God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1696: To be fair to godson

Jiang Fan was stunned for a long time, but in the end he burst into laughter!

"Okay! Since my son speaks, let him live for the time being!"

"But the death penalty is exempt, and the living sin is hard to forgive!"

"Foster father will help you to ask for half of the justice today, and the other half, when you reshape your body, you will ask for it yourself!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he had already raised his hand abruptly!

The next moment, a gust of wind rose from the ground, and it had already taken everyone straight to Chentang Pass!

A group of people were engulfed by the wind and rose into the sky. The shock was beyond words!

"This is flying clouds and fog!"

"Nezha, this foster father, really is a god!"

"It's amazing! Unexpectedly, I can taste the feeling of being a **** like a mortal!"

"It's so tall! Suddenly I was a little scared, wondering what is going on with urine!"

"Nezha, this foster father is so magical, if we build a temple for him, and with his blessing, the weather will be smooth by the time!"



A group of people all looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

But Jiang Fan said silently in his heart at this time:

"Thanks! System!"

This is the age of mythology, fighting against the sky, even true immortals have no such ability!

What's more, Jiang Fan at this moment!

But the sky thunder before was just like a loud fart. It must be because the system didn't know what it was doing and forced it back!

"Ding! Thanks! Don't worry, with me, no one will want to accept you in these nine days and ten places!"

"Thanks... why are you taking advantage of me?"

I just finished saying this to my godson, and the system immediately dumped this sentence to myself!

Doesn't this treat yourself as a son?

"Ding! What is cheap or not? Don't care about so much between us. If you really want to call me Dad, then..."




Jiang Fan traveled from the sky, and soon brought everyone to Chentang Pass!

At this moment, Jiang Fan led Mrs. Yin in front, and dragged hundreds of people behind with strong winds. The momentum was enormous!

Just appearing in the sky above Chentang Pass has caused a commotion among countless people!

"Look at the sky!"

"My God! It's the immortal coming!"

"That's not right! In front, isn't that Mrs. Yin?"

"Huh? The people behind are all from Chen Tangguan!"

"That's my husband Li Ergou!"

"Ergou! Ergou! How did you become a fairy?"

The crowd clamored and looked at the sky dumbfounded!

The man named Li Ergou is very proud, after all, he is a gold medal supporting role, suitable for any venue!

"Wife! I didn't become a fairy, I just took the blessing of a fairy!"

"This Lord Shangxian is Nezha's godfather!"

"Take me back with the spell of flying clouds and fog!"

"Now, the **** is going to find Li Jing to settle accounts!"

As soon as Li Ergou spoke, the crowd suddenly clamored again!

And Jiang Fan has gone straight to Li Mansion!

At this moment, the commotion in the city has spread to Li Mansion!

The butler rushed to the study in fear!

"Master, it's not good!"

"Asshole! Panicking, what a decent way!"

Li Jing frowned, put down the bamboo slips in his hand, and yelled at the housekeeper!

The butler was full of horror:

"No, sir! There are immortals flying above the clouds, and they are coming to our Li Mansion!"


Li Jing was taken aback, but then he laughed!

"Don't panic! This must be the demon temple where I burned that wicked animal and accumulated a lot of merit, so the immortal came here to congratulate me! Hahaha!"

The butler looked dumbfounded!

You have dissipated the soul of your own son. With such ruthless and unrighteous things, immortals will come to you?

Where are you so confident?

But this obviously cannot be said!

"No, sir! The immortal also brought his wife, listening to the people below, what is Nezha's foster father..."


Li Jing was taken aback!

"That little beast's foster father? He has only one master. When does he have a foster father—"

He closed his mouth suddenly!

The whole person was sweaty for a moment, and his face was even more white like coconut palm juice!

Oh, shouldn’t it, is that guy here?

In Li Jing's mind, Jiang Fan's figure appeared in an instant!

Back then, he was beaten by Jiang Fan, and his mind was fart!

Only for the next seven years, Jiang Fan did not appear, Li Jing thought viciously, Jiang Fan was so arrogant, maybe he died outside!

That's why he dared to be so presumptuous!

He even broke the hope of Nezha's reincarnation!

After all, it was because of the beast Nezha that he was beaten so badly by Jiang Fan!

If you can't get revenge on Jiang Fan, you have to get revenge on this little beast!

But he never expected that Jiang Fan would come back after seven years!

Li Jing was trembling all over, and even his teeth were rattling!

The bladder is even slightly irritated, and it is about to die!

"No! No! Once that guy arrives, he will definitely take my skin apart and blow up my bones and ashes!"

"I have to find a way, I don't want to die yet! I don't want to die!"

Li Jing's nose and tears all flowed out in an instant!

The whole person is almost soft!

"Master! You, didn't you have the talisman from Master Nezha? Call the real Taiyi person, maybe..."

The butler said!

"Fu Lu? Real Taiyi? That's right!"

Li Jing jumped up suddenly, waved out a talisman!

That talisman is like made of gold, full of fairy spirit!

Li Jing shook his hand, and the talisman burned, instantly turned into a golden light, and flew towards the west suddenly!

At the same time, Jiang Fan had already landed in front of Li's Mansion!


As soon as Jiang Fan landed, the two guards at the gate immediately lifted Chang Ge and pointed at Jiang Fan!

It's just that from their trembling legs, sweating, and bulging hips, it can be seen that the two of them are ready to run at any time!


Jiang Fan spit out a word faintly!


Without saying anything, the two guards dropped Chang Ge, turned and ran!

After all, I am just a gatekeeper!

Since the gods have orders, of course they have to run!

Jiang Fan looked at the closed door, smiled coldly, and kicked out suddenly!


The entire gate of the Li Mansion, along with the surrounding walls tens of meters long, seemed to be bombarded by missiles in an instant, and they all blew up into smoke and dust!

In Li's mansion, hearing the loud noise in front of the door, Li Jing's crotch wet in shock, and even let out a series of loud farts!

"He's coming! That monster is coming!"

"How to do how to do!"

"Master Taiyi said that once this talisman is used, he will take a few breaths!"

"Are you sure?"

"If it's not allowed, I must die miserably!"

Li Jing has completely panicked!

No more arrogant look when Nezha Temple was burned!

How awe-inspiring it was at that time, how embarrassed it is now!

And just when he had no masters, a gloomy and murderous intent in his front yard made him even more familiar, and his nightmare-like voice had already sounded like a thunder!

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