Hearing Jiang Fan's question, Wu Tao suddenly spoke:

"We can only be sure right now, that person must still be in Yucheng, as for the others, we don't know..."

"Yu Cheng?"

Jiang Fan frowned. Last time, I seemed to have heard someone say that Yu Cheng was here...

But Wu Tao cautiously continued:

"Mr. Jiang, that person's strength is really terrifying, no matter who it is to follow, he can find it all!"

"Moreover, the people killed by him were all directly exploded into powder, and nothing was left!"

"We are now trying to hack into Yucheng's traffic control and other facilities to see if we can find a clue from the monitoring..."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Burst into powder!

This method of death is exactly the same as the two worships of the Jiang family back then!


Spit out a suffocating breath, Jiang Fan spoke softly:

"No matter what method you use, you must check the details of this person for me!"

Wu Tao trembled all over!

Although Jiang Fan's tone was light, the suppressed killing intent could not be concealed at all!

This is definitely not looking for benefactors, but looking for dead enemies!

Only at this time did he realize that from the beginning, he had been calculated by Jiang Fan!

"Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, we will check him out!"

"Do it well, perform well, and you can follow me in the future!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he turned around and entered the teaching building!

But Wu Tao's eyes lit up!

"Yes! Mr. Jiang, I will work hard!"

Jiang Fan entered the teaching building and immediately went straight to Class 3.

However, the class is empty!

what's the situation?

Jiang Fan looked at the class card at the door, yes, it was indeed the third class!

Damn it? Group skip class?


I'm not here for a few days, you are going to heaven again!

Jiang Fan was furious, and he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Murongcui.

But at this moment!

"Ms. Jiang?"

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that it was Xia Fanxing's assistant, Han Ya.

"Assistant Han, where's the third group?"

"Huh? You don't know?"

Han Ya was taken aback.

Jiang Fan was also taken aback:

"what do you know?"

"Tour class three! Last time you finished the parent meeting, those parents donated a building to Lan Ying. Tang Zhiyuan and the others simply gave class three a few days as a fake reward. Now it should be in Hainan... "

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

Donate a building!

Good guys!

And Han Ya looked at Jiang Fan with admiration:

"Mr. Jiang, you really belong to you. All other teachers are paid by the school. You can actually generate income for the school, unprecedented!"

"Hehe, not enough, not enough..."

Jiang Fan laughed dryly and opened WeChat directly. Only then did he see the news of the WeChat group.

As early as the evening of the parent meeting, a group of bear kids planned a trip.

However, he set the group news silent, and he didn't even notice it.

But since these guys are not at home, he doesn't need to stay anymore.

Saying hello to Han Ya, Jiang Fan left Lan Ying straight away.

Standing at the gate, Jiang Fan suddenly felt a little bit idle, so he simply clicked on the takeaway software.

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"


Keep running!


After receiving the order, Jiang Fan soon came to Wanghong Street!

Jiang Fan didn't deliver much food during this time, and the Internet celebrity street was a little deserted!

But with his appearance, those long-awaited anchors and fans were suddenly excited!

"Look! The takeaway star has appeared!"

"Idol! I love you!!"

"Ergou? Come here, the takeaway star has appeared!"

"Nonsense! My device has been aimed at those female anchors!"

"The place where the takeaway star appears must have long legs and career lines!"

"Quick! Take a piece of news now!"

"Just write that the star-shaped takeaway is a single movie, suspected to have a relationship with Su Lingyu!"

"Idol! When will Yijian Wushuang release a sequel!"

The crowd was full of excitement!

Jiang Fan is still the same as before, waving his hand, passing by like the wind!

Soon, one afternoon passed!

Seeing that there are more than a dozen miles away, the bike will be upgraded!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was actually called by Ma Dong, the owner of the Ma family!

"Patriarch Ma, how are you doing these days?"

After answering the phone, Jiang Fan smiled and said!

However, in the next moment, his face changed directly!

Just because it came from there, it was not Ma Donglai's voice at all:

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, you and Ma's family really hooked up!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment before speaking:

"who are you?"

"Hey, I'm afraid to scare you when I say it, why don't you guess?"

"Guess your mother! Love to say or not!"

As Jiang Fan said, he hung up the phone!

Feng Lang on the opposite side was stunned!

what's the situation!

Is this guy an idiot?

I used Ma Donglai's phone to call him, which obviously proved that something happened to the Ma family!

He doesn't even care?

Damn it!

This is the moment for Lao Tzu to show off his power!

How can he make him look down upon him so much!

When he hung up the phone, Jiang Fan's eyes jumped!

Something happened to the Ma family!

The last time I went to Qingjiang, it was when Ma's family was calculated by a man named Xu Yi who wanted to seize the Ma's property.

At that time, I killed Xu Yi and reached an agreement with Lou Ying, the woman behind Xu Yi.

Could it be that this time, it was the people from Lou Ying who made the shot again?

Do not!

No, if it were them, they wouldn't use this tone to themselves!

"Sure enough, I hooked up with the Ma family...that was before the Ma family was dating? At that time..."

Jiang Fan closed his eyes and kept recalling.

Just a few seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes!

"Feng Lang!"

Long ago, Jiang Fan once severed Feng Lang's head with a sword, but then Feng Lang's body mysteriously disappeared.

It was only when Jiang Fan went to the Black Horse Tribe to dig the tomb of the Dark God and talked with Aonangana that Feng Lang was still alive!

And this guy didn't know what chance he had, he was chased all the way by the long wind of Tianding Shiji!

Now that he is in Qingjiang, he has obviously got rid of the long wind!

Being able to get rid of all the long winds, this guy's strength at the moment is probably amazing!

Jiang Fan will not delay anymore, with one hand!

The invisible iron-blooded spacecraft has suddenly appeared on the avenue!

Jiang Fan jumped into the spaceship, and immediately controlled the spaceship to soar into the sky!

Qingjiang must not be missed!

Once Qingjiang changed hands, Lingzhou could no longer be controlled. When Zhou Jiawan changed his life, the whole game of chess would be ruined!

Along the way, the phone kept ringing, but Jiang Fan just kept his face calm and didn't answer it at all!

Feng Lang is now a villain, once he answers his phone, maybe he will play that set of killing chickens and monkeys!

The iron-blooded spacecraft is getting faster and faster, and at this moment, Jiang Fan directly initiates a short space jump!


Along with the fluctuations in the space, the next moment, a wormhole appeared in front of the iron-blooded spacecraft!

The spacecraft passed by, reappeared, and has reached the sky over Qingjiang!

Jiang Fan looked for the direction and went straight to Ma's house!

And at this moment, the Ma family!

"Damn! This bastard! He didn't answer the phone!"

Feng Lang's face was distorted, and he was obviously angered to the extreme! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1685 Donated a building ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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