God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1517: There is a cheap, not a bastard

Jiang Fan had previously counted that the guard had a high probability of being a headless knight, but he didn't expect that it would be the one he had killed before!

The key is that when this stuff was killed last time, even the opponent's core of life was exploded!

Normally this guy is absolutely unreasonable to resurrect!

But now, the other party is not only alive, but also clearly remembered that he killed himself!

What's the situation?

And seeing Jiang Fan run away, the headless horseman is even more angry!

"Human! You can't run!"

He suddenly roared and threw the giant sword in his hand directly!


The giant sword is almost like a missile!

With an extremely terrifying roar, he pierced through the waves of air and went straight to Jiang Fan!

With such great prestige, he simply smashed Slade's giant mechanical knife ten times more!

However, Jiang Fan just grabbed his backhand and buckled the giant sword with a "pop"!

Then he smiled, carrying the giant sword of the headless knight, and ran away!

The headless knight froze for a long time!

Then suddenly reacted!

His own sword was actually taken by this bastard!

"Are you special—"

The headless knight was so angry that he roared suddenly!

"Damn! You stop me!"

How could Jiang Fan listen to him? The wind powers plus the infuriating energy and the physical body, the triple strength bursts out, and the one who runs is called a fast!

The headless knight's tired neck was about to spurt blood, and he couldn't keep up with Jiang Fan!

"Asshole! Asshole!! Asshole!!!"

The headless horseman is almost crazy!

But Jiang Fan ran halfway and threw the giant sword directly into the ravine, planning to activate another map again!

However, the system prompts at this time that this map has not been cleared and the next one cannot be activated!

Jiang Fan simply took Justin and the others to clear the monsters near the temple!

Soon, with the end of the trial time, several people have been teleported back to the temple again!

At the same time, five rays of white light fell directly on Justin!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The breath of several people suddenly rose up as if sitting on a rocket!

Almost in an instant, he reached the peak of level fourteen!

But Christine, who had already reached level twelve, jumped two levels in a row and reached the half-step grandmaster!

Everyone looked shocked!

I looked at my hands incredulously!

In just a few hours, I actually got such a tyrannical power!

too exaggerated!

"grown ups……"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Even the whole body trembles with excitement!

Especially Justin and Big Shuang Xiao Shuang!

They never thought they could reach this level in their entire lives!

Even before they met Jiang Fan, they had never seen an existence beyond the eleventh level in their entire life!

But now, their power has completely surpassed the existence that they could only look up to!

This kind of mood is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people!

"Calm down, this is just the beginning, it will get stronger and stronger in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

It's just that he immediately looked down!

"But don't be happy too early. Now you only have the power of the strong, but you don't have the mentality of the strong!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that now you, even if you fight life and death with opponents one level lower than you, the victory or defeat is unknown!"

"So next, I won't continue to improve your strength!"

"In the past few days, you guys will get acquainted with your own strength, next time I will let you come here alone!"

"If you can kill opponents of the same level, then it is worth my continued training!"

"If you don't do it, then do it for a lifetime!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the faces of several people changed!

And Jiang Fan waved his hand, and the next moment, while the white light flashed, several people had already returned to the villa!

Justin looked at each other, then bowed respectfully to Jiang Fan, and went straight out of the villa!

Needless to say, I must be familiar with power!

It was just seven o’clock in the evening, but Jiang Fan was busy all day. He went to save Curtis, ran several system orders, and then went to the trial site. It was really sleepy, and he was ready to eat something to sleep. .

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Fan picked it up:

"Jiang Fan, who?"

"My lord! It's me!"

A gentle and sultry voice sounded directly.

It's Kirara Hasegawa!

"My lord, the person you told me to find before has news!"


Jiang Fan looked happy!

He asked Kirra Hasegawa to find Professor Zhong before, but he didn't expect to find it so soon!

And hearing the question in Jiang Fan’s tone, Kirara Hasegawa immediately spoke:

"Because I found the Susa Sacrifice this time, Hattori Masharu gave all the information work near Kyoto, Tokyo, to me and Kameda!"

"According to your wish, your lord, we will immediately start looking for Professor Zhong."

"Fortunately, I did not humiliate my life. Ten minutes ago, a subordinate reported that he had found traces of this person.

"I personally went to confirm it again and made sure that the information was correct!"


"Haha...good! Well done!"

Jiang Fan laughed comfortably.

Now that Professor Zhong has been found, it is undoubtedly one step closer to conquering snake repair!

"Don't bother Professor Zhong yet, especially don't let others know that I'm looking for him."

"Don't worry, my lord, the people who are sent to investigate this time are my confidantes! But my lord, we have found Professor Zhong's itinerary. He will leave Kyoto tomorrow and go to the North Road area. Would you like to send someone to follow?"

Jiang Fan nodded after hesitating:

"Well, protect it secretly. In terms of strength... it's enough if you can beat the punks. If the strength is too high, it will easily attract the attention of others."

"Understood! And..."

"Huh? Just say something straight."

"No, nothing, I just miss adults a little..."

A hint of shyness suddenly appeared in Kirra Hasegawa's voice.

"Cough cough cough! Ha ha, ha ha, ah, hey? I heard that One Piece has been updated?"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly and hurriedly changed the subject.

Kirara Hasegawa bit her lip and finally said the last sentence:

"My lord, here is a Chinese proverb: There is no advantage...the bastard!"



Jiang Fan looked at the hung-up phone, and the corners of his mouth twitched!

Shaking his head, he simply went back to the room to sleep.

Excluding the cost of opening the two trials, he still has a total of 980,000 causal points left, which is not so urgent for snake cultivation.

And go to Professor Zhong, that is bound to leave China.

Now Zhou Yuan and the old guy are still alive, and the next wave of offensive by the Song family and the Zhou family can't be reached at any time, so let this matter go for the time being.


When he wakes up, Jiang Fan only feels refreshed!

After washing, Jiang Fan went straight to Blue Eagle after breakfast!

At this moment, Lanying's door was full of students in the morning class, and when he saw Jiang Fan, they all rushed up enthusiastically!

"Mr. Jiang, I want to transfer to your class!"

"I want to go too! Are there any conditions?"

"Ms. Jiang, I got 23rd grade in the whole grade group. I will definitely give you extra points after I go there!"

"Teacher Jiang, as long as you let me turn over, I will send you the complete works of Uehara Yai!"

"And me! As long as you let me turn over, everything is easy to discuss!"

"Me too! Me too!"

A group of students surrounded Jiang Fan tightly, and almost every green light appeared in their eyes!

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