"System! Silver suit, what do you mean?"

"Silver suit, a single attribute is equivalent to the best bronze level, but after combination, the additional attributes can reach the gold level! The rarity of the suit is far beyond the equipment of the same level!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"Choose A, C, E!"


The white light is coming down!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's muscles all began to "creak"!

Although there is no visible change on the outside, the density of muscles has increased exponentially!

The explosive power made Jiang Fan let out a refreshing roar!

"Ding! The first-generation predator suit consists of five parts: mask, armor, shoulder ion cannon, wrist knife, and stealth device! The suit is being drawn!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the mask of the original predator!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan suddenly had a weird mask in his hands!

The first generation predator mask (one of the silver suits): made of alien metal, indestructible! The most important equipment of the predator!

Remarks: This equipment comes with infrared detection, automatic translation, combat effectiveness detection, automatic oxygen supply, and anti-virus!

Additional ability: change the appearance and form according to the host's wishes!

Set attributes:? ? ?

It really deserves to be a suit! Although there is no combat ability, this additional attribute is a properly guarded level!

Jiang Fan pressed the mask on his face, and suddenly, the hideous mask began to gradually change!

After half a minute, the mask turned into a mask that covered most of the face!

Pretty! You can just wear it when you deliver it to you in the future!

Finally, it is the system disciplinary exemption card!

System disciplinary exemption card: This product has a 1% chance of appearing in the transfer bonus! If the host fails to complete the mission, use this item to avoid punishment!

Is the probability of this thing appearing so low?

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

The reason why he chose this thing was completely out of the horror of this mission! Be prepared!

"Ding! The system prompts! The next job transfer task will appear at level ten!"

Jiang Fan's heart sank!

After that, I was a little excited again!

This kind of pleasure of wandering around the edge of life and death, desperately burning life, actually made him a little fascinated!

Open the character panel, new attributes appear immediately!

Name: Jiang Fan (normal status)

Level: Level 5

Occupation: Junior Wanjie takeaway

Equipment: folding stool (black iron level weapon), celestial robe (black iron level armor), first generation predator mask (one of the silver suits)

Combat skills: Wing Chun fist, the power of the bull, the Nine Suns, and circular ballistics!

Nima, it's finally not a waste!

However, when looking at the props, Jiang Fan suddenly gave a wry smile!

At the same time, it is faintly understood that the accumulation before the transfer, I am afraid, to a large extent, is to deal with the transfer task!

"Ding! Because of the host's perfect performance, the system will reward you with a teleportation card!"

Teleport Card: Killing and running away, No. 1 in the world!

Remarks: After use, you can reach any place according to the host's wishes!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

This thing is clearly given to you by the system based on your current situation!

In the real world, I am being sniped by a killer. With this thing, I can run to the killer directly!

Realize instant anti-kill!

However, Jiang Fan will not waste this kind of props against the sky, that killer!

"Return to reality!"


In the next moment, Jiang Fan has reappeared in the square of Chengyu Building!

"Huh? Are you dazzled?"

The sniper was startled, then, aimed at Jiang Fan's head, suddenly pulled the trigger!

However, in the next moment, as if by magic, a strange mask that was half a man appeared on Jiang Fan's hand!


Barrett's powerful kinetic energy directly blasted Jiang Fan out!

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, only a tiny dent appeared on the mask!

And Jiang Fan behind, even more unscathed!

Jiang Fan stood up and smiled grimly!

Then, as fast as lightning, went straight to the building!

The sniper's eyes widened in horror!

This is impossible!

What is the material of the ghost mask? How could it be possible to hold Barrett's attack!

Even more terrifying, is that person a monster?

If it is an ordinary person, even if it can block Barrett's bullet, he will definitely be shaken to death by that terrifying kinetic energy!

At the moment when the sniper was shocked, Jiang Fan had already smashed the gate of Chengyu Building and rushed in!


The sniper was shocked, picked up a canvas bag next to him, turned around and ran downstairs!

"Hey! Who are you!"

Inside the building, a few security guards saw Jiang Fan hit the gate, and suddenly rushed over with a baton!

Jiang Fan said nothing, aimed at the six public elevators, and suddenly raised his fist!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Six loud noises in a row!

The six elevators have been completely detonated by Jiang Fan!

Several security guards are stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

"Me, my mother!"

"Well, is this a **** human?"

"Terminator! It must be the Terminator!"

"It's terrible! Hurry up, call for support!"

"Support a fart! You are looking for death! Don't hurry up and get down!"

Several security guards threw the electric baton directly and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands!

Jiang Fan gave them a cold look!

"There is a killer in the building, you guard the gate, and when you meet a stranger, shout out!"


The security guards looked at Jiang Fan cautiously, looking confused!

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Fan seems to be more like a killer!

"Did you hear me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several security guards were taken aback and hurriedly guarded the gate!

Jiang Fanze, go straight to the fire escape!

At this moment, the killer has arrived at the elevator on the top floor, but no matter which elevator he presses, there is no response!

The killer gritted his teeth and went straight to the fire escape!

However, just after opening the door of the fire exit, downstairs, there was a "pap pap" stepping sound!

Obviously, someone is climbing at high speed!

The killer gritted his teeth and simply took out a pistol and aimed at the door firmly!


The sound of footsteps arrived at the door soon!

But at this moment, the sound, a sudden stop!

Killer, sweaty!

The hand holding the gun, even trembling!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes!

The assassin's arm raised his gun, shaking more and more severely, and finally, it shook downward!

at this time!


A loud noise!

The door suddenly flew upside down and slammed into the killer!

The killer had to flash to the side!

However, at this moment, a figure disappeared in a flash!

The killer was still in the air, and a big hand had already pinched his neck fiercely!

"Say! Who is the employer!"

The killer's hairs are all up!

Jiang Fan's murderous aura is as real as it is!

"I, I don't know!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!


He broke one of the killer's arms directly!


"I, I really don't know! I took this task from the website!"

"In that case, you are useless!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"and so on!"

In the eyes of the killer, it was all fear!

"Don't, don't kill me! Your bounty is worth five million! This task, because of the relationship that I took, so no one else can take it!"

"But if I die, other assassins will definitely continue to accept the task of assassinating you because of the high reward!"

"Leave me alone, please!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"This chip is not enough!"

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