Hezhou is one of China's famous food cities!

It is also a first-tier city!

Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup can stand here, which is equivalent to expanding the business to the entire Xiping Province!

So it is conceivable that once an accident occurs in Hezhou, it will be harder to hit Uncle Zhong's chicken soup!


The invisible spacecraft stopped directly above a building on the pedestrian street.

Jiang Fan and Zhenzi jumped off the spacecraft and immediately took the elevator to the downstairs.

At this moment, Sadako, who has reached level fifteen, no longer has the slightest fear of the sun. With the long hair of the shawl and the pure casual clothes, many young people have stopped for a while, and one even whistled!

Sadako looked shy!

But Jiang Fan's mouth was twitching!


Even Sadako dared to molest!

If you take this home, turn off the lights at night...

It's really crazy, looking for death!

The two of them walked a few steps quickly and soon arrived at the Zhongshu Chicken Soup branch on the pedestrian street!

The area of ​​this branch is not small, it has hundreds of square meters. In a place like a pedestrian street with an inch of land and an inch of money, the rent for a month is ridiculously high!

However, it is not difficult to see from this point that Uncle Zhong’s chicken soup is hot and the speed of making money!

At this moment, the store door is already full of people, as well as various internet celebrities and anchors, and a few store employees are sweating profusely blocking the crowd to enter!

"Calm down everyone!"

"Yeah! Don't squeeze in!"

However, the words of a few clerks are useless!

"Hey! Why don't you let us in!"

"Call out your boss!"

"My dad is still lying in the hospital! Lose money immediately!"

"If you poison the food the guests eat, it must be because the ingredients you used are not clean!"

"Yes! Let's go in! You must be exposed today!"

"All come here! Uncle Zhong's chicken soup is not clean, poisoning people eating food!"

"This kind of conscientious shop, everyone must resolutely resist in the future!"

The crowd and a group of anchors are noisy!

It's just that although a few of them are full of anger, their eyes are full of pride!

And a man who seemed to be in charge of the store was shouting hoarse!

"I am the deputy manager of the pedestrian street branch! You can rest assured, the head office has already said that if it is really our problem, we will definitely be responsible for it!"

"We are now temporarily closed and everything is waiting for the results of the investigation! Please don't spread rumors!"

It's a pity that his voice can't reach far in this situation!

And before the words were finished, several men and women sneered and screamed!

"Fart! It's all up to now you still don't recognize it! It's your problem!"

"You must not let these people go! They must have a guilty conscience!"

"Yes! I have long heard that the reason why Uncle Zhong's chicken soup is so fragrant is because of the use of waste oil!"

"And their chickens are all quick-grown chickens, eating too much can cause cancer!"

"The point is, if there is no problem, why dare not to disclose the formula! There must be a problem!"

One of the men even pushed the deputy store manager, pointing to his nose and yelling!

"Damn! Stop talking nonsense! Get away quickly!"

"Everyone rush in with me! Otherwise, if it's too late, they will definitely destroy the evidence!"

As soon as I heard the man's words, the crowd suddenly became more crowded!

Even a female clerk was squeezed out and cried!

Jiang Fan, who was watching silently outside the crowd, narrowed his eyes, already remembering the few people who had obvious problems!

Then, he winked at Sadako suddenly!

Sadako nodded, as if two vortexes appeared in his eyes immediately!

next moment!

The men and women who had rushed to the front suddenly trembled!

Immediately afterwards, one of the men suddenly turned around and slapped the woman next to him!

The woman yelled directly after being beaten, and her long nails immediately left four blood marks on the man's face!

And the hands of the two seemed to be the beginning!

Then the other people also fought each other, they looked like crazy dogs!

The crowd who had originally followed them, when they saw these people fighting unexplainably, they all backed away!

Some people wanted to go up and fight, but they were beaten up by these people!

There was a mess outside the chicken soup shop for a while!

And Jiang Fan and Sadako have entered the store silently!

Entering the store, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the kitchen!

It hasn't been an hour since the accident, and the pot in the back kitchen is still warm.

Jiang Fan directly stretched out his finger and dipped some soup into his mouth, and then suddenly sneered!

"Sure enough, someone was poisoned!"

He looked up, but unfortunately, there are cameras elsewhere in the store, but not in the kitchen.

But that's okay!

When Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup was open, there was almost a constant flow of people!

Especially when it comes to meals, employees have almost no chance to go out!

Of course, outsiders are even less likely to come in!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be an outsider who can poison the soup!

Jiang Fan looked at several shop assistants who were still maintaining order outside the shop, and then waved to Sadako!

"Call in that deputy store manager!"


Sadako nodded, her eyes turned again!

At the next moment, the deputy store manager seemed to be possessed by a demon, and quickly stepped into the store!

As Jiang Fan snapped his fingers towards him, he suddenly woke up!

It's just that when he saw that there were two more people in the store, his expression suddenly changed!

"Who are you guys!"

"Company investigation team, now I ask you to answer!"

Jiang Fan spoke lightly:

"Who has been in the back kitchen today?"

The deputy store manager didn't want to answer, but when Jiang Fan's eyes saw him, he couldn't help but speak:

"Yes, it is Wang Li and Liu Xiao!"

"Has anyone left halfway?"

"Liu Xiao went to the door to smoke once."

"When did you go?"

"Just when I started to master."

"Does he usually smoke?"

"No, it's not too big. You can smoke a pack of cigarettes for three days."

"How long has he been here?"

"One month."

"Huh! So it's him!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

But the deputy store manager was taken aback!

"What? What is him?"

Sadako was also surprised!

"Brother Jiang Fan, how do you know it is him?"


Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Being here for a month, it's impossible not to know that noon is the busiest time!"

"It's fine if you are addicted to cigarettes, but he is obviously not!"

"And it happens that when the Master went out to smoke at this time, it must be uneasy!"

"On the other hand, it's to avoid investigation and want others to be a substitute for him!"

"It seems that someone has already given him instructions on this matter!"

The store manager was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at him:

"Go and call in that Liu Xiao!"


The deputy store manager couldn't help but promised!

Soon, a man in his twenties with blinking eyes walked in with the assistant manager.

But as soon as he saw Jiang Fan and the other two, his expression panicked!

"Are you Liu Xiao?"

Jiang Fan spoke coldly.

"I, I am, who are you?"

"You are not qualified to ask me! Why do you want to poison? Who asked you to do it!"

"How do you know—hey! Don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he changed his mouth quickly!

But now, even a fool knows he did it!

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