Zhou Yuanwang was sitting in front of the tea table at this moment, slowly sipping a cup of fragrant tea.

Opposite him, it was Zhou Yuande's son, Zhou Ning and Zhou Jing's father, Zhou Yandao!

Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang are almost incompatible with each other. If they hadn't had a common enemy like Jiang Fan, they wouldn't even say much!

Zhou Yuande is now a prisoner, but Zhou Yandao and Zhou Yuanwang are sitting together. This scene is really weird!

"Patriarch, don't we fight with the Song family?"

Zhou Yandao respectfully offered Zhou Yuanwang some tea, only then he said with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hehe, let them do it right! Two 16th levels want to kill Jiang Fan, it's a foolish dream!"

Zhou Yuanwang smiled coldly!

"Patriarch, you, do you mean that this can't handle Jiang Fan?"

Zhou Yandao looked shocked!

However, I don't know why, there is always a deliberate taste in his expression.

"Of course! I might as well tell you that Zhou Yuanhe contacted me this afternoon! He was in Jiang Fan's hands and suffered a loss!"


Zhou Yandao suddenly exclaimed!

Zhou Yuanhe is a strong seventeenth level!

And the meaning of suffering is obviously injured!

He was able to hurt to level 17. How could Jiang Fan be so strong?

It makes no sense!

You know, when he was in the capital last time, he showed the strongest combat power, but it was only level twelve!

And now, it's only more than two months since then!

Even if Jiang Fan is a genius, it is absolutely impossible to improve so fast!

Could it be that, what kind of rebirth immortal emperor is he?

"So you understand, Zhou Yuanhe has suffered, and how can the Song family and George family idiots take advantage of it!"

Zhou Yuanwang smiled triumphantly:

"The Song family wants to take advantage of our Zhou family. How easy is it! It is better to take this opportunity to completely pull the Song family into the water!"

"As long as Jiang Fan kills their master-level master, then the Song Family and Jiang Fan will even have a deadly feud!"

"At that time, my Zhou family doesn't have to pay the slightest benefit, and his Song family will try to contact us and kill Jiang Fan together!"

"Patriarch is really good at calculating!"

Zhou Yandao looked admired!


"Hehe, he said, I am different from Zhou Yuande's old thing, you don't need to be too restrictive and say these kind words."

Zhou Yuanwang said with a smile.

Zhou Yandao's face suddenly stagnated.

"Yeah, you are the genius of our Zhou family. If it weren't for Zhou Yuande's calculation of you back then, with your qualifications, now even if you reach the seventeenth level, or even the eighteenth level, it is nothing unusual!"

"The point is, you are still smart enough, so even if your martial arts is abolished, the old guy Zhou Yuande still guards you everywhere!"

"But don't worry, I'm not Zhou Yuande, and that old thing definitely doesn't have the capital to stand up again!"

"So, since you want to take refuge in me and continue to do things for the family, then don't hide yourself!"

Zhou Yandao's complexion has changed!

After a long time, he finally nodded:

"I understand."

At this moment, Zhou Yandao's whole person is different!

Before, he was stubborn, but now he has a general tolerance!

"Patriarch, it's okay to calculate the Song family, but we have lost a lot of materials. If we don't grab it, we are afraid that something will happen!"

"Well, I think so too. Although I told Song Mingzhuo that I was going to grab the goods just now, it was actually just an excuse. It is definitely not that easy to grab this batch of goods back!"

Zhou Yuanwang sighed and asked suddenly:

"Yandao, do you have any ideas?"

Zhou Yandao pondered for a moment, and then he spoke:


"what idea?"

"Negotiate with Jiang Fan!"


Zhou Yuanwang was immediately stunned!


"But when Jiang Fan contacted me last time, he already said that if he wants him to return the goods to us, he can only fight the Song family!"

"Hehe, Patriarch, Jiang Fan is not a fool. He must also know that we will never agree to it. He is asking for a wild price, waiting for us to pay back!"

"Are you sure? To tell the truth, after several fights, I can't tell which sentence Jiang Fan is true now and which sentence is false!"

Zhou Yuanwang gave a wry smile.

The pressure Jiang Fan brought to him and Zhou Yuande was too great!

The point is that Jiang Fan is a witty man, and he never takes ordinary routines, so he can't figure out the methods at all!

However, Zhou Yandao smiled slightly!

His face is full of confidence!

"I'm sure, Patriarch, people have weaknesses, and Jiang Fan's weakness is that he is too proud!"


"Yes! Jiang Fan is not only proud, it can even be said to be arrogant!"

"...Hehe, if he is really proud, he won't go to deliver food! Even I heard that he was forced to go to nowhere, and actually went to the trash can to eat, this kind of person, proud? Hehe... …"

Zhou Yuanwang smiled disdainfully!

However, Zhou Yandao had a solemn expression and slowly spoke:

"Some people are arrogant but not arrogant, and only do some superficial work. This is not called pride, at best, it's just arrogance!"

"But Jiang Fan is different. The pride of this man is all hidden in his bones!"

"It's like Han Xin, who can be humiliated by the crotch, but leave because of Liu Bang's refusal to use anger. This is how Xiao Heyue chased Han Xin!"

"Just like Cao Cao, he is willing to cut off his beard and robe to beg for a way out! But in troubled times, he never goes with the likes of He Jin, Dong Zhuo!"

"People like Jiang Fan and the others, although they are not arrogant, they are proud! They are all destined heroes!"

"Patriarch, Jiang Fan is such a proud person, he will definitely not choose to bring down our Zhou family! What he wants is to be upright, using thunder to completely destroy our Zhou family!"

Zhou Yuanwang trembled all over!

The forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat in an instant!

Zhou Yandao's remarks were almost like a divine initiation, which completely made him understand!


After breathing hard for a few times, Zhou Yuanwang finally looked at Zhou Yan earnestly and said:

"Say, go on!"


Zhou Yandao spoke slowly:

"In fact, watching Jiang Fan's past record, there is almost no defeat!"

"It can be said that he does have an incomparable, proud capital!"

"But pride, in turn, also has another explanation, and that is-arrogance!"

"Jiang Fan overestimates himself and underestimates others too!"

"And this is our opportunity!"

Zhou Yandao's eyes suddenly became extremely cold:

"Since Jiang Fan wants to sweep our Zhou family with the momentum of thunder, then we will give him this opportunity!"

"We can't continue to give Jiang Fan heads forever!"

"Such consequences have now been revealed, that is, it can only uselessly consume our strength!"

"What we have to do now is to wait for Jiang Fan to come!"


Zhou Yuanwang was stunned!

"Waiting for Jiang Fan to come?"

"Not bad!"

Zhou Yandao nodded:

"We are waiting for him!"

Zhou Yuanwang was startled, his expression suddenly changed:

"Yandao, you mean, let's do the game and wait for him to enter the urn?"

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