God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1670: Throne of Thorns and Roots

The weight was silent.

After a long time, this slowly said:

"Mr. Jiang, this is not your concern!"

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Mr. Weight, let me speak clearly, you can use me if you want, but Jiang Fan will never do a foolish business!"

"I finally know the strength of Isaac, but I don't know what your strength is!"

"If your strength is just blown out, then the chance of being killed by Isaac and venting my anger after I finish this thing is infinite!"

"Or I can make it clearer!"

"Even if things go well, how do I know that you can save my life?"

The weight frowned!

In fact, he never thought of keeping Jiang Fan!

This matter is a big deal for him!

As long as he gets the Deep Sea Bottle, what does Jiang Fan's death have to do with him?

But he didn't expect Jiang Fan to be so difficult to deal with!

A few words pointed out the biggest loophole in the transaction!

But if you don't give Jiang Fan a reassurance at this time, this deal will definitely be yellow!

And Jiang Fan will definitely inform Isaac!

Knowing this, Isaac will definitely improve his defenses, and the chances of getting the Deep Sea Bottle in the future will only be lower!

The most important thing is that although Isaac looks polite, he is a butcher when he kills people!

The weight finally made up his mind!

"Mr. Jiang, I can tell you, but you have to understand that once you listen to me, you are destined to be unable to look back!"

"If you dare to regret it, then believe me, you will definitely die!"

The voice of the weight carries a mountain of solemnity!


"Hehe, do you think I was scared?"

"Huaxia doesn't know how many people want me to die, but I'm still alive now!"

"On the contrary, those who want to kill me, now even the bones stinks!"

"If you want to say it, just say it, Lao Tzu's time is precious!"

Jiang Fan sneered!


The weight is almost lost by Jiang Fan!

But he just took a deep breath!

"Okay! Jiang Fan, you have been in the Sword of Thorns for so long. You should know the origin of the Sword of Thorns, right?"

"Know! To fight against the **** prince and those so-called gods!"

"Yes, but you may not know that our organization, the initial name, was just ‘thorns’!"

The weight slowly speaks:

"After the establishment of the Thorns, the great paladin, the Saint Bayar, led the organization to contend with the Council of Light, while eradicating the remnants of Solomon's Key."

"But it's a pity that we don't have our own foundation after all, so our power is declining."

"At this time, the saint Bayar decided to let us dormant temporarily."

"And divided the'thorns' into three parts!"

"These three parts are the most powerful sword of thorns!"

"The Throne of Thorns that plays the role of the leader and the center!"

"Responsible for cultivating newcomers and coordinating the roots of thorns in logistics!"

"In Bayar's vision, the coordination of these three parts can provide a steady stream of combat power for the thorns, and in the end, the thorns will surely rise!"

"And so is the fact!"

"The thorns of recuperation and rejuvenation are getting stronger and stronger! At the strongest time, you can even fight against the Illuminati Council!"

"But people's ambitions are infinite!"

"One hundred and thirty years after Bayar's death, cracks gradually appeared inside the thorns!"

"The man in charge of the sword of thorns has launched an internal riot!"

"The leader of the Throne of Thorns at that time, and several powerful men, were all killed!"

"Since then, the sword of thorns dominates the family! Instead, it has become the true leader of thorns!"

"Even now, even those world-class organizations, few people know the Throne of Thorns!"

"And this situation didn't get better until nearly a hundred years ago!"

"The leader of the Throne of Thorns at that time realized the power of technology and secretly gathered a large number of scientific research talents!"

"With the efforts of these people, the Throne of Thorns gradually used another method to regain the dominance with the Sword of Thorns!"

"The convenience brought by technology has attracted many tyrannical master-level masters for the Throne of Thorns!"

"Up to now, even the sword of thorns cannot do without us at all!"

"Not even dare to provoke us at will!"

"So, even if he knows Liandel is ours, Isaac can only bear it!"

"And the leader of the throne of thorns generation, Lord Libra, is a top powerhouse with strength and wisdom, none of which is below Isaac!"

"I can be very responsible for telling you that the organization of Thorns will soon usher in a major reshuffle!"

"And Lord Libra and Isaac are both robbing this position!"

"However, I can guarantee that the next generation, the leader of the entire thorns, will definitely be Lord Libra!"

"Even I can tell you a secret that few people know even inside the Throne of Thorns!"

"Our latest technology for the development of the blood of the gods can completely create a master-level master!"

"Jiang Fan, the opportunity is right here. If you can really do well this time, coupled with the effect of God's blood transformation, in the future, even if you can replace Isaac's position, it is not impossible!"

"Now, tell me your choice!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

The weight is amazing!

Let alone the disputes within the thorns, it's just that this kind of heaven-defying method that can create a master-level master simply breaks the rules of this world!

The man-made master!

If the weight is true, let alone the inside of the thorns, even the whole world will usher in a real reshuffle!

However, unlike others, no matter how amazing the words of the weight were, Jiang Fan's mouth was always sneered!

Artificial master?


It sounds amazing, but I really want to do it, it's definitely not as easy as the weight said!

And the blood spent in this process, I'm afraid it needs an astronomical figure!

Even if the Throne of Thorns has this ability, I am afraid that I can't make two in a year!

What's more, is the man-made master very awesome?

Just look at Jiang Fan's team and know that for him, building a master is no more difficult than eating and drinking!

And seeing Jiang Fan's expression, the others quickly reacted!


Isn't this the trick of the boss of the Shanzhai Jiangfan!

A group of people looked at each other and all shook their heads!

Suddenly feel dull!

Hearing that there was no movement here, the weight thought that Jiang Fan was stunned!

He chuckled:

"Mr. Jiang, don't be so surprised, join us, you will only know the more amazing inside story! Tell me your choice!"

Jiang Fan pouted his lips, finally pretending to be shocked!

"What?! You, you, can actually make a grandmaster? And, it turns out that this is what happened inside the thorns?"

It's too exaggerated! !

Wang Yi and others all covered their foreheads!

Master, this is really not taking the other party seriously!

I don't even bother to show off my acting skills!

But after all, the actor is the actor, even if Jiang Fan's performance is so unconcerned, he will not be able to hear the flaws!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang, as I said, this little secret is nothing!"

The weight smiled proudly!

"Okay! I promise you! But, I have the conditions!"

Jiang Fan said flatly!

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