God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1725: This guess is amazing

"Suddenly missing?"

Everyone was taken aback!


Jiang Xuan nodded:

"I don't know what's going on, but I stayed patiently for a few days until I was sure that they were really gone. Then I came back."

"Who knows that as soon as I came back, I caught up with Zhou Ling's thing and wanted to deal with the Jiang family."

"If it wasn't for my poor condition, I have to keep him today!"

Jiang Xuan gritted his teeth.

"Uncle Xuan, there is a chance!"

Jiang Fan patted Jiang Xuan on the shoulder.

The former Jiang Xuan was fat and fat, like a rich man, but now his stomach is gone, his body is regaining strength, and there are even two scars that spread to the collarbone near his chest.

Just by looking at these injuries, I know that it is not easy for me to have passed half a year!

However, a week ago, those two celestial realms suddenly disappeared?

What happened at that time?

At that time, it should be about a day or two before I went to Dongying.

The outside world does not seem to be a big deal.

Jiang Fan cast aside his thoughts, with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Xuan, now you are back too, so Xiao Lin is missing!"

"Xiao Lin? She's not dead?"

"Well, when I destroyed the Wang family, Wang Wenjie said before his death that Xiao Lin was missing."

"I hope it's okay, you and Xiao Lin, and Wan Wu, who were the best friends in the past, it's a pity Wan Wu, if it wasn't for the early death..."

Jiang Xuan sighed.


"Wan Wu is not dead!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

"not dead?"

Jiang Xuan was taken aback.


Jiang Fan briefly talked about the matter with Qiu Yuanfeng.

"Just took him back to Los Angeles two days ago, and now he is recuperating at Lu Zhenglong's mountain villa, where Yu Guangzi is in charge of taking care of him."

Yuguangzi's combat effectiveness is average, but the cultivator's research on souls and the like is far beyond ordinary people, and Yuguangzi has refined the golden core of Dangshan Zong Leiyan, and has successfully entered the realm of masters!

With his care, I believe Wan Wu will wake up soon.

"Okay, okay! God is helping us Jiang family!"

Jiang Xuan laughed and poured another sip of strong wine.

Uncle Zhong also nodded with great comfort.

"Brother Xuan, now that you are back, you will be more confident in dealing with Zhou's family!"

"By the way, Uncle Xuan, why didn't you know you were so good in the past?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"Not only that, your Uncle Xuan was called Xia Houxuan before, but..."

Uncle Zhong told Jiang Xuan's resume directly.

It's just that although Jiang Fan was surprised after hearing this, the most doubtful one!

"Master, what's the matter?"

Both Uncle Zhong and Jiang Xuan were puzzled, and the others looked at Jiang Fan in surprise.

As expected of Brother Fan, he is so calm!

However, Jiang Fan's next sentence directly surprised everyone!

"Uncle Xuan, those two powerhouses in the heaven and human realm, know your identity?"


"Do you think they have anything to do with the Zhou family?"

"This...Even though the Zhou family is one of the four largest families, it doesn't necessarily have this ability. You can invite such a master!"

"But they just showed up, as if they were waiting for you. If they say that they have nothing to do with the Zhou family, it is a coincidence, and it is incredible! But if it is related to the Zhou family, then Zhou Ling Seeing you, I should never be so shocked!"

Jiang Xuan was startled!

Jiang Fan continued to speak:

"Uncle Xuan, have you ever thought about it. If the Zhou family knew that our Jiang family had a master like you, would we still dare to attack the Jiang family?"

Everyone's face changed.

"Master, what do you mean..."

Uncle Zhong's scheming method is definitely not under Jiang Fan, but he and Jiang Xuanjiu have no time to reunite, and there is no time to think about it. Now that Jiang Fan said this sentence, he immediately reacted.

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, but suddenly took out his mobile phone and found the photo of the two masters who killed Jiang's family at the time:

"Uncle Xuan, have you met this person?"

Jiang Xuan took a closer look and shook his head:

"never seen it."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"I checked this person. Although I haven't checked it out yet, he is definitely not from the Zhou family!"

"Could it be that he has something to do with the two celestial and human realms who hunted me down?"

Jiang Xuan's expression changed.

Jiang Fan tapped the table with his fingers, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Uncle Xuan, I heard Li Hansheng say that you were late at the time because the car broke down?"


Jiang Xuan nodded:

"On the day the Jiang family was destroyed, there was no sound. The reason I went out was because I heard that there was a big yellow flower in Huicheng next door, so I wanted to buy it."

"As a result, there is no fish, nothing."

"And when I came back, the car didn't know what was going on, it broke down well!"

Uncle Zhong took a deep breath:

"Someone deliberately led you away!"


Jiang Fan nodded, he and Uncle Zhong thought of being together.

"Furthermore, the purpose of drawing you away, apart from facilitating them to destroy the Jiang family, I'm afraid I'm still waiting for the master of the Celestial Realm."

"In other words, the person who chased you must be related to the person who destroyed our Jiang family!"

"But don't talk about two masters in the heaven and human realm, the Zhou family is afraid it will be difficult to get one!"

"The Zhou family can't move, but they delivered it to the door by themselves!"

"What do they picture?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Uncle Zhong's eyes were cold:

"Master, old house secret room!"

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

In the old house of the Jiang family, there is a secret room under the old man's study.

The hardness of the secret room, even the current Jiang Fan, may not be able to penetrate it!

But when they found out, the place had been destroyed by violence!

And in the secret room, there is only a high platform that looks like a distorted human face, but the things on it are gone!

They, is it for the things on the high platform?

"So to say……"

Jiang Fan and Uncle Zhong looked at each other, and they spoke almost at the same time:

"Either, someone uses the Zhou family! Or, there is someone behind the Zhou family!"

As soon as the two of them spoke, everyone gasped!

This guess is terrible!

It's too difficult to use Zhou's family!

The Zhou family is the head of the four great families, rich as the enemy of the country!

Zhou Yuanwang, Zhou Yuande and others are even more treacherous. It is unimaginable to want to use them!

And if it is the people behind them, this guess is even more amazing!

Control Zhou's family?

Who can do it?

Tianding ten poles may not work!

Even Uncle Zhong shook his head:

"No, probably not."

Jiang Fan was silent for a long time.

Suddenly speak:

"If, I mean, what if you cooperate with those two heavens and humans, if not the entire Zhou family?"

"Master, you mean, someone in the Zhou family has a relationship with the other party?"


"But I have to hide it from the Zhou family ancestor..."

"Zhou Ling has been in retreat all year round, and his prestige in the Zhou family is unmatched, but he has control...not everyone is willing to listen to an old thing for a lifetime!"

Jiang Fan said meaningfully.

"Then the person who insisted on destroying our Zhou family, according to the young master's intention, was the one who cooperated with the two heaven and human realms?"

Uncle Zhong's face was unbelievable!

Jiang Fan was about to speak, but at this moment.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was actually Yuguangzi calling.

"Mr. Jiang! Wan Wu seems to be waking up!"

As soon as the phone was picked up, Yuguangzi's excited voice came over! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1725 This guess is too amazing ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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