And just as Goethe had just finished speaking, there was already a commotion in the distance!

It turned out to be an officer with a cold face, who was coming with a group of soldiers!

"Asshole! What are you doing!"

As soon as he saw this scene where the military and civilians were married, the officer was immediately angry!

Just now he vaguely heard the gunshots here, and thought it was the enemy coming!

Unexpectedly, when I look at it now, this is actually the scene!

"A bunch of bastards! Lock me up these **** untouchables right away!"

"Also! What the **** are you doing! Actually give them something to eat!"

"Are you crazy? Forget about what a noble bloodline you have..."

What the officer said was sputtering!

However, before he could finish speaking, Jiang Fan's eyes were already cold!

"Holy Light!"


A huge beam of light suddenly fell from the sky!

In an instant, the officer, together with a few soldiers around him, burned to fly ashes!

Everyone was stunned!

Just now they were bathed in the holy light, just feeling happy!

But I didn't expect that when the gods were angry, this gentle holy light could actually be turned into a weapon of destruction!

God, sure enough, awesome!

Everyone’s worship of Jiang Fan is even higher!

And Jiang Fan had already said coldly:

"Goethe, it's time to take them away!"


Goethe promised loudly, and beckoned immediately!

A soldier came to support him immediately, while the others had already helped a group of refugees leave quickly!

Seeing that everyone was retreating in an orderly manner, Jiang Fan suddenly moved his body and rose directly into the air, heading straight for the small building!

Everyone suddenly exclaimed again!

And at this moment, in the small building!

A man with glasses and a beard on his upper lip was sitting in a chair, frowning and speaking:

"What's going on outside?"

This person is Sebastian Shaw!

"It seems that there is some commotion among those untouchables."

A soldier next to him spoke.

"Go and see!"


As the soldier left, Sebastian had already smiled and looked across from him!

Just in front of his desk, a thin and thin boy with messy hair was looking at him in horror!

And behind the boy, there is a very haggard woman!

These two people are Eric and his mother!

But at this moment, the two soldiers were grabbing Eric's mother by the arm!

"Eric, what I ask you to do is simple, move this coin on the table! Simple, right?"

Sebastian is all smiles!

At the same time, he even took out a pistol directly from the drawer, and then pointed it at Eric's mother!

"Of course, within three numbers, if you can't do it, I will shoot!"

"I, I can't do it! I can't do it!"

Eric trembled all over!

But Sebastian had already smiled and said:



Eric yelled and stretched out his hands toward the coin desperately!

However, the coin didn't move at all!


Sebastian continues to speak!

Eric is full of cold sweat!

However, that coin, as if it had taken root on the table, remained motionless!

At this moment, he doesn't even use his abilities!

Seeing no effect, Sebastian's face finally turned gloomy, and coldly spit out the last number!


Accompanied by this digital exit, he pulled the trigger even more cold-blooded.


A gunshot!

"No!! Mother!!"

Eric let out a desperate cry!


Why did this **** ability fail!

Just because of my incompetence!

Actually killed my mother!

Damn it!

Damn it! !

Seeing that the bullet was about to hit Eric's mother's head!

But the next moment!


In front of everyone's eyes, in front of the bullet, a tiny whirlwind suddenly appeared out of thin air!

The whirlwind was only the size of a thumb, but it entangled the bullet tightly, making it firmly in the air!

As soon as he saw this sight, Sebastian's entire face changed!

The eyes are full of incredible!

At the same time, a faint horror of death was imminent in his heart!

"who is it!"

He suddenly shouted in a low voice!


Accompanied by a low and magnetic sound, the door of the office suddenly shattered like dust!

And Jiang Fan, with a cold and excited smile, strode in!



Killing this stuff, everyone is happy!

However, as soon as he saw Jiang Fan's abnormal expression, Sebastian shivered directly!

Almost without thinking, he suddenly kicked the table in front of him!


A loud noise!

The table seemed to be loaded with a bomb, and it exploded into countless sawdust in an instant!

And those sawdust are like bullets, overwhelmingly facing Jiang Fan and the others, directly bursting away!

That's it!

Eric's eyes widened in despair!

However, Jiang Fan just disdainfully smiled, and suddenly raised his hand and pushed!


A storm is rising on the ground!

All the sawdust was rolled up!


Sebastian's pupils shrank!

And Jiang Fan has snapped his fingers with a "pop"!

In the next moment, the storm had suddenly hit Sebastian's body!


The whole wall, including Sebastian, was completely blown out!

Everyone was stunned!

too strong!

Who the **** is this guy?

"You, who are you!"

The two soldiers who were holding Eric's mother all pointed their guns at Jiang Fan with horror!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't even look at them, just waved his backhand!


The two soldiers were like two flies, and they were directly shaken out by Jiang Fan's innocence!

Only then did Jiang Fan smile!

"Eric, hello!"

"You, who are you?"

Eric asked cautiously.

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to you!"



Jiang Fan nodded and took out the hot and sour noodles directly!

Suddenly, an extremely spicy smell filled the whole house directly!

"Okay, it smells good!"

Eric was trembling and involuntarily accepted the takeaway!

It's just that he looked at his mother directly with the forbearance of greedy!

"Mom, you, you eat first! You have not eaten for several days!"

"Good boy, mother is not hungry, eat it!"

Eric's mother swallowed and spit, but said with a smile.

Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

Such a sight made him involuntarily also sounded his mother!

"Eric, eat it yourself! I have something better for your mother!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly took out two Roujiamo from his backpack!

He had prepared this thing for himself, but now he passed it directly to Eric's mother!

"Thanks, thank you!"

Both Eric mother and son spoke to Jiang Fan gratefully!

After that, the two of them didn't hesitate anymore and immediately started eating!

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