God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1728: It must be very profitable to run classes

Also, Zhou Ning got on line with this Mr. Pei because of his father Zhou Yandao.

In other words, Zhou Yandao should know more about the forces behind Mr. Pei than Zhou Ning!

and many more!

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at Curtis:

"After the negotiation with Zhou Yandao that day, where did he go?"

"Master, it is Yu Cheng!"

"Yu Cheng..."

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Wu Tao followed Mr. Pei and took a picture of Mr. Pei, which was also in Yucheng!

At that time, it happened to be the time for the two celestial realms to give up chasing and killing Uncle Xuan!

What a coincidence?

Jiang Fan slowly narrowed his eyes.

The one who discovered Uncle Xuan was not the Zhou family, but the forces to which Mr. Pei belonged. Without knowing the existence of Uncle Xuan, the Zhou family didn't need to cooperate with them at all!

And in front of Qiu Yuanfeng, Zhou Ning and that Mr. Pei, there are a lot of things that can't be said!

Also, now that I want to come, the wealth of the Jiang family has fallen into the hands of Zhou Ning and his sons, it is very rare!

They gave up so much effort and only took so little things, which is obviously too unreasonable!

Unless, what their father and son want is not the wealth of the Jiang family!

They and that Mr. Pei have absolutely other cooperation!


If so, then all of this makes sense!

This brutal attack against the Jiang family is just that Zhou Ning and his son want to enter into a cooperative transaction with the forces behind Mr. Pei!

Or, Zhou Ning and his son may be theirs!

Using the Zhou family to destroy the Jiang family was just to cover up and take away the Jiang family's thing!

And the Zhou family, I'm afraid they are still kept in the dark, and they don't even know this!

There are still many loopholes in this speculation. Jiang Fan doesn't know if his speculation is correct, but once this idea arises, it can't fall anymore!

He only knew that once Zhou Ning and his son were taken down, he would definitely know more about Mr. Pei and the things behind him!

As for the entire Zhou family, whether it was used or not, they destroyed the Jiang family and must die!


Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, Jiang Fan patted Wan Wu on the shoulder:

"Get up, the road ahead is still long, we have to go down no matter what!"


Wan Wu barely stood up, but the whole person staggered again and almost fell.

Fortunately, Jiang Fan held him back.

"Your uncle... When are you so good?"

Wan Wu grinned and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously.

Jiang Fan smiled.

"A lot happened when you were away."


Jiang family.

Hearing what Curtis and others babbled about, Wan Wu was completely blinded!

The Jiang Fan in his impression is proficient in eating, drinking and playing, and he can be said to be conscientious in his job. He is definitely the most qualified second-generation rich!

but now--

The first Internet celebrity in history!

World-class actor characters!

The most perfect model in history!

Human treasure, the emperor of music!

Master of Magic!

The gift of life!

Obesity nemesis!

This is just the takeaway star of his incarnation, and the various titles he has won!

And as Jiang Fan--

Slaughter the Yang family!

Copy and cut the Wang family!

Conquer Luocheng, Qingjiang, Xiangzhou, Wucheng, Lingzhou, Shencheng, Xichuan... all kinds of forces!

Rush into the Zhou family ancestral house, two in and two out, crazy face Zhou Patriarch!

Beheaded the four young disciples of Lu Lin Song Yan and blamed Zhou Ning!

Make friends with the Chen family and Yu family, and use the Wei family to force the Song family to seek peace!

Goryeo became famous in the first battle!

The George family of Kauai Pit is crying without tears!

Ruins No. 3 kills the Quartet!

There are too many pieces one by one!

Moreover, he is not only the Patriarch of the Jiang family, but also one of the five lords of the Sword of Thorns. The Council of Light is about to be baptized by the chief referee!

The most important thing is that he actually created a natural selection organization himself!

Don't talk about Wan Wu, Jiang Xuan is dumbfounded!

He had heard many rumors about Jiang Fan before, and they thought it was a rumor!

Now I know that the original is even more exaggerated than the rumor!

The two stared straight at Jiang Fan, shocked as if they were given more than 20 big mouths by the little demon fairy of Balabala!

The operation is so nasty?

Where should the young master go to cram school?

Wan Wu sighed for a long time, and finally sighed:

"Master, why don't you run a class, it should be very profitable!"

Jiang Xuan took a sip of the cooking wine at hand:

"Why do I think it's unnecessary to come back?"

too exaggerated!

Is this a human being?

This is less than a year!

Although the others had witnessed the rise of Jiang Fan with their own eyes, in retrospect, a sense of absurdity arose involuntarily.

"Master, now Brother Xuan is back, when do you plan to attack the Zhou family?"

Uncle Zhong broke the silence.

"The situation is still unclear, and the rest of the wealthy families are still swaying. I have to get them to set their minds first!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?"

"Fantastic auction!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were deep:

"This auction is the best opportunity for me to recognize them! By then, it's an enemy or a friend, it's clear at a glance!"

Everyone trembled!

Indeed, this strange object auction can be said to be the biggest gathering of China’s top forces in recent times!

There is no better opportunity to observe those people!

"When will the auction start?"

Jiang Xuan took another sip of cooking wine and said in a deep voice.

After 30 years of cooking for the Jiang family, it became a habit to drink two sips of wine.

"In two days, Huayang! But tomorrow we have to leave."

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Jiang Xuan was not worried about Jiang Fan's safety.

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Zhou Ling's arrival is also a reminder, Uncle Xuan, you still stay at home."

"But when you arrive at Huayang, Wan Zhou's home..."

"Don't worry, if the Zhou family dares to do something there, Tianding Ten Extremes won't be able to spare him! What's more..."

There was a touch of killing intent in Jiang Fan's eyes:

"Zhou Ling doesn't do it, whoever will die! If Zhou Ling dares to do it, I will kill him first!"

Jiang Xuan's heart trembled, Master is not joking, what he said is true!

Can he kill Zhou Ling?

Having not seen him for so long, the changes in the young master are really great.

Jiang Fan looked at the time:

"Pharaoh, let Baxianlou send a table of dishes. Today is double happiness. Let's celebrate!"


Wang Yi smiled and hurried to make arrangements.

"Xiaoyue, you have to adjust your breath first, Uncle Xuan, you should also wash yourself."

Seeing a group of people leave one after another, Jiang Fan entered the bedroom and directly took out his mobile phone.

He hesitated for a moment, thought and thought, only then dialed a number.

"Jiang Fan? Anxious?"

The voice from the other side was actually Yin Binghua's voice!

The last time she hurriedly met, she continued to look for the old man who had robbed the "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment", but listening to the tone, she probably hadn't found it yet.

"Don't worry, don't worry, ask you two people."

"Oh? Rare, let's talk!"

Yin Binghua's voice was lazy as usual.

"Two men, their appearance is not clear, one is about 1.8 meters tall, and the true energy is flexible, and the other is about 1.75 meters away, and the body guards are light blue. Have you heard of it?"

"Master Jiang, you said that there are no ten thousand but eight thousand, can you be more specific?"

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

"Puff! Cough cough cough!"

Yin Binghua was busy for a long time, and then said angrily:

"Are you kidding me?"God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /book/113664.htmlRead the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read /113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (1728 Chapters and classes must be very profitable) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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