God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1507: Jiang Fan's mouth is a deceitful ghost

Zhou Yantang was stunned!

Think about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case!

Which time didn't the Zhou family go to deal with Jiang Fan with great fanfare?

But when did Jiang Fan take the initiative to deal with the Zhou family?

However, why is it so obvious, but I always feel that there is something wrong?

"Then, then the cruel words you said back then..."

"Brother Yantang! You have come to trouble me again and again, can't I even say a word of cruelty?"

Jiang Fan cried out:

"Think carefully about all the holidays between us, Jiang Fan, is that kind of person who wants to die for revenge?"

"He Zhou Yuanwang is clearly using me to continuously weaken the strength of the rest of you!"

"If you don't believe me, take a look now, has he succeeded? Has he completely mastered the Zhou family!"

Zhou Yantang's heart trembled!

Even if Jiang Fan's other words are nonsense, but the current facts are indeed like this!

He Zhou Yuanwang has completely mastered the Zhou family!

And Zhou Yuande, who used to fight against him, is now a prisoner!

And Jiang Fan's sincere voice has continued to sound:

"Brother Yantang, cooperate with me! I will help you defeat Zhou Yuanwang, but you will never trouble me again. The grievances between the Jiang family and the Zhou family will be wiped out! How about?"

"One, write off?"

Zhou Yantang's voice is full of incredible!

Jiang Fan's words made him feel absolutely ridiculous!

Qiu is as deep as the sea, wiped out?

This, is this possible?

Jiang Fan’s words gave him something to see the mouse and the cat hooking up on their shoulders, ready to go to barbecue together-but the barbecue is still dog meat!

How is this possible? It's ridiculous!

However, Jiang Fan was full of sincerity and even sighed very generously:

"If the money is gone, you can make more money. As for the Jiang family who died so many people, your Zhou family also died a lot of people, it is even!"

"But, we ordered the state's goods..."

Zhou Yantang spoke blankly.

"Brother Yantang! I have said before that no matter what I do, I will protect myself! These goods, I kept them all to save my life! As long as your Zhou family don’t trouble me and defeat Zhou Yuanwang, I will definitely return the things to you!"

Zhou Yantang frowned, always feeling that Jiang Fan's words still had problems!

But his wisdom and eloquence are really not enough to fight Jiang Fan!

The point is that he has been taken into the thinking trap that Jiang Fan has prepared for him. He clearly knows that there is a problem with logic, but he can't find a loophole in logic!

Finally he gave a cold snort!

"No matter what you say is true or false, there is nothing wrong with Zhou Yuanwang's analysis! Now, I will tell you a piece of news!"

"you said!"

"Not long ago, Song Mingzhuo from the Song family came secretly!"

"Song Mingzhuo? Patriarch Song Hexuan's eldest son?"

"Well, it's him! He and Zhou Yuanwang have been discussing secretly for a long time. It seems that he wants to deal with you!"

"Song Family... Haha, Brother Yantang, how about a deeper cooperation as we do?"

Jiang Fan suddenly chuckled.

But Zhou Yantang just sneered!

"Don't dream! Even if we write off our grievances in the future, it's best to avoid contact!"

"Hey, don't say anything so terribly, this is my return for your information, and it's also an expression of sincerity for cooperation!"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Yantang was taken aback!


Jiang Fan spoke unhurriedly:

"Although Zhou Yuande is in trouble, there must be many people who are loyal to him like you. In the future, if Zhou Yuanwang sends someone to trouble me, you can tell me in advance who are yours, and I will let them go. A way out!"

"Will you be so kind? What are the conditions?"

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't believe in my sincerity, then I will make a condition that is not a condition!"

"Huh! I knew it! Tell me!"

Zhou Yantang smiled coldly!

Only the next moment, Jiang Fan's words directly stunned him:

"Don't tell Zhou Yuande about you and me!"


"You heard me right!"

"This is impossible!"

Zhou Yantang flatly refused!


"Brother Yantang, I'm doing this for your own good. The one who doesn't want the old fellow Zhou Yuande to die is me! After all, only if he is alive can we reach an agreement of non-aggression in the future!"

"But if you tell Zhou Yuande about our cooperation, once he learns about it, he must be prepared in his heart, and once Zhou Yuanwang asks, if he reveals a flaw, he will definitely die!"

"Of course, if you don't believe what I said, you can tell him! But if he dies, you will have nothing!"

"Anyway, remind me that I have brought it, and it's up to you to do it!"

"Also, you'd better find out what Song Mingzhuo and Zhou Yuanwang said, after all, to protect my life, but it is to protect Zhou Yuande's life!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly!


Listening to the busy tone over there, Zhou Yantang's expression suddenly changed!

But he is obviously not a smart person, and Jiang Fan's words are too reasonable!

Only if Zhou Yuande is alive, can Jiang Fan reach a reconciliation with Zhou's family!

So Jiang Fan, at least now, will definitely not harm Zhou Yuande!

Thinking of this, he finally put away the phone, then sighed, turned around and left!

It's a pity that he forgot that the foundation of all this must be based on Jiang Fan's real desire to reconcile with Zhou's family!

Will Jiang Fan reconcile with the Zhou family?

The answer is obvious!


At this moment, Jiang Zhai.

Looking at the hung up phone, Jiang Fan sneered!

Wang Yi and others had already surrounded them when Jiang Fan and Zhou Yantang answered the phone.

And when I heard that Jiang Fan had turned Zhou Yantang into a spy, all of them were stunned!

Sure enough, it was Jiang Fan's mouth, a deceitful ghost!

"Master, this, this, you instigated Zhou Yantang?"

"How is this possible!"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"It's just a little use of him!"


"Yeah! Getting news from Yu's family or others is always going to be slow. Now that Zhou Yantang has Zhou Yantang, you can know what's going on in Zhou's family!"

"But, but, will he really give you the news?"

"Isn't it already given now? As long as he wants Zhou Yuande to make a comeback, he can't do without me!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

"But master, in case he tells Zhou Yuande about this..."

"He won't. The reason I say that is to get rid of the thoughts of him and Zhou Yuande reporting, otherwise the old guy can see the loopholes in my words at a glance! But although Zhou Yantang is not smart enough, he is not too stupid. I believe Send me a few more times and he will probably have to react!"

"What will happen then?"

"What do you do? He is already on the ship, do you still want to go on? Don't forget, the business between him and me is a complete betrayal of the family! If he dares not to be obedient, hehe..."

Jiang Fan smiled very happily!

But other people only feel chilly!

Zhou Yantang is afraid that he doesn't know at this moment, Jiang Fan has already entangled him like a bone gangrene!

Unless he is dead, he can no longer get rid of Jiang Fan's control!

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