God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1630: This cliff is Diaoweiya

Kuroda held a chess piece in his hand, looked at the chessboard, hesitated for a long time, then helplessly put down the chess piece and looked at the man!

"Ms. Liu Sheng, I lost it!"

In the imperial residence, there is only one person who can be called a teacher by Kuroda Hikaru and whose surname is Yanagi!

The emperor's kendo teacher, Yagyu Yijian!

As a big family that stretches for hundreds of years in the history of Dongying, the Yanagi family, the strongest kendo master of each generation, will inherit the name Yanagi Ichiken!

"Hehe, Kuroda-kun, you have been able to hold on to the present, and the progress in chess has been amazing!"

"Thank you teacher for the compliment!"

Kuroda Hikaru suddenly smiled!

After all, being able to get praise from the master Liu Sheng Yijian is a kind of supreme glory for anyone!

But at this moment!

Suddenly there was a mess of footsteps behind Kuroda Hikaru!

Immediately afterwards, a guard ran over with a panic expression!

"Master Kuroda! It's not good!"

"Bastard! Didn't you see Teacher Liu Sheng here? Panicked, how decent!"

"Yes! The subordinate knows wrong! But my lord, something really happened!"

"Huh! What happened?"

"Someone broke into the imperial residence!"

"Hehe, I thought it was a big deal! Such a small-fuck?!"

Kuroda Guang's faint smile froze directly on his face, and he himself seemed to utter a scream like a groundhog!

"You, what did you say?!!!"

"Yes, someone broke into the imperial residence. They came in from the outer court, and now they have entered the outer court!"

Kuroda Hikaru's eyes widened, as if he saw his wife talking about life with the old Wang next door!

Someone dared to break into the imperial residence!


Who is so bold!

Could it be Lao Maozi's warship, coming over?


How is this possible!


Kuroda finally reacted and suddenly roared!

"Follow me right away! I want to see who has the courage!"

He reluctantly smiled apologetically at Liu Sheng!

"Sorry, Teacher Liu Sheng, I will deal with it first!"

"Well! Go ahead, I'm in the inner courtyard, nothing is wrong!"

Liu Sheng gave a sword and smiled proudly!

"Thank you teacher!"

Kuroda bowed vigorously, turned and left with his subordinates!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already crossed the bridge and entered the outer court of the Imperial Palace!

However, on the road just entering this side, countless guards have rushed out one after another, and the ground is covered with nail barriers!

And the road piles have also risen!

This nail barrier is so sharp that it can pierce through special tires!

And the road pile is solid alloy steel!

In this case, let alone a sports car, even a tank requires a dog!

"Damn! I dared to break into the imperial residence, it was almost dead!"

"Wait for him to stop, take it immediately!"

"Not only this bastard, but his family will also be punished severely!"

"Yes! How dare you be so presumptuous, you must regret it for life!"

All the guards gritted their teeth!

Compared to a bunch of **** watching the gate outside, they are truly elite!

Everyone has five levels of strength!

The level of the team leader has reached the seventh level!

And this is just the defense level of Waiyuan!

It can be said that the strongest masters in the entire East are not in Igaryu, Koga-ryu, or Yagyu's house, but they are all gathered in this palace!

At this moment, these people just waited for Jiang Fan to stop!

And once the car stops, not only everyone will accept their fists full of anger and shame!

The sports car is getting closer and closer with a fierce roar!

But even if it is about to hit the nail barrier, there is no sign of the speed of the sword!

Everyone's complexion changed!

"This guy, he doesn't even stop!"

"He couldn't find death!"

"At such a fast speed, if you don't stop, once you hit the nail barrier, only the car will crash!"

"Could it be that the brakes are out of control?"

"That's not the reason why he broke into the outer court!"

"Yes! It's okay to die, so we don't have to take it!"

A group of people sneered!

Just waiting for Jiang Fan's car to crash and die!

However, Jiang Fan also sneered!

Seeing that the sports car will be pressed to the moment of the nail barrier!

He slammed the steering wheel suddenly and pulled the handbrake hard at the same time!

The sports car trembled suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, in everyone's unbelievable gaze, the body of the sports car suddenly turned upside down!

Directly land on the ground with the two tires on the side, and there is no space between them. From the side of the nail barrier, the road is only less than 20 centimeters intact and slips past!


The harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded!

There was a large amount of green smoke splashing under the tires!

But even so, the car passed the nail barrier intact!

A group of guards stared blankly!


"This Nima...what technology is it?!"

"Simply better than speed and passion!"

"Ouni sauce! It's too fierce!"

"Loved! This kind of car skills is simply..."

"Bastard!! Have you forgotten your responsibilities? Now is not the time to chase stars, bastards!!"

A team leader suddenly roared!

A group of guards suddenly reacted!


"There are road stakes!"

"This guy absolutely can't pass this time!"

"Everyone prepares! Once this guy comes out, first give me a ruthless abolition of him!"

Everyone is yelling!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already driven the car and slid out of the range of the nail barrier. Not only did the speed remain unchanged, but instead he slammed the accelerator harder to the end!

Go crazy and go straight to the road stakes!

Everyone was taken aback again!

"Is this kid crazy?"

"It's just looking for death!"

"At this speed, once it hits a road bollard, the lightest is a vegetative person!"

"It's a pity! A generation of car gods don't know his name yet!"

Everyone looks complicated!

Just wait to see the scene of Jiang Fan's death!

However, seeing the car is getting closer and closer to the road pile, and the speed of the car is almost kicked to the limit!

At this moment!


The sports car suddenly flicked its tail in a straight-forward state!

And Jiang Fan suddenly pulled the handbrake!

next moment!


The car looks like the picture in the wanted order, the whole body rolls over!

It's over ten meters high!

At this moment, everyone's sights are all following the car all the way!

Then, I saw the car with an astonishing whistling sound, crossing the layers of road piles, and the people behind the road piles, straddling a distance of more than ten meters, and with a crash, it fell heavily on the ground!

The crowd was dull!

"Pass, wanted order?!"

"Well, it's Angelina Jolie!"

"Am I crossing?"

"Where is the camera? This car is a jerk!"

"Foul! This is a foul!"

The crowd is almost crazy!

Nima is too ridiculous!

Can the car still drive like this?

Brother, this is not a movie!

"Stop screaming! Hold him quickly!!"

At this moment, a team leader finally reacted and suddenly roared!

But before they could do anything, Jiang Fan smiled and slammed the accelerator!


The car's engine roared suddenly, and it was gone in an instant!

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