The face of real Taiyi has changed!

In today's world, there are only a handful of things that can conceal the way of heaven!

But with such great power, why should I embarrass a little Nezha?

You know, even though Nezha is the reincarnation of the most precious gemstone, it is nothing more than a tribulation from the lower realms!

It's really not worthy of those powerful shots in itself!

And the background of Nezha itself...

and many more!

If it were in the past, Nezha's own background is indeed no big deal!

But since that time seven years ago, it has been different!

He is Jiang Fan's godson!

There is a big cause and effect between Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan is...

In that case, the one who did it was for Jiang Fan?

This kind of power that can conceal the way of heaven is too easy for him to offend!

And Jiang Fan, he can't afford it even more!

Not to mention anything else, just the dense lines of cause and effect on Jiang Fan's body are almost dead if touched, or dead if touched!

And it's definitely the kind that is completely wiped out and completely wiped out!

Poor, the twelve true immortals who teach the dignity, are sweating profusely right now!

"Major Taiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Huh? Ah! It's okay, it's okay!"

Madam Taiyi laughed twice and shook his head again and again!

"Daoist Jiang Fan, this matter is the old Dao's carelessness. Don't worry, the Dao Dao must rebuild his true body for Nezha even if he has tried his best to cultivate his body!"

Taiyi knew that he was afraid of being caught in a big conspiracy, but what could he do?

Thousands of mistakes are wrong, take yourself first!

However, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Brother Taiyi, do you know something?"

"No! I don't know anything!"

Taiyi almost jumped up!

The sweat on the face is more!

It's just like sipping water out!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed tighter, almost revealing a tiny slit!

Combining with Taiyi seeing Ne Zha's shocked face before, he was completely certain that Ne Zha would happen to him, even Tai Yi hadn't expected it!

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Brother Taiyi, even if the temple burns, my son shouldn't be so weak, right?"

In the original work, although Nezha’s temple was burned, it did not hurt him. He just went to the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and the real body of the lotus flower was molded for him by the real Taiyi!

Taiyi nodded repeatedly!

"This is natural! Fellow Daoists also know that Nezha is the reincarnation of my spiritual pearl. Although there is a catastrophe, it must be the rest of his life. The old Dao has left him a soul-locking lamp, even if there is any problem... "

Taiyi suddenly shut up!

But the corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually twitched!

There was a gloomy sneer!

now it's right!

Nezha's life-threatening incident must be something that happened in the middle!

Although Li Jing is the apprentice of the real person of West Kunlun Du'er, but his heart is in the limelight. He just put a name on him, and he hasn't learned anything at all!

Absolutely incapable of hurting Nezha's soul!

He had asked Nezha before, but Nezha was ignorant. He only said that the temple was burned and he became weak!

Now combined with the appearance of real Taiyi, who is full of fear, I am afraid that some big man secretly shot!

This kind of big man who even fears Taiyi will never simply embarrass Nezha!

Is it to lead yourself out?

It seems that there is only one explanation!

Haha, there is a kind!

No matter how exaggerated the mythical world is, it is only one of the ten thousand worlds after all!

The dimensionality is a little higher at best!

Being in a realm, but thinking about myself who travels through all realms!

The point is that he used his godson to perform surgery!

Oh shit!

Don't let Lao Tzu know who you are!

Otherwise, I will be promoted to level 100 in the future, so I have to let you know what a dimensionality reduction strike is!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Li Jing!

Even if the person wants to calculate himself, but without this bastard, the other party will have absolutely nothing to do!

After all, it's all about this bastard!

And seeing Jiang Fan looked over again!


Li Jing let out a miserable cry, unable to even take care of the wounds on his legs, and slammed on the ground with both hands and feet!

I rushed directly to the real Taiyi!

"The real person save me! The real person save me!"

Real Taiyi smiled at Jiang Fan with an awkward look, and then, he squeezed Li Jing's neck, and then kicked Li Jing's ass!


Li Jing rolled and fell directly to Jiang Fan's feet!

As soon as the servant looked up, he immediately saw Jiang Fan's ill-intentioned smile!

"Ah! Jiang Fan, Mr. Jiang, Master Jiang! Forgive! Forgive!"

"I, I will never dare anymore! Never dare anymore!!"

Li Jing was frightened and urinated at the moment, and his courage was almost broken!

Jiang Fan gave him a look of disgust, then suddenly raised his hand and pressed it!


The terrifying infuriating energy is almost like a vast expanse of water, and it suddenly falls!

"Huh! Huh!"

"Crack! Click!"

For an instant, the sound of bone cracks in Li Jing's body continued to sound!

The heart-piercing howl was even higher and higher, and the eyes of the throat started to spurt blood in the end!

When Jiang Fan stopped, all the bones on this cargo's body had been crushed to pieces!

"Brother Taiyi, please go ahead and help him recover!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"it is good!"

Majestic Taiyi waved his hand casually, and a burst of celestial air blasted out and fell directly on Li Jing!

In the next moment, Li Jing's bones began to heal, and even the calf that was smashed by Jiang Fan grew back!

Seeing Jiang Fan let him go, Li Jing was overjoyed!

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! Thank you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already raised his hand and pressed him again!

"Huh! Huh!"

"Crack! Click!"

"Mom!! Forgive me!!"

Li Jing howl desperately!

But the corner of Taiyi's mouth kept twitching!

He thought at first that Jiang Fan had let Li Jing go, but he didn't know how to come again!

Too cruel!

It is said that King Zhou is brutal and cruel. Compared with Jiang Fan, he is a kind person!

and many more!

That King Zhou is so ruthless, shouldn't it also have something to do with Jiang Fan, right?

Seeing Li Jing broken again, Jiang Fan actually smiled and looked at Taiyi again!

"Brother Taiyi, do you do it again?"

Taiyi shivered all over!

Li Jing is completely crazy!


Madam Yin didn't hold it back, but came to intercede.

Jiang Fan finally let go of Li Jing.

Although Li Jing is recovering physically at this moment, the mental sequelae are too serious!

Keeping saliva, the limbs are not coordinated, it is like a 50-year cerebral thrombosis patient!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes... He didn't dare to look at Jiang Fan at all!

True person Taiyi finally spoke at this time:

"Friend Jiang Fan, although Nezha's soul is pinned on your treasure, there is no worry for the time being, but he has to reshape his body as soon as possible!"

"There is a lotus pond in Lao Dao, it's better than..."

"Don't have to be so troublesome!"

Jiang Fan said, waving his hand directly!

next moment!


A large piece of fresh and tender lotus root, lotus, lotus all fell on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, an incredibly delicate scent, the scent of lotus root, which is simply stunning, has already skyrocketed!

When I saw these things, Madam Taiyi was shocked!

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