true magic soldiers do not need tricks!

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

I was actually despised by a sword!

But he immediately smiled!

"Hey hey, baby! The real baby!"

Jiang Fan touched the body of the sword with excitement on his face.

Putting away a few props, Jiang Fan finally looked at his lucky bicycle!

The bike can finally be upgraded!

"System! Upgrade the bike!"

"Ding! Your "Fortunate Bike" has reached the promotion standard!"

"Please choose the type of promotion: First, promotion! Second, evolution!"


"Ding! This equipment costs 50,000 causal points to advance, do you want to advance?"

From bronze to silver, it only cost five thousand causal points, but from silver to gold, it actually doubled ten times!

But it's okay, rich!



A white light suddenly fell down!

The next moment, on the lucky bike, a dazzling golden light burst out immediately!

"Ding! Successful promotion! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the gold-level props-the lucky bike!"

Gold level!

With the silver light gradually converging, the bicycle has revealed its true face!

At this moment, the lucky bike has completely changed its appearance. Although it is still a bicycle, the body is covered with golden patterns, which looks noble and domineering. At the same time, the body lines are more smooth, just like a work of art!

And there is another gear on the handlebar!

Sixth gear!

The silver-level lucky bike has a top speed of 150 miles per hour in fifth gear, but now in sixth gear, it has reached a terrifying 300 miles!

With the addition of Jiangfan people and vehicles, the speed can reach at least three hundred and five!

What is this concept?

The normal speed of civil aviation is basically 800 to 1000. In other words, the full speed of a lucky bicycle is equivalent to one-third of the fastest civil aviation!

The key is that there is a new button on the handlebar near the gear position!

[Flight Mode]: Press the switch, the bike will turn on the flight mode!

[Remarks]: In the flight mode, the fastest speed will be increased to 400 km/h!


With the addition of people and vehicles, wouldn't it be possible to reach nearly 500 kilometers?

The speed is half that of an airplane!

The current lucky bikes that have changed their lives against the sky not only have two more opportunities for transformation, but also have one more evolutionary!

Bicycle-electric car-motorcycle-sports car!

It can already evolve into a sports car!


But now he just wants to try the speed of the bike first!

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan took Liu Hong's filial maw and headed straight to Jiang's house!

At this time, at the corner of the street a few hundred meters away from him, Qi Wei was dialing a number with a trembling hand in a luxury sports car. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1736 of Hualong) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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