God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1675: Is this monster lacking father?


With Feiwu's big mouth falling, Jiang Fan enjoyed another free return to the city!

Reappearing in the temple, Jiang Fan's face is extremely gloomy!

His strongest blow turned out to be a hole in Feiwu's mouth!

This guy's body is so hard!

The point is, this guy can actually heal itself!

This is a fart!

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Fan clenched his fists tightly!

There are countless images of flying around after becoming stronger in my heart!

However, after a long time, he discovered that until now, he was the only one who had come back!

Looking at the backpack, the consumption rate of causal points turned out to be 300 points per minute!

Someone has entered the ruins!

But being stared at by the flying centipede, this group of guys should be back soon too!

Jiang Fan began to wait.




Seeing that half an hour had passed, nobody came back!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

When have these guys been so tough?

You have to know that in front of the flying centipede, you can't hold it, but this group of guys are so promising?

Opening the team interface, Jiang Fan made a voice directly!

"What's the situation? Feiwu didn't find you?"


Christine returned one first!

"I thought that monster was killed by your master!"

Curtis returned one soon afterwards!

The others also responded to the news one after another.

I didn't see the flying centipede!


Only then did Jiang Fan understand that Feiwu didn't even look for them!

This luck...

"How are you doing now?"

Jiang Fan sent another one.

"My lord, I haven't encountered anything here."

"Brother Fan, I just killed two monsters I met before!"

"Foster father, I am a bit tricky. I encountered a seventeenth-level monster and suffered a little injury."

"Master, was stared at by a level 16 monster, running away..."


Talking in the chat group!

Generally speaking, there is basically no major problem.

As for Curtis, given him so many corpses, there must be something in his hand that can kill the sixteenth level, but it is estimated that he is reluctant to use it—

Anyway, it can be resurrected. Since there is no need to work hard, who will show the cards?

But since everything is fine, Jiang Fan is not prepared to wait any longer.

Relaxing, he finally walked out of the temple again!

I don't know what the city has experienced, except for a few landmark buildings, most of the places are completely different from the previous landforms!

The location of the temple should be on the former Staten Island, but it is now connected to the eastern Queens area!

And here is more than ten kilometers from the north, Manhattan, the true center of New York!

Before, everyone was heading east, preparing to enter the Queens area.

This time Jiang Fan directly changed direction and touched near the Hudson River to the north.

Since the flying centipede appeared in the east, head north by yourself!

Jiang Fan went all the way, and encountered a few more monsters on the road, all of which were easy to kill!

And one of them actually burst out a golden core!

Jiang Fan moved on after receiving it, and soon came near an abandoned subway station.

But at this moment!


Suddenly an unusually depressed breath came from the wind!

As soon as he felt this breath, Jiang Fan's face changed directly!

"Isn't the idea so memorable?"

He suddenly turned around and stared at the horizon!

There, a faint little spot is attacking with an astonishing speed, twisting its body coquettishly!

As soon as he saw this enchanting twisting body, Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly twitched!

This is actually that flying centipede again!

Damn it!

Is this product really lacking in fathers?

Apart from anything else, Jiang Fan turned around and ran towards the subway tunnel!

This passage was originally only five meters wide, and if it had been damaged, the width of the entrance was only two meters. The huge body of the flying centipede could not be squeezed in anyway!

The inside of the subway station is pitch black, but Jiang Fan has Redick's luminous eyes, and even if there is no half of the light, everything inside can be seen in his eyes!

After walking down more than ten meters in a row, Jiang Fan finally came down.

The platform was empty, and the tiles on the walls and the ground were covered with dark brown marks.

On the railway in the distance, only half of the wreckage of the subway was left lying alone on the track.

Jiang Fan's feet twisted slightly, and the dark brown thing suddenly cracked and shattered.


These things are clotting of blood, but after too long time, even the **** smell disappeared.

Jiang Fan took a few steps forward and jumped directly onto the track.

Then follow the track and head north!

Just walked out about a hundred meters, an unspeakable rancid smell suddenly floated in the distance!

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

After entering the ruins for so long, he found no other creatures except those demons!

Moreover, the Mozu will be directly blown into black smoke after death, and there will be absolutely no rot!

Where does this rancid smell come from?

Just when he was in a daze!


On a section of the track in the distance, the entire ground with the track, unexpectedly all raised a strangely!

And then, the bulging area got bigger and bigger, and finally broke the railroad track and exploded directly!

Jiang Fan hid his face and stepped back. When the smoke dissipated, he was surprised to find that a huge flower had grown there!

This flower is more than three meters high, and the whole is dark brown. The petals are layered on top of each other, and the beauty is indescribable!

But such a beautiful flower exudes an extremely pungent rancid smell!

The odor Jiang Fan smelled just now came from it!

"System! What is this?"

"Ding! It costs 300 karma points to look up this creature!"

"Your uncle!"

Jiang Fan cursed, still paying the money honestly!

"Ding! Rotten soul flower! Like to swallow rotten corpses, it has high nutritional value and is the favorite of the strong in this area!"

This introduction...

Jiang Fan is a little confused!

The smell of bitter durian mixed with stinky tofu is still good!

Some people actually like to eat this kind of food?

And just when he got lost!


The whole ground suddenly trembled!

It can be seen to the naked eye that large cracks appeared in the tunnel above Jiang Fan's head!

At the same time, that unusually familiar breath has appeared again!

"Flying centipede! What am I—"

Not bad!

This breath is exactly the flying centipede!

Jiang Fan scolded his mother desperately in his heart!

Get ready to run away when you move!

But at this moment, his expression suddenly moved!

When the system was introduced just now, it was said that this rotten soul flower is the favorite of regional powerhouses!

In other words, when the flying centipede appeared just now, it was not running towards me, but feeling that the rotten soul flower was about to bloom, and it came here!


Jiang Fan suddenly laughed, clutching his nose and rushing towards the Corrupted Soul Flower!

You killed Lao Tzu twice, and Lao Tzu ruined your favorite this time!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to rush to the Rotting Soul Flower!

But at this moment, his scalp was numb, and his whole body was subconsciously slightly on the side!

next moment!


An ear-piercing whistle suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a jet black, covered with spiked vines, directly stuck to Jiang Fan's nose, and plunged into the wall of the tunnel above!


The tunnel above seemed to be blasted by a laser!

It actually exploded a terrifying hole with a diameter of more than three meters and blasted through to the ground!

The strength and speed of this vine's shot just now is even more amazing than an eighteenth-level master's shot!

It was only then that Jiang Fan discovered that this vine actually belonged to the Flower of Rotten Soul!

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