Everyone was stunned!

Looked at this monster in horror!


This is the devil!


Swallowing the ball in one head, Gricia burped while pulling Boston!

"Um... not bad, these ten people are left for you, now, go to work immediately! I'm tired, I need to sleep for a while!"

Angelina didn't understand the meaning of the previous sentence of Grasia Rabos until this time!

If you just said that you are enough by yourself, I am afraid that everyone here will have to be eaten by this demon!

However, the garbage is dead!

How can it be important to be alive!

"It's as great as you, it's so kind! However, the Duke of Angus is coming soon, sir, look..."

Angelina looked flattering!

But Grasia Rabos yawned lazily:

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while! As for what Angus, let him wait!"


"Bastard! Didn't you hear what I said! Don't get out yet!!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Angelina didn't dare to speak any more, and hurriedly led her subordinates and ran away!

Soon, a few people followed the elevator to an underground wine cellar!

Walking outside the wine cellar, suddenly, a huge castle came into view!

On the ground here, there is actually a huge manor located halfway up the mountain!

"My lord, we, what shall we do next?"

A subordinate looked at Angelina with a pale face!

The terrorist tactics of Grissia Labos just now kept them from getting rid of their fears.

"What can I do! Of course it is to find the sacrifice!"

Angelina has a hideous face!

"Those **** waste! Can't get the sacrifices, actually cloned a fake to fool me!"

"It's dead! That bunch of trash, it's dead!"

Angelina gritted her teeth:

"You two, go to Siam and bring back the **** who dared to deceive me! I want him to..."

Angelina did not finish her words, but one of her subordinates cautiously spoke:

"My lord, you forgot, just not long after they sent out this clone, the people of the sword of thorns took it away..."


Angelina roared suddenly!

A group of subordinates suddenly fell silent!

After a long time!

"Huh! It's cheaper for them! They died so happy!"

Angelina's eyes flickered:

"They came with the sacrifice. There should be information about the sacrifice, right?"

"Yes, my lord! The other party is the son of a small businessman, currently in Huaxia Luocheng!"

"Los Angeles?"

Angelina was startled!

But she immediately smiled coldly:

"Hehe, that little guy, it seems to be there too!"


"Cool!! It's so cool!!"

The moment he swallowed that wisp of soul, Curtis's eyes suddenly became blood red!

Even strands of black mist wafted out!

In his nostrils, two jets of black smoke with a strong sulphur smell were even more emitted!

At the same time, his hands have been constantly writing and drawing in the air!

It lasted for ten minutes!


Curtis groaned very comfortably!

"Master! This soul is so wonderful!"

"It has increased the strength of my soul by more than 20%!"

"And there is a lot of knowledge in it!"

"I have a better understanding of summoning and magic!"

"The spellcasting in the future will definitely be more handy!"

"Master! Let's find a chance to kill this Grasia Rabos!"

"When the time comes, the flesh and blood will be given to you, and the spirit will be given to me. It's beautiful!"

Curtis was full of excitement!

"We don't know where this guy is hiding! But if we can find him...hehehe!"

Jiang Fan's face is greedy!

Needless to say, this product is definitely more valuable than Disco Tripoca!

Seventy-two pillar demon god, the twenty-fifth "king of murderers"!

How could it be cheap!

And this product is not only valuable in blood, there must be demon crystals in the body!

This thing is a pure energy body, which can be absorbed by your own men!

The point is, bones and the like, reselling a cultivator, is another large sum of money!

This thing is full of treasures!

Thinking of the excitement, the two couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all laughed wretchedly!

A group of medical practitioners, including Ding Xuan, were all dumbfounded!

What do the two of them look at now, how do they look exactly the same as when they picked Zhong Xiaomei when they went to do big health care!


Seeing that everyone around him looked at him strangely, Jiang Fan finally coughed and looked at Ding Xuan:

"Brother Ding, how is the Ding family recently?"

At the mention of Ding's family, Ding Xuan's face suddenly became serious!

"Fortunately, the Ding family sent a few people before, but if you have masters under your hand, they have all been sent!"

"According to what you said, I directly analyzed the pros and cons for them, and then let them go!"

"Yesterday the eyeliner at home sent me back news that it was from the family, and now there are more and more dissatisfaction with those old guys!"

"Yeah! Yes, the higher the voice of dissatisfaction, the more anxious those old guys will want to take you down, but this is a vicious circle! Sooner or later it will bring them down!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Thanks to Brother Jiang's advice, many people are already on my side. Over time, I am afraid that even if these old guys want to find someone to take action on me, they will not find it!"

Ding Xuan smiled and looked at Jiang Fan, but his eyes were full of gratitude.

Jiang Fan was about to say something polite, but at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

Jiang Fan answered the phone and smiled directly:

"Mr. Zhou!"

On the opposite side, Zhou Yantang's voice suddenly sounded:

"Jiang Fan, you really are still alive!"

"Hehe, thanks to Mr. Zhou's warning in advance!"

"Hmph! No need to thank me! But Zhou Yuanwang didn't send anyone this time, and my elder brother is about to negotiate with you, how do you plan to save my father?"

"Don't worry, it depends on the outcome of the negotiation! The talk collapsed, Zhou Yuanwang must have some small actions, and then follow the original plan! If the negotiation is completed, Zhou Yuanwang will definitely let your father take the blame, and of course he won't be anxious. Deal with your father and you will have more opportunities!"

"Humph! I hope you are right!"

Zhou Yantang directly hung up the phone!

Then, he suddenly looked at a man next to him!

"Big Brother, Jiang Fan is not dead!"

This man is indeed Zhou Yandao!

"Hehe, it's fine if you don't die, it's fine if you don't die."

Zhou Yandao is still full of promises.

However, in his heart, he smiled coldly!

The four sixteenth levels are all folded!

It seems that Zhou Yuanwang was right, Jiang Fan's strength today is really terrifying!

Seeing Zhou Yandao's expression, Zhou Yantang suddenly sighed:

"Big Brother, this time Zhou Yuanwang asked you to go to Los Angeles. He made it clear that it was unkind. In case the negotiation fails, Jiang Fan will attack you..."

"No, I'm just a cripple, Jiang Fan won't treat me like that."

Zhou Yandao smiled and looked at his watch at the same time:

"It's almost time, I should go."

"Brother, be careful!"

"Don't worry, oh, yes, I'm going out this time, I plan to stop by Yucheng..."

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