After listening to Hasegawa's narration, Jiang Fan couldn't help but admire!

Dongying’s tradition of worshiping ghosts is really awesome!

The Pingjiangmen is also proud of it!

"Hehe, I don't think anyone remembers my great achievements now! But this is also what I should do, who made me—"


Before he could finish his words, Jiang Fan slapped it with a big mouth!

He screamed again when Pingjiang was hit at the door, but he honestly shut his mouth!

And Jiang Fan has already spoken lazily!

"If you let go, you have a master and servant contract with Hasegawa!"


Ping Jiang was directly angry!

"I'm one of the four grievances! It's even more--"

"If you don't sign, I will kill you now!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!


Pingjiangmen trembled all over, looking at Jiang Fan's emotionless eyes, he finally trembled:

"I, I promise!"


With the formation of the contract, Pingshoumen has returned to Hasegawa's body!

At the same time, Hasegawa's breath is rising all the way!

In the end, he broke the shackles directly!

Reached level 15 in one fell swoop!

The breakthrough Hasegawa was surprised and delighted!

The strength of their Onmyoji is closely related to the spirit!

Completely subduing the tie gate, the strength will naturally rise!

Although this power is only an external force, it is completely incomparable to the rest of the people, but after all, this is a real master's power!

"My lord! Thank you!"

Hasegawa looked at Jiang Fan gratefully!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It's nothing, behave well, and I will catch you a **** as a shikigami!"


Hasegawa's face is dumbfounded!

Catch a god, be a shikigami?

I am afraid that only adults can have such arrogance!

At this moment, Curtis had collected all the corpses, only a dozen of them were left!

Jiang Fan was about to start drawing blood, but at this moment!

He suddenly turned around and looked directly to the north!

"My lord, what's the matter?"

The rest of them looked blank!

But Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth gradually aroused!

"Money is coming!"


Everyone looked dumbfounded!

And the next moment!


A figure was already like a meteor, and suddenly it shot in front of everyone!

That is a woman with a very hot body!

She was wearing a black kimono embroidered with runes, with a small war drum hanging from her left waist, and a golden knife hanging from her right waist!

This woman is beautiful, but she has a hostile face!

Especially when she saw the broken glacier and the house that had been razed to the ground, she was trembling all over!

Obviously, he is extremely angry!

This woman is exactly, the gentlewoman! !

"Asshole! You guys, dare to..."

Looking at the scene, the female gentleman almost vomited blood!

The residence of the Feng Mo clan was destroyed, and the seal was broken!

But there was nothing left except the corpses of the Abe family all over the place!

"Guojin God, where did you go!!"

The female gentleman suddenly roared!

He has stared at Jiang Fan tightly!

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Well, why don't you guess?"


With a roar of anger, the female gentleman suddenly reached Jiang Fan's body, and blasted out with a punch!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

So fast!

This speed has definitely exceeded the seventeenth level!

This kind of strength can be burst out in the sea of ​​trees, how did this woman do it?

However, the speed of the female gentleman only surprised him!

Between the lightning and flint, Jiang Fan also raised his fist, and suddenly slammed back!

The fists of the two directly blasted together!

Time seems to freeze for a moment!

next moment!


The place where the two fists intersect suddenly burst into a storm-like air wave!

The power of this air wave was so great that it actually scraped the ice-covered ground by three inches alive!

The two flew upside down at the same time!

As for the others, they were almost directly blown a hundred meters away!


Jiang Fan and the female gentleman smashed onto the icy ground at the same time!

And as soon as the two of them fell, the ground seemed to be bombarded by a missile, and two large craters with a diameter of several tens of meters were directly exploded!

The strength of these two punches is so exaggerated!


Just before everyone reacted, the two had already rushed out of the big pit at the same time!

Floating in the air at the same time!

Jiang Fan just casually patted the ice on his body!

But the female gentleman looked at Jiang Fan with a look of surprise!

My heart has turned up the stormy sea!


The other party is just a mortal!

How could such a powerful physical force?

"who are you!"

The female gentleman stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"I am your father!"

"you wanna die!"

The female monarch suddenly roared, and she was in front of Jiang Fan again!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed!

The speed of the female gentleman this time is more than twice as fast!

Before he could react, the opponent had already hit him with a punch!


Jiang Fan was almost like a small stone, and was hit to the ground with a punch from the female gentleman!


The ground trembled suddenly!

Countless hard ice rises into the sky like a fountain!

And around Jiang Fan's landing point, it collapsed more than ten meters deep!

More than a dozen huge cracks over 100 meters have spread directly around!

"grown ups!"

Everyone flashed!

And at this moment!


In the deep pit, two coughs suddenly sounded, and then Jiang Fan was already floating again!

It's just that although he didn't seem to be in any serious trouble, there was a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth!

Everyone was stunned!

the first time!

In the physical contest, it was the first time that Jiang Fan was given the upper hand by others!

And the female gentleman was also stunned!

The power of that punch just now was enough to smash all seventeenth levels!

Even if he reached the eighteenth level, he would be seriously injured!

But this kid didn't even vomit blood!

Such a powerful body, she has seen it for the first time among human beings!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were still flat when it was obviously down!

He looked at the female gentleman, and suddenly said:

"I don't seem to be... your opponent!"

"Huh! You know you! My physical strength is at the eighteenth level! In other words, in this sea of ​​trees, I can exert this level of power at the lowest level!"

The female gentleman smiled proudly!


"Exerting the power of the eighteenth level in the sea of ​​trees?"

"Does that mean that in the sea of ​​trees, she is invincible?"

"Who is this woman? How could she be so fierce?"

"She should be the female monarch!"

"Trouble now!"

Everyone was stunned!

The face is unbelievable!

And the female gentleman has already spoken to Jiang Fan again:

"Say! Who the **** are you!"

However, Jiang Fan did not answer her, but continued to ask:

"Should all the stones of Ise Jingu's strength be in your hands?"

The female gentleman frowned:

"It seems that Abe has already told you everything! But these things have nothing to do with you. Tell me your identity and the whereabouts of the gods. I can make your death easier!"

"Dead? Haha..."

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"Why are you laughing?"

The female gentleman frowned!

There was a bad feeling in my heart!

Only the next moment, she was stunned!

Not only her, the others also stared at Jiang Fan with eyes wide open!

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