A loud noise that seemed like a muffled thunder, suddenly resounded through the entire sea of ​​trees!

And Jiang Fan's punch had already slammed Isshilidu's life hard!

At this moment, the air around Isshridu's life seemed to be stagnant!

next moment!


The clothes on his chest suddenly exploded into countless pieces!

And from the spine of Hou Xin, there was a series of crisp sounds of bone fragmentation!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Isshridu was trembling violently all over his life!

And the sound of broken bones spread all over the body almost instantly!

After disappearing with the last sound, he was like a puddle of mud, completely paralyzed on the ground!

Jiang Fan's punch just now completely shattered the bones of his body! !

Except for his head at this moment, Isshridu is working hard like a roast chicken without bones, unable to move a bit anymore!

Everyone was stunned!

Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!


With just one punch, Ishulidu was destroyed!

This guy, who on earth is it! !

And Ish Lidu's hard work is even more unbelievable looking at Jiang Fan!

Open the middle of the world, just to restore him to the top!

According to his thoughts, even if it is head-on, Jiang Fan is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!

But who would have thought that after opening the middle of the world, not only did the two people's strengths not reversed, but instead let Jiang Fan throw him a fist!

How could this kid be so strong!

"You, if you are so strong, why do you still..."

"Say, I'm afraid you will run away!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"The ability of the Abe clan is actually this kind of realm, which I didn't expect!"

"Since you can exert all your power in the realm of the realm, of course it is also possible to run away!"

"That's why I gave you a chance to attack me and let you take action!"

"In this way, you must have not run away!"

"Well, it's that simple!"

Issh Lido opened his mouth wide!

He looked at Jiang Fan blankly for a long time, and finally spoke unwillingly:

"If it wasn't for my ability to be useless to you, you would have died long ago!"

Isshridu’s strongest ability to sell his life is to use the mirror to display various abilities!

It's a pity that he used the mirror to sleep Jiang Fan for a long time. Not only did he have no effect at all, but the whole person who was drawn was almost ascending!

Scared, he never dared to use the mirror again!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a close attack just now, and Jiang Fan would be completely abolished!

"Boy, you did beat me, but now your group of subordinates must have been completely defeated!"

"If you don't want them to die, you better let me go!"

Isshridu is still not giving up on his life!

But Jiang Fan laughed!

The smile is full of malice!

Isshy Lido was desperately stunned!

"You, don't you care about the life and death of your subordinates?"

"No, no, no!"

Jiang Fan smiled and shook his head!

"Didn't you just say that unless all my subordinates are originally grandmasters, the whole army will be wiped out?"

"Yes, yes! Then you're not happy—"

Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders before Issu Lidu had finished speaking.

"It's a pity, you are unfortunate enough, they are indeed all---Grandmasters!!"


The heart of the sea of ​​trees!

If you have never walked here, you will never imagine that it is a paradise!

I saw a house full of Japanese style in the middle of a huge open space!

This house occupies a very large area, among which there are many houses, and there is actually a big artificial lake!

And this is where the Abe clan guards!

In the forest not far from the house, except for Yue Jianhan who closed his eyes and slowly stroking the Shuiyu Zimu Sword, the others were squatting on the ground boredly!

According to Jiang Fan's instructions, they had been waiting in Shuhai long ago!

And seeing Jiang Fan's eruption of the sun fist rays, they immediately went directly into the sea of ​​trees!

Unlike last time, this time not only Christine's wood-type ability, but also Douglas's earth-type ability, everyone went all the way without hindrance, and finally came to the center of the sea of ​​trees!

The wraith spirits along the way were all swallowed up by Sadako before they could sound the alarm!

So even if they had reached the door of the Abe family, those people were unaware of it!


The extremely boring Long Yan finally yawned!

And this thing seemed to be contagious, and everyone yawned one after another!

Lu Bu was so impatient that he couldn't sit still!

"Why hasn't there been any movement over the foster father?"


Curtis took a quick reply, but he hasn't finished speaking!


A harsh scream suddenly sounded from the north!

This scream is obviously a resentful spirit!

But it was different from the scream that was killed by Jiang Fan before. The sound was endless, and with the prolonged time, it became more and more screaming!

It's as if someone deliberately tortured the grieving spirit and made it scream!

This is exactly the wailing of Isshilidu who worked hard to draw out the Abe family and tortured the wraith spirits!

And this sound just uttered for a few seconds!

"Swish swish swish swish!!"

In the house of the Abe clan, seven or eight figures suddenly popped up, madly flying in the direction where the screams came from!

Seeing these people leave, Lu Bu and others are all refreshed!

And Yue Jianhan opened his eyes suddenly!

Ignoring others at all, I walked towards the house in a big stride!

"Xiaoyue! Wait, be cautious..."

Curtis hurriedly spoke!

It's a pity that the Necromancer hasn't finished speaking yet, and the rest of the people have all rushed out like a swarm!

This is the time to grab the head!

It's been a long time since I opened the meat!

The fool is waiting!

Seeing that these guys are faster than one, Curtis can't take care of it anymore. When he moves, it has turned into a cloud of black smoke and suddenly rushed into the house!

At this moment, in the house!

Hearing the harsh scream of the resentful spirit, many people have already walked out!

One of them is an old man with a long beard, and behind the old man, there are several mature people!

"Elder Jingba, how come Elder Beauty Dog and they all go out?"

One of the middle-aged people looked at the old man curiously!

Abe Kyamba looked gloomy:

"This resentful spirit's voice is so stern, someone must have deliberately broke into the sea of ​​trees to demonstrate! That's why the beautiful dogs will go out together!"


"Does this mean that someone knows the existence of my clan?"

"The only ones who know us are Ise Jingu and the Imperial Palace!"

"Except for them, even a big power like Igaryu is only a vague understanding of it!"

"Someone dared to break into the sea of ​​trees to demonstrate against us, who is the other party?"

Several brawny men frowned!

"Huh! No matter who it is, if you dare to enter the sea of ​​trees to provoke us, it is to die!"

Abe Jingba snorted!

"Well, they will find out after the American dog comes back, and everyone will go back and do their own thing!"

As he said, he looked directly at a strong man!

"Chow Chow, how are your preparations for this month's wishing strength stone?"

"It will be ready in two days!"

Abe Chow hurriedly spoke!

"Okay, the progress this time is much faster than before, and the rest is enough for Shigami..."

At this moment, Abe Kyobashi hasn't finished speaking!


A loud noise!

The gate of the house, along with a surrounding wall that is more than ten meters long, seemed to have been blasted by a missile!

It exploded directly into a cloud of dust!

And in the midst of the dust, Lu Bu and others rushed in with grinning faces!

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