Jiang Fan was embarrassed!

"Okay, keep your voice down from now on, where's your car?"

"Yes! Brother come with me!"

Soon, Xiushu Nantian led a few people to the front of a seven-seater business, and then opened the door with excitement!

"Brother! Please get in the car!"

"haha okay……"

A few people boarded the car, and Xiushu Nantian stepped on the accelerator and went straight to Gecheng with great enthusiasm!

It is only a few tens of kilometers from Osaka Airport to Katsuragi. Along the way, Hideki Nantian seems to be a silly talker, constantly introducing all kinds of things about Katsuragi to everyone!

Sadako couldn't stand it anymore!

Looking directly at Jiang Fan, he asked in Chinese:

"Brother Jiang Fan, can I kill him?"

"Cough cough, it won't be impossible!"

Jiang Fan stopped Sadako and finally looked at Hideki Nantian!

"Xiushu, what do you do?"

"Back to big brother, I'm a mixed club! Half of the clubs in Nara are basically mine!"

"Huh? It's a good mess!"

Jiang Fan was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this kid to be quite capable!

"Hehe... thanks to Sister Hasegawa..."

Xiushu Nantian blushed!

As the two talked, soon the car entered Katsuragi!

Gecheng is not that big, with a total area of ​​only over 30 square kilometers and a population of less than 40,000. To put it bluntly, it is a town!

Walking on the road, the entrance is full of individual Japanese-style buildings, and almost all the places where you look up are surrounded by mountains!

There are not many people on the street, and there are few cars, but when you come to the vicinity of Yiyanzhu Shrine, there are surprisingly many people!

In a word, the shrine of the main **** is on the mountain, and at this moment, the path leading to the mountain is full of people coming and going!

Xiushu Nantian parked the car and immediately explained:

"Brother, this Yiyan Lord God is Dongying's famous Yanling God. It is said to be very effective. When you come to Gecheng, you will probably come to worship Yiyan Lord God!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Park the car, you can wait here!"


Xiushu Nantian hurriedly agreed!

And Jiang Fan has already taken three of his subordinates and walked directly on the path up the mountain!

The path leading to the mountain is not big, and there are lush trees on both sides!

On the right side of the entrance, there is a stone stele full of years of age, on which is written in Chinese, "Katsushiro Ichienzhu Shrine" in Chinese!

Whether it is Dongying or Goryeo, in ancient times, there was no written language of its own, and all Chinese characters passed down from Huaxia were used!

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Kibi Zhenbei invented the word katakana. The so-called fake means borrowing!

Based on the radicals of Chinese characters, Japanese gradually developed!

However, a few people had just set foot on the path, and there was a flash of light on the stele!

At the same time, the mountain faintly exudes an extremely powerful aura!

Curtis's pupils shrank!

Jiang Fan's mouth turned up!

"Sure enough, you have come to the right place!"

He kept walking under his feet and strode up!


At the end of the mountain road, a clearing has already come into view, and behind the clearing, there is an extremely lush mountain forest!

Under the forest, it is the Yiyanzhu Shrine!

The scope of this shrine is not small, but they are all low-rise cottage buildings!

As soon as he saw this picture, Jiang Fan laughed!

It seems that this Yiyanzhu has not been too happy!

At this moment, many tourists have gathered in this open space, and many vendors are selling snacks and drinks, which is very lively!

Jiang Fan passed through the crowd and soon came to the entrance of the shrine!

But here, he was stopped by a Shinto priest wearing a sacred robe.

"Sir, if you want to enter the shrine to worship, please clean your hands first!"

In Dongying, before entering the shrine to worship in ancient times, it was necessary to bathe and change clothes, and sometimes even fast!

However, in modern times, everything has been simplified, just use a bamboo spoon to scoop water to wash your hands and gargle.

But Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"Worship? He is not qualified!"

"You! What did you say?!"

The clergy's eyes suddenly widened!

But then, he was directly angry!


This is Chi Guoguo's blasphemy!

"Asshole!! You just--"

Before this person had finished speaking, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly fierce!

For a moment!

This clergyman only feels his heart is broken!

will die!

I will die!

Will die soon!

In the intense fear, he was about to kneel down!

But at this moment!

"Profanity, you are sinful!"

A voice full of anger suddenly rang in Jiang Fan's ears!



A breeze suddenly blew from the oldest building in the shrine!

This breeze seems soft, but it is full of invisible power!

One rolled directly towards Jiang Fan, while the other went straight to the priest, trying to lift him up!

However, Jiang Fan sneered!

Playing with the wind in front of him is simply humiliating!

Jiang Fan raised his right hand and snapped his fingers directly!


A crisp sound!

next moment!


The clergyman knelt directly at the foot of Jiang Fan!

And the breeze has completely disappeared without a trace!

The crowd around was dumbfounded!

"Fuck! What's the situation!"

"The palace palm (similar to a priest) actually kneeled!"

"Aren't they just kneeling gods?"

"Who is this person?"

There was a commotion in the clearing!

And that voice couldn't help but whispered, and the voice was full of shock!

But then!


The voice suddenly whispered!

For a moment!

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

All the tourists actually fell to the ground and fell asleep at the same time!

And with the sound of the word "sleep", in addition to Jiang Fan, the three of Curtis were also confused for a while!

Jiang Fan frowned and snorted directly!

Together with his voice, the three Curtiss trembled and suddenly woke up!


That voice was shocked again!

The other party just let out a cold snort, and actually eliminated his own spiritual skills!

Why would such a strong man come to Yiyanzhu Shrine?

And at this moment!

"Curtis, space constraint array!"

Jiang Fan shouted directly!

Curtis immediately took out a bone staff and waved it abruptly!


With Curtis as the center, within a range of about 20 square meters, the light and shadow suddenly trembled!

Surprisingly, the space constraint array has been completed!

Jiang Fan strode into the shrine and ran directly to the oldest building!


The voice suddenly shouted angrily!

And with the sound of this sound, the air around Jiang Fan suddenly became viscous in an instant!

If it's a general fifteenth level, it's definitely hard to move at an inch now!

But this kind of restraint can't resist Jiang Fan's weird power at all!

Accompanied by the sound of a "wave" in the air!

Jiang Fan actually smashed the invisible bondage, and then, facing the door of the room, he kicked it up!


The door is wide open!

And the scene inside suddenly came into view!

I saw that the area was huge, and it was in the innermost area, enshrining a tall stone statue!

The stone looked like a thin man, dressed in an ancient Dongying nobleman's costume, with a high hat on his head.

There is a string of Gouyu hanging around his neck, a white banner in his left hand, and a Zhulian rope in his right hand.

This stone statue is exactly the God of Yiyan!

And just below the idol, there is an old man sitting on his knees at this moment!

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